blob: 74525ef1ebdd819d76304173d557ae65c1a7db79 [file] [log] [blame]
* The (approved) proposal for const in Harmony wiki:
* These tests reflect v8's current implementation of const they can be ran in `node` or they
* can ran by using the test runner.
function assert (a, b) {
if (a !== b) {
console.log("fail:", a, b);
// Setting up the tests.
const immutable = "foo";
const immutable2 = 6;
const immutable3 = false;
// Perfectly valid but useless.
const immutable4;
// Objects are mutable: one can modify it's properties but can't redeclare as something other than
// this object.
const immutable5 = { foo: "bar" }; = "not bar";
// Functions can be constant
const immutable6 = function () {
return "foo";
// Arrays are mutable as well, with the same rules apply as for Object.
const immutable7 = ["foo"];
// Comma separated is ok.
const immutable8 = "testing", immutable9 = true;
// In current implementations, const doesn't have block scope.
for (var i = 0; i < 1; i += 1) {
// :(
// const immutable9 = false;
// In scope
(function () {
// Valid
const immutable4 = "foobar"; // immutable4 is in it's own scope so it can be redeclared.
const immutable5 = "w00t";
const immutable6 = true, immutable7 = ["bar"];
// Tests
assert(immutable3, false);
assert(immutable4, "foobar");
assert(immutable5, "w00t");
assert(immutable6, true);
assert(immutable7.shift(), "bar");
assert(immutable7.length, 0);
// Tests
assert(immutable, "foo");
assert(immutable2, 6);
assert(immutable3, false);
assert(immutable4, undefined);
assert(, "not bar");
assert(typeof immutable6, "function");
assert(immutable7.length, 0);
assert(immutable8, "testing");
assert(immutable9, true);