blob: a03027cd4c8eeea255090eb5e95ed3578213deac [file] [log] [blame]
* Utilities: A classic collection of JavaScript utilities
* Copyright 2112 Matthew Eernisse (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var assert = require('assert')
, string = require('../lib/string')
, tests;
tests = {
'test basic escapeXML for string': function () {
var expected = '<html></html>'
, actual = string.escapeXML('<html></html>');
assert.equal(expected, actual);
, 'test all escape characters for escapeXML': function () {
var expected = '&lt;&gt;&amp;&quot;&#39;'
, actual = string.escapeXML('<>&"\'');
assert.equal(expected, actual);
, 'test no escape characters with string for escapeXML': function () {
var expected = 'Geddy'
, actual = string.escapeXML('Geddy');
assert.equal(expected, actual);
, 'test no escape characters with numbers for escapeXML': function () {
var expected = 05
, actual = string.escapeXML(05);
assert.equal(expected, actual);
, 'test basic unescapeXML for string': function () {
var expected = '<html></html>'
, actual = string.unescapeXML('&lt;html&gt;&lt;/html&gt;');
assert.equal(expected, actual);
, 'test all escape characters for unescapeXML': function () {
var expected = '<>&"\''
, actual = string.unescapeXML('&lt;&gt;&amp;&quot;&#39;');
assert.equal(expected, actual);
, 'test no escape characters with string for unescapeXML': function () {
var expected = 'Geddy'
, actual = string.unescapeXML('Geddy');
assert.equal(expected, actual);
, 'test no escape characters with numbers for unescapeXML': function () {
var expected = 05
, actual = string.unescapeXML(05);
assert.equal(expected, actual);
, 'test basic needsEscape for string': function () {
var expected = true
, actual = string.needsEscape('Geddy>');
assert.equal(expected, actual);
, 'test basic needsEscape thats false for string': function () {
var expected = false
, actual = string.needsEscape('Geddy');
assert.equal(expected, actual);
, 'test basic needsUnescape for string': function () {
var expected = true
, actual = string.needsEscape('&quot;Geddy&quot;');
assert.equal(expected, actual);
, 'test basic needsUnescape thats false for string': function () {
var expected = false
, actual = string.needsEscape('Geddy');
assert.equal(expected, actual);
, 'test escapeRegExpCharacters': function () {
var expected = '\\^\\/\\.\\*\\+\\?\\|\\(\\)\\[\\]\\{\\}\\\\'
actual = string.escapeRegExpChars('^/.*+?|()[]{}\\');
assert.equal(expected, actual);
, 'test toArray for string': function () {
var data = string.toArray('geddy')
, expected = ['g', 'e', 'd', 'd', 'y'];
// Loop through each item and check
// if not, then the arrays aren't _really_ the same
var i = expected.length;
while (--i >= 0) {
assert.equal(expected[i], data[i]);
, 'test reverse for string': function () {
var data = string.reverse('yddeg')
, expected = 'geddy';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test basic ltrim for string': function () {
var data = string.ltrim(' geddy')
, expected = 'geddy';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test custom char ltrim for string': function () {
var data = string.ltrim('&&geddy', '&')
, expected = 'geddy';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test basic rtrim for string': function () {
var data = string.rtrim('geddy ')
, expected = 'geddy';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test custom char rtrim for string': function () {
var data = string.rtrim('geddy&&', '&')
, expected = 'geddy';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test basic trim for string': function () {
var data = string.trim(' geddy ')
, expected = 'geddy';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test custom char trim for string': function () {
var data = string.trim('&geddy&&', '&')
, expected = 'geddy';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test chop special-case line-ending': function () {
var expected = 'geddy'
, actual = string.chop('geddy\r\n');
assert.equal(expected, actual);
, 'test chop not actual special-case line-ending': function () {
var expected = 'geddy\n'
, actual = string.chop('geddy\n\r');
assert.equal(expected, actual);
, 'test chop normal line-ending': function () {
var expected = 'geddy'
, actual = string.chop('geddy\n');
assert.equal(expected, actual);
, 'test chop whatever character': function () {
var expected = 'gedd'
, actual = string.chop('geddy');
assert.equal(expected, actual);
, 'test chop empty string': function () {
var expected = ''
, actual = string.chop('');
assert.equal(expected, actual);
, 'test basic lpad for string': function () {
var data = string.lpad('geddy', '&', 7)
, expected = '&&geddy';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test lpad without width for string': function () {
var data = string.lpad('geddy', '&')
, expected = 'geddy';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test lpad without width of char for string': function () {
var data = string.lpad('geddy')
, expected = 'geddy';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test basic rpad for string': function () {
var data = string.rpad('geddy', '&', 7)
, expected = 'geddy&&';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test rpad without width for string': function () {
var data = string.rpad('geddy', '&')
