blob: e8871030731931cf5ca513cf5f0f929be156bc60 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Research In Motion Limited.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/*jshint sub:true*/
var fs = require("fs"),
util = require('util'),
xml2js = require('xml2js'),
packagerUtils = require('./packager-utils'),
check = require('validator').check,
sanitize = require('validator').sanitize,
localize = require("./localize"),
logger = require("./logger"),
fileManager = require("./file-manager"),
utils = require("./packager-utils"),
i18nMgr = require("./i18n-manager"),
//This function will convert a wc3 paramObj with a list of
//<param name="" value=""> elements into a single object
function processParamObj(paramObj) {
var processedObj = {},
if (paramObj) {
//Convert to array for single param entries where only an object is created
if (!Array.isArray(paramObj)) {
paramObj = [paramObj];
paramObj.forEach(function (param) {
attribs = param["@"];
if (attribs) {
paramName = attribs["name"];
paramValue = attribs["value"];
if (paramName && paramValue) {
//Add the key/value pair to the processedObj
processedObj[paramName] = paramValue;
return processedObj;
function processFeatures(featuresArray, widgetConfig, processPredefinedFeatures) {
var features = [],
if (featuresArray) {
featuresArray.forEach(function (feature) {
attribs = feature["@"];
if (attribs) {
attribs.required = packagerUtils.toBoolean(attribs.required, true);
// We do NOT want to auto defer networking and JavaScript if the
// blackberry.push feature is being used
if ( === "blackberry.push") {
widgetConfig.autoDeferNetworkingAndJavaScript = false;
if (_predefinedFeatures[]) {
//Handle features that do NOT contain an API namespace
if (processPredefinedFeatures) {
_predefinedFeatures[](feature, widgetConfig);
} else {
} else {
return features;
function createAccessListObj(uriOrOrigin, allowSubDomain) {
return {
uri: uriOrOrigin,
allowSubDomain: allowSubDomain
function processVersion(widgetConfig) {
if (widgetConfig.version) {
var versionArray = widgetConfig.version.split(".");
//if 4rth number in version exists, extract for build id
if (versionArray.length > 3) {
widgetConfig.buildId = versionArray[3];
widgetConfig.version = widgetConfig.version.substring(0, widgetConfig.version.lastIndexOf('.'));
function processBuildID(widgetConfig, session) {
if (session.buildId) {
//user specified a build id (--buildId), overide any previously set build id
widgetConfig.buildId = session.buildId;
function processWidgetData(data, widgetConfig, session) {
var attribs,
if (data["@"]) {
widgetConfig.version = data["@"].version; = data["@"].id;
if (data["@"]["rim:header"]) {
widgetConfig.customHeaders = {};
header = data["@"]["rim:header"].split(":");
// Just set it for now, in the future we can append them
widgetConfig.customHeaders[header[0]] = header[1];
if (data["@"]["rim:userAgent"]) {
widgetConfig.userAgent = data["@"]["rim:userAgent"];
//Default values
widgetConfig.hasMultiAccess = false;
widgetConfig.accessList = [];
widgetConfig.enableFlash = false;
widgetConfig.autoOrientation = true;
widgetConfig.autoDeferNetworkingAndJavaScript = true;
widgetConfig.theme = "default";
widgetConfig.autoHideSplashScreen = "true";
//set locally available features to access list
if (data.feature) {
featureArray = packagerUtils.isArray(data.feature) ? data.feature : [data.feature];
//Handle features that do not have source code
featureArray = processFeatures(featureArray, widgetConfig, true);
//Push empty WIDGET_LOCAL access obj until whitelisting is cleaned up
widgetConfig.accessList.push(createAccessListObj("WIDGET_LOCAL", true));
//add whitelisted features to access list
if (data.access) {
//If there is only one access list element, it will be parsed as an object and not an array
if (!packagerUtils.isArray(data.access)) {
data.access = [data.access];
//check if uri and origin attributes are used
data.access.forEach(function (accessElement, accessIndex) {
attribs = accessElement["@"];
if (attribs) {
if (attribs.uri) {
uriExist = true;
if (attribs.origin) {
originExist = true;
if (uriExist === true && originExist === true) {
data.access.forEach(function (accessElement) {
attribs = accessElement["@"];
if (attribs) {
if (attribs.uri === "*" || attribs.origin === "*") {
if (accessElement.feature) {
