blob: 9c35a08c71f3ead9ae29a55c879ccc8615a9689e [file] [log] [blame]
* Utilities: A classic collection of JavaScript utilities
* Copyright 2112 Matthew Eernisse (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var core = require('./core')
, inflection = require('./inflection')
, string;
@name string
@namespace string
string = new (function () {
// Regexes for trimming, and character maps for escaping
var _LTR = /^\s+/
, _RTR = /\s+$/
, _TR = /^\s+|\s+$/g
, _NL = /\n|\r|\r\n/g
, _CHARS = {
'&': '&'
, '<': '&lt;'
, '>': '&gt;'
, '"': '&quot;'
, '\'': '&#39;'
, _UUID_CHARS = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split('')
, _buildEscape
, _buildEscapeTest;
// Builds the escape/unescape methods using a
// map of characters
_buildEscape = function (direction) {
return function (str) {
var string = str;
// If string is NaN, null or undefined then provide an empty default
if((typeof string === 'undefined') ||
string === null ||
(!string && isNaN(string))) {
string = '';
string = string.toString();
var from, to, p;
for (p in _CHARS) {
from = direction == 'to' ? p : _CHARS[p];
to = direction == 'to' ? _CHARS[p] : p;
string = string.replace(new RegExp(from, 'gm'), to);
return string;
// Builds a method that tests for any escapable
// characters, useful for avoiding double-scaping if
// you're not sure if a string has already been escaped
_buildEscapeTest = function (direction) {
return function (string) {
var pat = ''
, p;
for (p in _CHARS) {
pat += direction == 'to' ? p : _CHARS[p];
pat += '|';
pat = pat.substr(0, pat.length - 1);
pat = new RegExp(pat, "gm");
return pat.test(string)
// Escape special XMl chars
this.escapeXML = _buildEscape('to');
// Unescape XML chars to literal representation
this.unescapeXML = _buildEscape('from');
// Test if a string includes special chars
// that need escaping
this.needsEscape = _buildEscapeTest('to');
// Test if a string includes escaped chars
// that need unescaping
this.needsUnescape = _buildEscapeTest('from');
@name string#escapeRegExpChars
@return {String} A string of escaped characters
@description Escapes regex control-characters in strings
used to build regexes dynamically
@param {String} string The string of chars to escape
this.escapeRegExpChars = (function () {
var specials = [ '^', '$', '/', '.', '*', '+', '?', '|', '(', ')',
'[', ']', '{', '}', '\\' ];
sRE = new RegExp('(\\' + specials.join('|\\') + ')', 'g');
return function (string) {
var str = string || '';
str = String(str);
return str.replace(sRE, '\\$1');
@name string#toArray
@return {Array} Returns an array of characters
@description Converts a string to an array
@param {String} string The string to convert
this.toArray = function (string) {
var str = string || ''
, arr = []
, i = -1;
str = String(str);
while (++i < str.length) {
arr.push(str.substr(i, 1));
return arr;
@name string#reverse
@return {String} Returns the `string` reversed
@description Reverses a string
@param {String} string The string to reverse
this.reverse = function (string) {
var str = string || '';
str = String(str);
return this.toArray(str).reverse().join('');
@name string#ltrim
@return {String} Returns the trimmed string
@description Ltrim trims `char` from the left of a `string` and returns it
if no `char` is given it will trim spaces
@param {String} string The string to trim
@param {String} char The character to trim
this.ltrim = function (string, char) {
var str = string || ''
, pat = char ? new RegExp('^' + char + '+') : _LTR;
str = String(str);
return str.replace(pat, '');
@name string#rtrim
@return {String} Returns the trimmed string
@description Rtrim trims `char` from the right of a `string` and returns it
if no `char` is given it will trim spaces
@param {String} string The string to trim
@param {String} char The character to trim
this.rtrim = function (string, char) {
var str = string || ''
, pat = char ? new RegExp(char + '+$') : _RTR;
str = String(str);
return str.replace(pat, '');
// Alias
this.chomp = this.rtrim;
@name string#trim
@return {String} Returns the trimmed string
@description Trim trims `char` from the left and right of a `string` and returns it
if no `char` is given it will trim spaces
@param {String} string The string to trim
@param {String} char The character to trim
this.trim = function (string, char) {
var str = string || ''
, pat = char ? new RegExp('^' + char + '+|' + char + '+$', 'g') : _TR;
str = String(str);
return str.replace(pat, '');
@name string#chop
@description Returns a new String with the last character removed. If the
string ends with \r\n, both characters are removed. Applying chop to an
empty string returns an empty string.
