Release Notes for Cordova BlackBerry


[CB-5434] add homedir() function and use USERPROFILE [CB-5443] Windows: Handle installed 64 bit Java [CB-5468] improve config.xml encoding handling [CB-5509] Remove ability to set default target [CB-5510] update response codes for plugin success/fail [CB-5433] init.bat use %USERPROFILE% on Windows [CB-5413] Device detection - iterate through all 169.254.x networks [CB-5317] Move signing warn logic to build/run scripts [CB-5329] re-adds rim-permissions element to config.xml [CB-5258] use exit library for process.exit


[CB-4531] bin/check_reqs scripts exit with code 2 on error [CB-5246] cordova/run disambiguate no target exists message [CB-5250] bb init script calls dirname with unquoted path [CB-5266] update create.js to copy all shell scripts [CB-5254] log useful error info to std err [CB-5237] Implemented config-file support in config.xml [CB-4403] Combined check_reqs and init to allow prerequists [CB-4570] Removing unnecessary check for config [CB-5135] Mark scripts as requiring Bash [CB-4340] Auto-detect target pin when its not there [CB-4768] Remove access_shared from default config.xml [CB-4931] Updated signing process to allow passthrough [CB-4780] update script with windows support [CB-4872] added bb10 ndk version scripts [CB-3015] Moving dependencies to .cordova folder to speed [CB-3015] Fix syntax issue in definition check in init.bat [CB-4774] Adding defaults.xml for new prepare flow [CB-4887] Added support for true/false for hidekeyboard [CB-2980] Added the install-emulator script [CB-2988] Added the install-device script [CB-4913] Updates warnings to check for BBID token


[CB-4268] Rework util functions to support getting list of connected devices / emulators [CB-4268] Add support for --device and --emulator to run script [CB-4292] Update plugman to 0.9.10 [CB-4342] Detect USB connected device [CB-4065] Remove lib files after frameworkModules.js is generated [CB-4734] Fixed issue where plugins are not added to frameworkModules [CB-4423] Warn when special characters are used in create script [CB-4344] Auto-detect started simulator [CB-4272] Improve error messages related to debug tokens and signing [CB-4292] Remove remaining plugins [CB-4481] Removing permissions from template since not all apps should need them [CB-4259] Removing plugman and cordova/plugin script [CB-4634] Updating the default app to match cordova-app-hello-world [CB-4544] Adds a --query flag to query the user for their password when we need it - Rewrite the run script for maintenance [BlackBerry10] Fixing a bug with debugtoken generation without prompt Updating scripts to make init calls surrounded in quotes [BlackBerry10] Updated init to work on Windows 7 with long paths with spaces [CB-4730] [BlackBerry10] Updating init calls to work on Win 7 64 with long paths. [CB-4785] Fixing --no-build flag for run command [CB-4732] Re-writing build script to use async Syncing hello-world-app for 3.1 release [CB-4076] Added support for the origin attribute in config.xml [CB-4076] Modified config-parser to default to the uri attribute [CB-4563] Migrated parameters to preferences [CB-4812] Support for “default” value in the orientation preference [CB-3798] Provide support for optional localized node/npm/bb-tools Plugman version bump to 0.10.0 [CB3439] Introduces --web-inspector flag to enable webinspector for signed builds [CB-3798] Fixed CORDOVA_BBTOOLS env variable with spaces in path [CB-3798] Refactored all exec calls to use newly created utility exec function to avoid path with spaces errors corrected playbook create tool usage [CB-4346] changed utils genbarname function to return string as per ticket description, updated section on create command CB-4875 updated readme with info on accessing last supported versions of BBOS and Playbook CB-4876 removal of playbook implementation