blob: c7fece79abec0641d19e9127a640f1cab3a75f51 [file] [log] [blame]
"use strict";
var fs = require('fs');
var TestRun = require("../helpers/testhelper").setup.testRun;
exports["Backbone.js 0.5.3"] = function (test) {
var src = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/libs/backbone.js', 'utf8');
.addError(685, "Missing '()' invoking a constructor.")
.addError(764, "Use '===' to compare with '0'.")
.addError(859, "Use '!==' to compare with '0'.")
.test(src, { expr: true, eqnull: true, boss: true, regexdash: true });
exports.jQuery_1_7 = function (test) {
var src = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/libs/jquery-1.7.js', 'utf8');
var globals = { DOMParser: false, ActiveXObject: false, define: false };
.addError(551, "'name' is defined but never used.")
.addError(1044, "'actual' is defined but never used.")
.addError(1312, "'pCount' is defined but never used.")
.addError(1369, "'events' is defined but never used.")
.addError(1607, "'table' is defined but never used.")
.addError(1710, "'internalKey' is defined but never used.")
.addError(1813, "'internalKey' is defined but never used.")
.addError(2662, "Did you mean to return a conditional instead of an assignment?")
.addError(2751, "Did you mean to return a conditional instead of an assignment?")
.addError(2805, "Did you mean to return a conditional instead of an assignment?")
.addError(2818, "Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.")
.addError(2822, "Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.")
.addError(2850, "Did you mean to return a conditional instead of an assignment?")
.addError(2859, "'rnamespaces' is defined but never used.")
.addError(2861, "'rperiod' is defined but never used.")
.addError(2862, "'rspaces' is defined but never used.")
.addError(2863, "'rescape' is defined but never used.")
.addError(2900, "'quick' is defined but never used.")
.addError(3269, "'related' is defined but never used.")
.addError(3592, "'selector' is defined but never used.")
.addError(4465, "'curLoop' is defined but never used.")
.addError(4560, "Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.")
.addError(4694, "'cache' is defined but never used.")
.addError(4702, "Mixed spaces and tabs.")
.addError(4712, "Expected a 'break' statement before 'case'.")
.addError(4715, "Mixed spaces and tabs.")
.addError(4843, "Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.")
.addError(5635, "'elem' is defined but never used.")
.addError(5675, "'i' is defined but never used.")
.addError(5691, "'i' is defined but never used.")
.addError(7141, "'i' is defined but never used.")
.addError(6061, "'cur' is defined but never used.")
.addError(8595, "Did you mean to return a conditional instead of an assignment?")
.addError(9209, "Mixed spaces and tabs.")
.test(src, { undef: true, unused: true }, globals);
exports.prototype_1_7 = function (test) {
var src = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/libs/prototype-17.js', 'utf8');
.addError(22, "Missing semicolon.")
.addError(94, "Unnecessary semicolon.")
.addError(110, "Missing '()' invoking a constructor.")
.addError(253, "'i' is already defined.")
.addError(253, "'length' is already defined.")
.addError(260, "'i' is already defined.")
.addError(260, "'length' is already defined.")
.addError(261, "'key' is already defined.")
.addError(261, "'str' is already defined.")
.addError(319, "'isArray' is a function.")
.addError(392, "Missing semicolon.")
.addError(400, "Missing semicolon.")
.addError(409, "Missing semicolon.")
.addError(430, "Missing semicolon.")
.addError(451, "Missing semicolon.")
.addError(633, "Use '!==' to compare with 'undefined'.")
.addError(737, "Use '===' to compare with ''.")
.addError(741, "Wrap the /regexp/ literal in parens to disambiguate the slash operator.")
.addError(807, "Use '===' to compare with ''.")
.addError(1137, "Use '===' to compare with '0'.")
.addError(1215, "Missing semicolon.")
.addError(1224, "Unnecessary semicolon.")
.addError(1916, "Missing semicolon.")
.addError(2034, "Missing semicolon.")
.addError(2662, "Missing semicolon.")
.addError(2735, "Missing semicolon.")
.addError(2924, "Missing semicolon.")
.addError(2987, "'tagName' used out of scope.")
.addError(2989, "'tagName' used out of scope.")
.addError(2989, "'tagName' used out of scope.")
.addError(2990, "'tagName' used out of scope.")
.addError(3844, "'positionedOffset' is a function.")
.addError(3860, "'cumulativeOffset' is a function.")
.addError(3987, "Variable context was not declared correctly.")
.addError(4036, "'ret' is already defined.")
.addError(4072, "'cur' used out of scope.")
.addError(4085, "'i' is already defined.")
.addError(4132, "'match' is already defined.")
.addError(4290, "'i' is already defined.")
.addError(4290, "'l' is already defined.")
.addError(4291, "'elem' is already defined.")
.addError(4308, "Variable part was not declared correctly.")
.addError(4312, "'nodeCheck' used out of scope.")