, expected = 'geddy';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test rpad without width of char for string': function () {
var data = string.rpad('geddy')
, expected = 'geddy';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test basic pad for string': function () {
var data = string.pad('geddy', '&', 7)
, expected = '&geddy&';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test pad without width for string': function () {
var data = string.pad('geddy', '&')
, expected = 'geddy';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test pad without width of char for string': function () {
var data = string.pad('geddy')
, expected = 'geddy';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test single tags in truncateHTML': function () {
var str = string.truncateHTML('<p>Once upon a time in a world</p>', { length: 10 });
assert.equal(str, '<p>Once up...</p>');
, 'test multiple tags in truncateHTML': function () {
var str = string.truncateHTML('<p>Once upon a time <small>in a world</small></p>', { length: 10 });
assert.equal(str, '<p>Once up...<small>in a wo...</small></p>');
, 'test multiple tags but only truncate once in truncateHTML': function () {
var str = string.truncateHTML('<p>Once upon a time <small>in a world</small></p>', { length: 10, once: true });
assert.equal(str, '<p>Once up...<small>in a world</small></p>');
, 'test standard truncate': function () {
var str = string.truncate('Once upon a time in a world', { length: 10 });
assert.equal(str, 'Once up...');
, 'test custom omission in truncate': function () {
var str = string.truncate('Once upon a time in a world', { length: 10, omission: '///' });
assert.equal(str, 'Once up///');
, 'test regex seperator in truncate': function () {
var str = string.truncate('Once upon a time in a world', { length: 15, seperator: /\s/ });
assert.equal(str, 'Once upon a...');
, 'test string seperator in truncate': function () {
var str = string.truncate('Once upon a time in a world', { length: 15, seperator: ' ' });
assert.equal(str, 'Once upon a...');
, 'test unsafe html in truncate': function () {
var str = string.truncate('<p>Once upon a time in a world</p>', { length: 20 });
assert.equal(str, '<p>Once upon a ti...');
, 'test nl2br for string': function () {
var data = string.nl2br("geddy\n")
, expected = 'geddy<br />';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test snakeize for string': function () {
var data = string.snakeize("geddyJs")
, expected = 'geddy_js';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test snakeize with beginning caps for string': function () {
var data = string.snakeize("GeddyJs")
, expected = 'geddy_js';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test camelize for string': function () {
var data = string.camelize("geddy_js")
, expected = 'geddyJs';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test camelize with initialCap for string': function () {
var data = string.camelize("geddy_js", {initialCap: true})
, expected = 'GeddyJs';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test camelize with leadingUnderscore with no underscore for string': function () {
var data = string.camelize("geddy_js", {leadingUnderscore: true})
, expected = 'geddyJs';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test camelize with leadingUnderscore with underscore for string': function () {
var data = string.camelize("_geddy_js", {leadingUnderscore: true})
, expected = '_geddyJs';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test decapitalize for string': function () {
var data = string.decapitalize("Geddy")
, expected = 'geddy';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test capitalize for string': function () {
var data = string.capitalize("geddy")
, expected = 'Geddy';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test dasherize for string': function () {
var data = string.dasherize("geddyJs")
, expected = 'geddy-js';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test dasherize with custom replace char for string': function () {
var data = string.dasherize("geddyJs", "_")
, expected = 'geddy_js';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test underscorize for string': function () {
var data = string.underscorize("geddyJs")
, expected = 'geddy_js';
assert.equal(expected, data);
, 'test include for string with included string': function () {
assert.ok(string.include('foobarbaz', 'foo'));
, 'test include for string with not included string': function () {
assert.ok(!string.include('foobarbaz', 'qux'));
, 'test getInflections for string': function () {
var actual = string.getInflections("string")
, expected = {
filename: {
singular: "string"
, plural: "strings"
constructor: {
singular: "String"
, plural: "Strings"
property: {
singular: "string"
, plural: "strings"
assert.deepEqual(expected, actual);
, 'test inflection with odd name for string': function () {
var actual = string.getInflections("snow_dog")
, expected = {
filename: {
singular: "snow_dog"
, plural: "snow_dogs"
constructor: {
singular: "SnowDog"
, plural: "SnowDogs"
property: {
singular: "snowDog"
, plural: "snowDogs"
assert.deepEqual(expected, actual);
, 'test uuid length for string': function () {
var data = string.uuid(5).length
, expected = 5;
assert.equal(expected, data);
module.exports = tests;