widgetConfig.hasMultiAccess = true;
} else {
attribs.subdomains = packagerUtils.toBoolean(attribs.subdomains);
if (attribs.uri || attribs.origin) {
if (uriExist === true && originExist === true) {
widgetConfig.accessList.push(createAccessListObj(attribs.uri, attribs.subdomains)); //using uri attribute by default
} else {
widgetConfig.accessList.push(createAccessListObj(attribs.uri || attribs.origin, attribs.subdomains));
function trim(obj) {
return (typeof obj === "string" ? obj.trim() : obj);
function processSplashScreenIconSrc(data, widgetConfig, key) {
if (data[key]) {
widgetConfig[key] = [];
if (!(data[key] instanceof Array)) {
data[key] = [data[key]];
data[key].forEach(function (obj) {
if (obj["@"]) {
} else {
function processSplashScreenData(data, widgetConfig) {
// This takes config.xml markup in the form of:
// <rim:splash src="splash-1280x768.jpg" />
// <rim:splash src="splash-768x1280.jpg" />
// <rim:splash src="splash-1024x600.jpg" />
// <rim:splash src="splash-600x1024.jpg" />
// and turns it into:
// icon: ["splash-1280x768.jpg", "splash-768x1280.jpg", "splash-1024x600.jpg", "splash-600x1024.jpg"]
// Folder-based localization now done in i18n-manager
processSplashScreenIconSrc(data, widgetConfig, "rim:splash");
function processIconData(data, widgetConfig, session) {
// This takes config.xml markup in the form of:
// <icon src="icon-86.png" />
// <icon src="icon-150.png" />
// and turns it into:
// icon: ["icon-86.png", "icon-150.png"]
// Folder-based localization now done in i18n-manager
var default_icon_filename = "default-icon.png",
default_icon_src = session.conf.DEFAULT_ICON,
default_icon_dst = session.sourceDir;
processSplashScreenIconSrc(data, widgetConfig, "icon");
if (!widgetConfig.icon) {
packagerUtils.copyFile(default_icon_src, default_icon_dst);
widgetConfig["icon"] = [];
function validateSplashScreensIcon(widgetConfig, key) {
if (widgetConfig[key]) {
var msg = localize.translate(key === "icon" ? "EXCEPTION_INVALID_ICON_SRC" : "EXCEPTION_INVALID_SPLASH_SRC");
if (widgetConfig[key].length === 0) {
// element without src attribute
throw msg;
} else {
widgetConfig[key].forEach(function (src) {
var msg2 = localize.translate(key === "icon" ? "EXCEPTION_INVALID_ICON_SRC_LOCALES" : "EXCEPTION_INVALID_SPLASH_SRC_LOCALES");
// check that src attribute is specified and is not empty
check(src, msg).notNull();
// check that src attribute does not start with reserved locales folder
src = src.replace(/\\/g, "/");
check(src, msg2).notRegex("^" + i18nMgr.LOCALES_DIR + "\/");
function processAuthorData(data, widgetConfig) {
if ( {
var attribs =["@"];
if (!attribs && typeof === "string") {
//do not sanitize empty objects {} (must be string) = sanitize(;
} else if (["#"]) { = sanitize(["#"]).trim();
if (attribs) {
widgetConfig.authorURL = attribs.href;
widgetConfig.copyright = attribs["rim:copyright"];
widgetConfig.authorEmail =;
function processLicenseData(data, widgetConfig) {
if (data.license && data.license["#"]) {
widgetConfig.license = data.license["#"];
} else {
widgetConfig.license = "";
if (data.license && data.license["@"]) {
widgetConfig.licenseURL = data.license["@"].href;
} else {
widgetConfig.licenseURL = "";
function processContentData(data, widgetConfig) {
if (data.content) {
var attribs = data.content["@"],
if (attribs) {
widgetConfig.content = attribs.src;
startPage = packagerUtils.parseUri(attribs.src);
// if start page is local but does not start with local:///, will prepend it
// replace any backslash with forward slash
if (!packagerUtils.isAbsoluteURI(startPage) && !packagerUtils.isLocalURI(startPage)) {
if (!startPage.relative.match(/^\//)) {
widgetConfig.content = "local:///" + startPage.relative.replace(/\\/g, "/");
} else {
widgetConfig.content = "local://" + startPage.relative.replace(/\\/g, "/");
widgetConfig.foregroundSource = attribs.src;
widgetConfig.contentType = attribs.type;
widgetConfig.contentCharSet = attribs.charset;
widgetConfig.allowInvokeParams = attribs["rim:allowInvokeParams"];
//TODO content rim:background
function processPermissionsData(data, widgetConfig) {
if (data["rim:permissions"] && data["rim:permissions"]["rim:permit"]) {
var permissions = data["rim:permissions"]["rim:permit"];
if (permissions instanceof Array) {
widgetConfig.permissions = permissions;
} else {
//user entered one permission and it comes in as an object