.addError(4318, "Variable part was not declared correctly.")
.addError(4322, "'nodeCheck' used out of scope.")
.addError(4450, "Wrap the /regexp/ literal in parens to disambiguate the slash operator.")
.addError(4480, "Wrap the /regexp/ literal in parens to disambiguate the slash operator.")
.addError(4520, "'i' is already defined.")
.addError(4538, "Expected a 'break' statement before 'case'.")
.addError(4547, "Use '===' to compare with '0'.")
.addError(4565, "Use '===' to compare with '0'.")
.addError(4566, "Use '===' to compare with '0'.")
.addError(4568, "Use '===' to compare with '0'.")
.addError(4656, "'i' is already defined.")
.addError(4722, "Missing '()' invoking a constructor.")
.addError(4988, "Missing semicolon.")
.addError(4988, "Missing semicolon.")
.addError(5021, "Missing semicolon.")
.addError(5397, "Missing semicolon.")
.addError(5061, "Wrap the /regexp/ literal in parens to disambiguate the slash operator.")
.addError(5112, "Use '!==' to compare with 'undefined'.")
.addError(5140, "Use '!==' to compare with ''.")
.addError(5224, "'values' is already defined.")
.addError(5495, "Function declarations should not be placed in blocks. Use a function " +
"expression or move the statement to the top of the outer function.")
.addError(5545, "The '__proto__' property is deprecated.")
.test(src, {
sub : true,
lastsemic: true,
loopfunc : true,
evil : true,
eqnull : true,
laxbreak : true,
boss : true,
expr : true,
maxerr : 9001
exports.lodash_0_6_1 = function (test) {
var src = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/libs/lodash.js', 'utf8');
var globals = { _: false, define: false };
var options = {
unused : true,
expr : true,
eqnull : true,
boss : true,
regexdash: true,
proto : true,
laxbreak : true,
newcap : false,
node : true,
evil : true,
laxcomma : true
.addError(168, "Possible strict violation.")
.addError(170, "Missing '()' invoking a constructor.")
.addError(632, "Missing semicolon.")
.addError(920, "'isArguments' is a function.")
.addError(963, "'isFunction' is a function.")
.addError(1122, "'isArr' used out of scope.")
.addError(1127, "'className' used out of scope.")
.addError(1129, "Use '===' to compare with 'true'.")
.addError(1153, "'isArr' used out of scope.")
.addError(1159, "'isArr' used out of scope.")
.addError(1490, "Use '===' to compare with '0'.")
.addError(1670, "Missing semicolon.")
.addError(2731, "'array' is already defined.")
.addError(2732, "'array' is a statement label.")
.addError(3374, "Possible strict violation.")
.addError(3377, "Missing '()' invoking a constructor.")
.addError(3384, "Missing semicolon.")
.addError(3677, "Missing '()' invoking a constructor.")
.addError(3683, "Missing '()' invoking a constructor.")
.addError(3825, "Possible strict violation.")
.addError(4225, "Possible strict violation.")
.addError(4226, "Possible strict violation.")
.addError(4242, "Possible strict violation.")
.test(src, options, globals);
exports.json2 = function (test) {
var src = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/libs/json2.js', 'utf8');
.addError(177, "'key' is defined but never used.")
.addError(191, "'key' is defined but never used.")
.test(src, { undef: true, unused: true, laxbreak: true }, { JSON: true });
exports.codemirror3 = function (test) {
var src = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/libs/codemirror3.js', 'utf8');
var opt = {
newcap: false,
undef: true,
unused: true,
eqnull: true,
boss: true,
laxbreak: true,
shadow: true,
loopfunc: true,
browser: true,
supernew: true,
"-W008": true, // Ignore warnings about leading dots in numbers.
"-W038": true, // Ignore scope warnings.
"-W040": true, // Ignore possible strict violations.
"-W041": true, // Ignore poor relations warnings.
.addError(1157, "'result' is defined but never used.")
.addError(1342, "Value of 'e' may be overwritten in IE.")
.addError(1526, "Value of 'e' may be overwritten in IE.")
.addError(1532, "'mX' is defined but never used.")
.addError(1532, "'mY' is defined but never used.")
.addError(1533, "Value of 'e' may be overwritten in IE.")
.addError(2218, "'state' is defined but never used.")
.addError(2298, "Wrap the /regexp/ literal in parens to disambiguate the slash operator.")
.addError(2427, "'style' is defined but never used.")
.addError(2696, "'target' is defined but never used.")
.addError(3168, "'ok' is defined but never used.")
.addError(4093, "Unnecessary semicolon.")
.addError(4168, "Wrap the /regexp/ literal in parens to disambiguate the slash operator.")
.addError(4277, "'range' is defined but never used.")
.addError(4357, "Expected '{' and instead saw 'pos'.")
.test(src, opt, { CodeMirror: true });