blob: 3b73a53159405861fdadcf1f27439e085e564495 [file] [log] [blame]
var path = require('path'),
fs = require('fs'),
et = require('elementtree'),
shell= require('shelljs'),
config_changes = require('./util/config-changes'),
xml_helpers = require('./util/xml-helpers'),
action_stack = require('./util/action-stack'),
n = require('ncallbacks'),
dependencies = require('./util/dependencies'),
underscore = require('underscore'),
platform_modules = require('./platforms');
// possible options: cli_variables, www_dir
module.exports = function(platform, project_dir, id, plugins_dir, options, callback) {
module.exports.uninstallPlatform(platform, project_dir, id, plugins_dir, options, function(err) {
if (err) {
if (callback) return callback(err);
else throw err;
module.exports.uninstallPlugin(id, plugins_dir, callback);
module.exports.uninstallPlatform = function(platform, project_dir, id, plugins_dir, options, callback) {
if (!platform_modules[platform]) {
var err = new Error(platform + " not supported.");
if (callback) return callback(err);
else throw err;
var plugin_dir = path.join(plugins_dir, id);
if (!fs.existsSync(plugin_dir)) {
var err = new Error('Plugin "' + id + '" not found. Already uninstalled?');
if (callback) return callback(err);
else throw err;
var current_stack = new action_stack();
options.is_top_level = true;
runUninstall(current_stack, platform, project_dir, plugin_dir, plugins_dir, options, callback);
module.exports.uninstallPlugin = function(id, plugins_dir, callback) {
var plugin_dir = path.join(plugins_dir, id);
// If already removed, skip.
if (!fs.existsSync(plugin_dir)) {
if (callback) callback();
var xml_path = path.join(plugin_dir, 'plugin.xml')
, plugin_et = xml_helpers.parseElementtreeSync(xml_path);
require('../plugman').emit('log', 'Removing plugin ' + id + '...');
// Check for dependents
var dependencies = plugin_et.findall('dependency');
if (dependencies && dependencies.length) {
require('../plugman').emit('log', 'Dependencies detected, iterating through them and removing them first...');
var end = n(dependencies.length, function() {
shell.rm('-rf', plugin_dir);
require('../plugman').emit('log', id + ' removed.');
if (callback) callback();
dependencies.forEach(function(dep) {
module.exports.uninstallPlugin(, plugins_dir, end);
} else {
// axe the directory
shell.rm('-rf', plugin_dir);
require('../plugman').emit('results', 'Deleted "' + plugin_dir + '".');
if (callback) callback();
// possible options: cli_variables, www_dir, is_top_level
function runUninstall(actions, platform, project_dir, plugin_dir, plugins_dir, options, callback) {
var xml_path = path.join(plugin_dir, 'plugin.xml')
, plugin_et = xml_helpers.parseElementtreeSync(xml_path);
var plugin_id = plugin_et._root.attrib['id'];
options = options || {};
var dependency_info = dependencies.generate_dependency_info(plugins_dir, platform);
var graph = dependency_info.graph;
var dependents = graph.getChain(plugin_id);
var tlps = dependency_info.top_level_plugins;
var diff_arr = [];
tlps.forEach(function(tlp) {
if (tlp != plugin_id) {
var ds = graph.getChain(tlp);
if (options.is_top_level && ds.indexOf(plugin_id) > -1) {
var err = new Error('Another top-level plugin (' + tlp + ') relies on plugin ' + plugin_id + ', therefore aborting uninstallation.');
if (callback) return callback(err);
else throw err;
// if this plugin has dependencies, do a set difference to determine which dependencies are not required by other existing plugins
var danglers = underscore.difference.apply(null, diff_arr);
if (dependents.length && danglers && danglers.length) {
require('../plugman').emit('log', 'Uninstalling ' + danglers.length + ' dangling dependent plugins...');
var end = n(danglers.length, function() {
handleUninstall(actions, platform, plugin_id, plugin_et, project_dir, options.www_dir, plugins_dir, plugin_dir, options.is_top_level, callback);
danglers.forEach(function(dangler) {
var dependent_path = path.join(plugins_dir, dangler);
var opts = {
www_dir: options.www_dir,
cli_variables: options.cli_variables,
is_top_level: false /* TODO: should this "is_top_level" param be false for dependents? */
runUninstall(actions, platform, project_dir, dependent_path, plugins_dir, opts, end);
} else {
// this plugin can get axed by itself, gogo!
handleUninstall(actions, platform, plugin_id, plugin_et, project_dir, options.www_dir, plugins_dir, plugin_dir, options.is_top_level, callback);
function handleUninstall(actions, platform, plugin_id, plugin_et, project_dir, www_dir, plugins_dir, plugin_dir, is_top_level, callback) {
var platform_modules = require('./platforms');
var handler = platform_modules[platform];
var platformTag = plugin_et.find('./platform[@name="'+platform+'"]');
www_dir = www_dir || handler.www_dir(project_dir);
require('../plugman').emit('log', 'Uninstalling ' + plugin_id + '...');
var assets = plugin_et.findall('./asset');
if (platformTag) {
var sourceFiles = platformTag.findall('./source-file'),
headerFiles = platformTag.findall('./header-file'),
resourceFiles = platformTag.findall('./resource-file'),
frameworks = platformTag.findall('./framework');
assets = assets.concat(platformTag.findall('./asset'));
// queue up native stuff
sourceFiles && sourceFiles.forEach(function(source) {
actions.push(actions.createAction(handler["source-file"].uninstall, [source, project_dir, plugin_id], handler["source-file"].install, [source, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id]));
headerFiles && headerFiles.forEach(function(header) {
actions.push(actions.createAction(handler["header-file"].uninstall, [header, project_dir, plugin_id], handler["header-file"].install, [header, plugin_dir, project_dir, plugin_id]));
resourceFiles && resourceFiles.forEach(function(resource) {
actions.push(actions.createAction(handler["resource-file"].uninstall, [resource, project_dir], handler["resource-file"].install, [resource, plugin_dir, project_dir]));
frameworks && frameworks.forEach(function(framework) {
actions.push(actions.createAction(handler["framework"].uninstall, [framework, project_dir], handler["framework"].install, [framework, plugin_dir, project_dir]));
// queue up asset installation
var common = require('./platforms/common');
assets && assets.forEach(function(asset) {
actions.push(actions.createAction(common.asset.uninstall, [asset, www_dir, plugin_id], common.asset.install, [asset, plugin_dir, www_dir]));
// run through the action stack
actions.process(platform, project_dir, function(err) {
if (err) {
if (callback) callback(err);
else throw err;
} else {
// WIN!
require('../plugman').emit('results', plugin_id + ' uninstalled.');
// queue up the plugin so prepare can remove the config changes
config_changes.add_uninstalled_plugin_to_prepare_queue(plugins_dir, path.basename(plugin_dir), platform, is_top_level);
// call prepare after a successful uninstall
require('./../plugman').prepare(project_dir, platform, plugins_dir);
if (callback) callback();