blob: a8a5e9af06aea97fcd880d94a117e282a566e052 [file] [log] [blame]
var _ref, count, starts, compact, last;
_ref = test, count = _ref.count, starts = _ref.starts, compact = _ref.compact, last = _ref.last;
var channels = [{ 'one': 'channel' }];
for ( var i = 0, channel, len = channels.length; channel = channels[i], i < len; i++ ) {
// Doing stuff
// !!
// see parser.js [exports.comma]
// comma operator breaks jshint...
// the next line should result in an error (parser or jshint)
func tion Model(data, block) {
// ...
Model.create = function(base, options) {
// If options is falsy, base wasn't provided so args need shuffling.
options || (options = base, base = Model); // <-- massive amount of JSHint complaining here!
console.log(base, options);
// ...
function gh56() {
var args = arguments );
args[0] = error( args[0] );
callback && callback.apply( commit, (args.push( commit ), args) );
function gh676() {
var c = b;
b = a,
if (b) {
a = c;
return a;
function gh771() {
// GH-793.
function next() {}
next.bind(null, new Error());
next.bind(null, typeof gh56);