blob: 492473112f34ec63a4ae3b32568f23ec4c0886e2 [file] [log] [blame]
"use strict";
var _ = require("underscore");
// Errors and warnings
var errors = {
E001: "Trailing comma causes errors in some versions of IE.",
E002: "'with' statement is prohibited in strict mode.",
E003: "'return' can be used only within functions.",
E004: "'__iterator__' property is only available in JavaScript 1.7.",
E005: "'__proto___' property is deprecated.",
E006: "Missing semicolon.",
E007: "Unexpected debugger statement.",
E008: "'arguments.callee' is prohibited in strict mode.",
E009: "Undefined variable in strict mode."
var warnings = {
W001: "Bitwise operator. (mistyped logical operator?)",
W002: "Unsafe comparison.",
W003: "Redefined variable.",
W004: "Undefined variable.",
W005: "Avoid arguments.caller.",
W006: "Avoid arguments.callee.",
W007: "Object arguments outside of a function body.",
W008: "Assignment instead of a conditionial expression. (typo?)",
W009: "Insecure use of {sym} in a regular expression.",
W010: "Empty regular expression class.",
W011: "Unescaped {sym} in a regular expression.",
W012: "Don't extend native objects."
exports.errors = {};
exports.warnings = {};
_.each(errors, function (desc, code) {
exports.errors[code] = { code: code, desc: desc };
_.each(warnings, function (desc, code) {
exports.warnings[code] = { code: code, desc: desc };