@param {String} string to return with the last character removed.
this.chop = function (string) {
var index
, str = string || '';
str = String(str);
if (str.length) {
// Special-case for \r\n
index = str.indexOf('\r\n');
if (index == str.length - 2) {
return str.substring(0, index);
return str.substring(0, str.length - 1);
else {
return '';
@name string#lpad
@return {String} Returns the padded string
@description Lpad adds `char` to the left of `string` until the length
of `string` is more than `width`
@param {String} string The string to pad
@param {String} char The character to pad with
@param {Number} width the width to pad to
this.lpad = function (string, char, width) {
var str = string || ''
, width;
str = String(str);
// Should width be string.length + 1? or the same to be safe
width = parseInt(width, 10) || str.length;
char = char || ' ';
while (str.length < width) {
str = char + str;
return str;
@name string#rpad
@return {String} Returns the padded string
@description Rpad adds `char` to the right of `string` until the length
of `string` is more than `width`
@param {String} string The string to pad
@param {String} char The character to pad with
@param {Number} width the width to pad to
this.rpad = function (string, char, width) {
var str = string || ''
, width;
str = String(str);
// Should width be string.length + 1? or the same to be safe
width = parseInt(width, 10) || str.length;
char = char || ' ';
while (str.length < width) {
str += char;
return str;
@name string#pad
@return {String} Returns the padded string
@description Pad adds `char` to the left and right of `string` until the length
of `string` is more than `width`
@param {String} string The string to pad
@param {String} char The character to pad with
@param {Number} width the width to pad to
this.pad = function (string, char, width) {
var str = string || ''
, width;
str = String(str);
// Should width be string.length + 1? or the same to be safe
width = parseInt(width, 10) || str.length;
char = char || ' ';
while (str.length < width) {
str = char + str + char;
return str;
@name string#truncate
@return {String} Returns the truncated string
@description Truncates a given `string` after a specified `length` if `string` is longer than
`length`. The last characters will be replaced with an `omission` for a total length
not exceeding `length`. If `callback` is given it will fire if `string` is truncated.
@param {String} string The string to truncate
@param {Integer/Object} options Options for truncation, If options is an Integer it will be length
@param {Integer} [options.length=string.length] Length the output string will be
@param {Integer} [options.len] Alias for `length`
@param {String} [options.omission='...'] Replace last characters with an omission
@param {String} [options.ellipsis='...'] Alias for `omission`
@param {String/RegExp} [options.seperator] Break the truncated test at the nearest `seperator`
@param {Function} callback Callback is called only if a truncation is done
this.truncate = function (string, options, callback) {
var str = string || ''
, stringLen
, opts
, stringLenWithOmission
, last
, ignoreCase
, multiLine
, stringToWorkWith
, lastIndexOf
, nextStop
, result
, returnString;
str = String(str);
stringLen = str.length
// If `options` is a number, assume it's the length and
// create a options object with length
if (typeof options === 'number') {
opts = {
length: options
else {
opts = options || {};
// Set `opts` defaults
opts.length = opts.length || stringLen;
opts.omission = opts.omission || opts.ellipsis || '...';
stringLenWithOmission = opts.length - opts.omission.length;
// Set the index to stop at for `string`
if (opts.seperator) {
if (opts.seperator instanceof RegExp) {
// If `seperator` is a regex
if ( {
opts.seperator = opts.seperator;
} else {
ignoreCase = opts.seperator.ignoreCase ? 'i' : ''
multiLine = opts.seperator.multiLine ? 'm' : '';
opts.seperator = new RegExp(opts.seperator.source,
'g' + ignoreCase + multiLine);
stringToWorkWith = str.substring(0, stringLenWithOmission + 1)
lastIndexOf = -1
nextStop = 0
while ((result = opts.seperator.exec(stringToWorkWith))) {
lastIndexOf = result.index;
opts.seperator.lastIndex = ++nextStop;
last = lastIndexOf;
else {
// Seperator is a String
last = str.lastIndexOf(opts.seperator, stringLenWithOmission);
// If the above couldn't be found, they'll default to -1 so,
// we need to just set it as `stringLenWithOmission`
if (last === -1) {
last = stringLenWithOmission;
else {
