blob: 85af5b2e2874954a39053e33cfba043d11720ac8 [file] [log] [blame]
(function() {
var withoutAsync = {};
["it", "beforeEach", "afterEach"].forEach(function(jasmineFunction) {
withoutAsync[jasmineFunction] = jasmine.Env.prototype[jasmineFunction];
return jasmine.Env.prototype[jasmineFunction] = function() {
var args =, 0);
var timeout = null;
if (isLastArgumentATimeout(args)) {
timeout = args.pop();
// The changes to the jasmine test runner causes undef to be passed when
// calling all it()'s now. If the last argument isn't a timeout and the
// last argument IS undefined, let's just pop it off. Since out of bounds
// items are undefined anyways, *hopefully* removing an undef item won't
// hurt.
} else if (args[args.length-1] == undefined) {
if (isLastArgumentAnAsyncSpecFunction(args))
var specFunction = args.pop();
args.push(function() {
return asyncSpec(specFunction, this, timeout);
return withoutAsync[jasmineFunction].apply(this, args);
function isLastArgumentATimeout(args)
return args.length > 0 && (typeof args[args.length-1]) === "number";
function isLastArgumentAnAsyncSpecFunction(args)
return args.length > 0 && (typeof args[args.length-1]) === "function" && args[args.length-1].length > 0;
function asyncSpec(specFunction, spec, timeout) {
if (timeout == null) timeout = jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL || 1000;
var done = false;
spec.runs(function() {
try {
return, function(error) {
done = true;
if (error != null) return;
} catch (e) {
done = true;
throw e;
return spec.waitsFor(function() {
if (done === true) {
return true;
}, "spec to complete", timeout);