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Cordova BlackBerry Distribution

Cordova BlackBerry is a framework that allows for Cordova based projects to be built for the BlackBerry WebWorks Platform. Cordova based applications are, at the core, an application written with web technology: HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The Cordova BlackBerry project allows web developers to develop applications targeting BlackBerry OS 5.0+ and PlayBook devices using the common Cordova API.

Apache Cordova is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator project. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.


Directory Structure

sample/ ... Ready-to-run sample project
www/ ...... Barebones project assets

Ready-to-Run Sample Project

The quickest way to get started with Cordova BlackBerry is to make a copy of the sample folder. The sample folder is a complete Cordova BlackBerry project including build scripts. Copy the sample folder to a desired location to create a new Cordova BlackBerry project.

Building and Deploying a Project

The build scripts included in the sample folder automate common tasks, such as compiling your project, and deploying it to simulators or devices. To see what options are available, use:

$ cd C:\development\my_new_project
$ ant help

Every command is in the form ant TARGET COMMAND [options], where target is either blackberry or playbook.

To build your project into a deployable application (.cod/.jad) file:

$ ant TARGET build

To build your project and load it in a BlackBerry simulator:

$ ant TARGET load-simulator

To build your project and load it onto a USB-attached device:

$ ant TARGET load-device

Barebones Project Assets

The www folder contains the Cordova specific assets that must be available in a BlackBerry WebWorks project. If you have an existing BlackBerry WebWorks project, copy/merge these files into your project to enable the project for Cordova.

ext/cordova.jar     - Native Cordova API implementations for smartphones.
ext-air/            - PlayBook Adobe Air extensions for Cordova API.
playbook/cordova.js - PlayBook Cordova JavaScript API.
cordova.js          - Smartphone Cordova JavaScript API.
config.xml          - BlackBerry WebWorks configuration file.
plugins.xml         - Cordova plugin configuration file.

config.xml is a sample that you are free to alter or merge with an existing BlackBerry WebWorks configuration file. The necessary Cordova sections are contained in the <feature> and <access> sections:

<!-- Cordova API -->
<feature ... />
<feature ... />

<!-- Cordova API -->
<access ... />
<access ... />

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: My simulator screen is not refreshing and I see blocks on a clicked position.

A: Windows 7 and the simulator's graphics acceleration do not mix. On the simulator, set View -> Graphics Acceleration to Off.

Q: When I use the Cordova Camera.getPicture API on my device, the camera never returns to my application. Why does this happen?

A: Cordova uses a JavaScript Extension to invoke the native camera application so the user can take a picture. When the picture is taken, Cordova will close the native camera application by emulating a key injection (pressing the back/escape button). On a physical device, users will have to set permissions to allow the application to simulate key injections. Setting application permissions is device-specific. On a Storm2 (9550), for example, select the BlackBerry button from the Home screen to get to All Applications screen, then Options > Applications > Your Application. Then select Edit Default Permissions > Interactions > Input Simulation and set it to ‘Allow’. Save your changes.

Q: None of the Cordova APIs are working, why is that?

A: You probably need to update your plugins.xml file in the root of your application.

Additional Information