last = stringLenWithOmission;
if (stringLen < opts.length) {
return str;
else {
returnString = str.substring(0, last) + opts.omission;
returnString += callback && typeof callback === 'function' ? callback() : '';
return returnString;
@name string#truncateHTML
@return {String} Returns the HTML safe truncated string
@description Truncates a given `string` inside HTML tags after a specified `length` if string`
is longer than `length`. The last characters will be replaced with an `omission`
for a total length not exceeding `length`. If `callback` is given it will fire if
`string` is truncated. If `once` is true only the first string in the first HTML
tags will be truncated leaving the others as they were
@param {String} string The string to truncate
@param {Integer/Object} options Options for truncation, If options is an Integer it will be length
all Object options are the same as `truncate`
@param {Boolean} [options.once=false] If true, it will only be truncated once, otherwise the
truncation will loop through all text inside HTML tags
@param {Function} callback Callback is called only if a truncation is done
this.truncateHTML = function (string, options, callback) {
var str = string || ''
, returnString = ''
, opts = options;
str = String(str);
// If `options` is a number assume it's the length and create a options object with length
if (typeof opts === 'number') {
var num = opts;
opts = {};
opts.length = num;
} else opts = opts || {};
// Set `default` options for HTML specifics
opts.once = opts.once || false;
var pat = /(<[^>]*>)/ // Patter for matching HTML tags
, arr = [] // Holds the HTML tags and content seperately
, truncated = false
, result = pat.exec(str)
, item
, firstPos
, lastPos
, i;
// Gather the HTML tags and content into the array
while (result) {
firstPos = result.index;
lastPos = pat.lastIndex;
if (firstPos !== 0) {
// Should be content not HTML tags
arr.push(str.substring(0, firstPos));
// Slice content from string
str = str.slice(firstPos);
arr.push(result[0]); // Push HTML tags
str = str.slice(result[0].length);
// Re-run the pattern on the new string
result = pat.exec(str);
if (str !== '') {
// Loop through array items appending the tags to the string,
// - and truncating the text then appending it to content
i = -1;
while (++i < arr.length) {
item = arr[i];
switch (true) {
// Closing tag
case item.indexOf('</') == 0:
returnString += item;
openTag = null;
// Opening tag
case item.indexOf('<') == 0:
returnString += item;
openTag = item;
// Normal text
if (opts.once && truncated) {
returnString += item;
} else {
returnString += this.truncate(item, opts, callback);
truncated = true;
return returnString;
@name string#nl2br
@return {String} The string with converted newlines chars to br tags
@description Nl2br returns a string where all newline chars are turned
into line break HTML tags
@param {String} string The string to convert
this.nl2br = function (string) {
var str = string || '';
str = String(str);
return str.replace(_NL,'<br />');
@name string#snakeize
@return {String} The string in a snake_case version
@description Snakeize converts camelCase and CamelCase strings to snake_case strings
@param {String} string The string to convert to snake_case
@param {String} separ='_' The seperator to use
this.snakeize = (function () {
// Only create regexes once on initial load
var repl = /([A-Z]+)/g
, lead = /^_/g;
return function (string, separ) {
var str = string || ''
, sep = separ || '_'
, leading = separ ? new RegExp('^' + sep, 'g') : lead;
str = String(str);
return str.replace(repl, sep + '$1').toLowerCase().
replace(leading, '');
// Aliases
@name string#underscorize
@return {String} The string in a underscorized version
@description Underscorize returns the given `string` converting camelCase and snakeCase to underscores
@param {String} string The string to underscorize
this.underscorize = this.snakeize;
this.underscoreize = this.snakeize;
this.decamelize = this.snakeize;
@name string#camelize
@return {String} The string in a camelCase version
@description Camelize takes a string and optional options and
returns a camelCase version of the given `string`
@param {String} string The string to convert to camelCase
@param {Object} options
@param {Boolean} [options.initialCap] If initialCap is true the returned
string will have a capitalized first letter
@param {Boolean} [options.leadingUnderscore] If leadingUnderscore os true then if
an underscore exists at the beggining
of the string, it will stay there.