widgetConfig.permissions = [permissions];
} else {
widgetConfig.permissions = [];
// We do NOT want to auto defer networking and JavaScript if the
// run_when_backgrounded permission is set
if (widgetConfig.permissions.indexOf("run_when_backgrounded") >= 0) {
widgetConfig.autoDeferNetworkingAndJavaScript = false;
function processInvokeTargetsData(data, widgetConfig) {
if (data["rim:invoke-target"]) {
widgetConfig["invoke-target"] = data["rim:invoke-target"];
//If invoke-target is not an array, wrap the invoke-target in an array
utils.wrapPropertyInArray(widgetConfig, "invoke-target");
widgetConfig["invoke-target"].forEach(function (invokeTarget) {
if (invokeTarget.type && !packagerUtils.isEmpty(invokeTarget.type)) {
invokeTarget.type = invokeTarget.type.toUpperCase();
if (invokeTarget.filter) {
utils.wrapPropertyInArray(invokeTarget, "filter");
invokeTarget.filter.forEach(function (filter) {
if (filter["action"]) {
utils.wrapPropertyInArray(filter, "action");
if (filter["mime-type"]) {
utils.wrapPropertyInArray(filter, "mime-type");
if (filter["property"]) {
utils.wrapPropertyInArray(filter, "property");
function validateConfig(widgetConfig) {
check(widgetConfig.version, localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_VERSION"))
for (var prop in {
if ( {
check([prop], localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_NAME")).notEmpty();
check(, localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_AUTHOR")).notNull();
check(, localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_ID")).notNull().notEmpty();
check(widgetConfig.content, localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_CONTENT"))
validateSplashScreensIcon(widgetConfig, "rim:splash");
validateSplashScreensIcon(widgetConfig, "icon");
if (widgetConfig.accessList) {
widgetConfig.accessList.forEach(function (access) {
if (access.uri) {
if (access.uri !== "WIDGET_LOCAL") {
check(access.uri, localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_ACCESS_URI_NO_PROTOCOL", access.uri))
check(access.uri, localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_ACCESS_URI_NO_URN", access.uri))
if (access.features) {
// Assert each feature has a proper ID and is not empty
access.features.forEach(function (feature) {
if (!feature) {
throw localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_FEATURE_ID");
check(, localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_FEATURE_ID")).notNull().notEmpty();
if (widgetConfig["invoke-target"]) {
widgetConfig["invoke-target"].forEach(function (invokeTarget) {
check(typeof invokeTarget["@"] === "undefined",
check(invokeTarget["@"].id, localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVOKE_TARGET_INVALID_ID"))
check(invokeTarget.type, localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVOKE_TARGET_INVALID_TYPE"))
if (invokeTarget.filter) {
invokeTarget.filter.forEach(function (filter) {
check(filter["action"] && filter["action"] instanceof Array && filter["action"].length > 0,
check(filter["mime-type"] && filter["mime-type"] instanceof Array && filter["mime-type"].length > 0,
if ( { (property) {
check(property["@"] && property["@"]["var"] && typeof property["@"]["var"] === "string",
function processLocalizedText(tag, data, widgetConfig) {
var tagData = data[tag],
DEFAULT = 'default';
function processLanguage(tagElement) {
var attribs = tagElement['@'],
if (attribs) {
language = attribs['xml:lang'] || DEFAULT;
widgetConfig[tag][language.toLowerCase()] = tagElement['#'];
} else {
widgetConfig[tag][DEFAULT] = tagElement;
if (Array.isArray(tagData)) {
//i.e. <element xml:lang="en">english value</element>
// <element xml:lang="fr">french value</element>
} else if (tagData instanceof Object) {
//i.e. <element xml:lang="en">english value</element>
} else {
//i.e <element>value</element>
widgetConfig[tag][DEFAULT] = tagData;
function processNameAndDescription(data, widgetConfig) { = {};
widgetConfig.description = {};
processLocalizedText('name', data, widgetConfig);
processLocalizedText('description', data, widgetConfig);
function processCordovaPreferences(data, widgetConfig) {
if (data.preference) {
var preference = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(processParamObj(data.preference)).toLowerCase()),
hideFormControl = preference.hidekeyboardformaccessorybar;
widgetConfig.packageCordovaJs = preference.packagecordovajs === "enable";
widgetConfig.autoHideSplashScreen = preference.autohidesplashscreen !== "false";
// <preference name="backgroundColor" value="hex" />
if (preference.backgroundcolor) {
widgetConfig.backgroundColor = processBgColor(preference.backgroundcolor);
// <preference name="childBrowser" value="enable or disable" />
if (preference.childbrowser) {
widgetConfig.enableChildWebView = (preference.childbrowser === 'disable') === false;
// <preference name="HideKeyboardFormAccessoryBar" value="enable/true or disable/false" />
if (preference.hidekeyboardformaccessorybar) {
widgetConfig.enableFormControl = (hideFormControl !== 'enable' ) && (hideFormControl !== 'true');
// <preference name="popupBlocker" value="enable or disable" />
if (preference.popupblocker) {
widgetConfig.enablePopupBlocker = (preference.popupblocker === 'enable') === true;
// <preference name="orientation" value="portrait, landscape, north, auto or default" />
if (preference.orientation) {
if (preference.orientation === "landscape" || preference.orientation === "portrait" || preference.orientation === "north") {
widgetConfig.autoOrientation = false;
widgetConfig.orientation = preference.orientation;
} else if (preference.orientation !== "auto" && preference.orientation !== "default") {
throw localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_ORIENTATION_MODE", preference.orientation);
// <preference name="theme" value="bright, dark, inherit or default" />
if (preference.theme && (typeof preference.theme === "string")) {
if (preference.theme === "bright" || preference.theme === "dark" || preference.theme === "inherit" || preference.theme === "default") {
widgetConfig.theme = preference.theme;
// <preference name="webSecurity" value="enable or disable" />
if (preference.websecurity && (typeof preference.websecurity === "string") && (preference.websecurity === "disable")) {
widgetConfig.enableWebSecurity = false;
function processBgColor(bgColor) {
//convert bgColor to a number
bgColorNum = parseInt(bgColor, 16);
if (isNaN(bgColorNum)) {
//bgColor is not a number, throw error
throw localize.translate("EXCEPTION_BGCOLOR_INVALID", bgColor);
} else {
return bgColorNum;
function processResult(data, session) {
var widgetConfig = {};
processWidgetData(data, widgetConfig, session);
processIconData(data, widgetConfig, session);
processAuthorData(data, widgetConfig);
processLicenseData(data, widgetConfig);
processContentData(data, widgetConfig);
processPermissionsData(data, widgetConfig);
processInvokeTargetsData(data, widgetConfig);
processSplashScreenData(data, widgetConfig);
processNameAndDescription(data, widgetConfig);
processCordovaPreferences(data, widgetConfig);
widgetConfig.configXML = "config.xml";
//validate the widgetConfig
//special handling for version and grabbing the buildId if specified (4rth number)
//if --buildId was specified, it takes precedence
processBuildID(widgetConfig, session);
return widgetConfig;
function init() {
//Predefined features are features that do NOT contain an API namespace
_predefinedFeatures = {
"enable-flash" : function (feature, widgetConfig) {
widgetConfig.enableFlash = true;
"": function (feature, widgetConfig) {
if (feature) {
var params = processParamObj(feature.param),
mode = params.mode;
if (!mode) {
//No mode provided, throw error
throw localize.translate("EXCEPTION_EMPTY_ORIENTATION_MODE", mode);
} else if (mode === "landscape" || mode === "portrait" || mode === "north") {
widgetConfig.autoOrientation = false;//Overwrites default value
widgetConfig.orientation = mode;
} else if (mode !== "auto") {
//Mode invalid, throw error
throw localize.translate("EXCEPTION_INVALID_ORIENTATION_MODE", mode);
// Throw a warning since this feature is deprecated
_self = {
parse: function (xmlPath, session, callback) {
if (!fs.existsSync(xmlPath)) {
throw localize.translate("EXCEPTION_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND");
var fileData = fs.readFileSync(xmlPath),
xml = utils.bufferToString(fileData),
parser = new xml2js.Parser({trim: true, normalize: true, explicitRoot: false});
//parse xml file data
parser.parseString(xml, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
} else {
callback(processResult(result, session));
module.exports = _self;