Otherwise it'll be removed.
this.camelize = (function () {
// Only create regex once on initial load
var repl = /[-_](\w)/g;
return function (string, options) {
var str = string || ''
, ret
, config = {
initialCap: false
, leadingUnderscore: false
, opts = options || {};
str = String(str);
// Backward-compat
if (typeof opts == 'boolean') {
config = {
initialCap: true
else {
core.mixin(config, opts);
ret = str.replace(repl, function (m, m1) {
return m1.toUpperCase();
if (config.leadingUnderscore & str.indexOf('_') === 0) {
ret = '_' + this.decapitalize(ret);
// If initialCap is true capitalize it
ret = config.initialCap ? this.capitalize(ret) : this.decapitalize(ret);
return ret;
@name string#decapitalize
@return {String} The string with the first letter decapitalized
@description Decapitalize returns the given string with the first letter uncapitalized.
@param {String} string The string to decapitalize
this.decapitalize = function (string) {
var str = string || '';
str = String(str);
return str.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase() + str.substr(1);
@name string#capitalize
@return {String} The string with the first letter capitalized
@description capitalize returns the given string with the first letter capitalized.
@param {String} string The string to capitalize
this.capitalize = function (string) {
var str = string || '';
str = String(str);
return str.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1);
@name string#dasherize
@return {String} The string in a dashed version
@description Dasherize returns the given `string` converting camelCase and snakeCase
to dashes or replace them with the `replace` character.
@param {String} string The string to dasherize
@param {String} replace='-' The character to replace with
this.dasherize = function (string, replace) {
var repl = replace || '-'
return this.snakeize(string, repl);
@name string#include
@return {Boolean} Returns true if the string is found in the string to search
@description Searches for a particular string in another string
@param {String} searchIn The string to search for the other string in
@param {String} searchFor The string to search for
this.include = function (searchIn, searchFor) {
var str = searchFor;
if (!str && typeof string != 'string') {
return false;
str = String(str);
return (searchIn.indexOf(str) > -1);
* getInflections(name<String>, initialCap<String>)
* Inflection returns an object that contains different inflections
* created from the given `name`
@name string#getInflections
@return {Object} A Object containing multiple different inflects for the given `name`
@description Inflection returns an object that contains different inflections
created from the given `name`
@param {String} name The string to create inflections from
this.getInflections = function (name) {
if (!name) {
var self = this
// Use plural version to fix possible mistakes(e,g,. thingie instead of thingy)
, normalizedName = this.snakeize(inflection.pluralize(name))
, nameSingular = inflection.singularize(normalizedName)
, namePlural = inflection.pluralize(normalizedName);
return {
// For filepaths or URLs
filename: {
// neil_peart
singular: nameSingular
// neil_pearts
, plural: namePlural
// Constructor names
, constructor: {
// NeilPeart
singular: self.camelize(nameSingular, {initialCap: true})
// NeilPearts
, plural: self.camelize(namePlural, {initialCap: true})
, property: {
// neilPeart
singular: self.camelize(nameSingular)
// neilPearts
, plural: self.camelize(namePlural)
@name string#getInflection
@return {Object} A Object containing multiple different inflects for the given `name`
@description Inflection returns an object that contains different inflections
created from the given `name`
@param {String} name The string to create inflections from
this.getInflection = function (name, key, pluralization) {
var infl = this.getInflections(name);
return infl[key][pluralization];
// From Math.uuid.js,
// Robert Kieffer (, MIT license
this.uuid = function (length, radix) {
var chars = _UUID_CHARS
, uuid = []
, r
, i;
radix = radix || chars.length;
if (length) {
// Compact form
i = -1;
while (++i < length) {
uuid[i] = chars[0 | Math.random()*radix];
} else {
// rfc4122, version 4 form
// rfc4122 requires these characters
uuid[8] = uuid[13] = uuid[18] = uuid[23] = '-';
uuid[14] = '4';
// Fill in random data. At i==19 set the high bits of clock sequence as
// per rfc4122, sec. 4.1.5
i = -1;
while (++i < 36) {
if (!uuid[i]) {
r = 0 | Math.random()*16;
uuid[i] = chars[(i == 19) ? (r & 0x3) | 0x8 : r];
return uuid.join('');
module.exports = string;