blob: a05da1555ec0a817f09d723a952cc4da45ee4668 [file] [log] [blame]
Tests.prototype.CaptureTests = function() {
module('Capture (navigator.device.capture)');
test("should exist", function() {
ok(navigator.device != null, "navigator.device should not be null.");
ok(navigator.device.capture != null, "navigator.device.capture should not be null.");
test("should have the correct properties ", function() {
ok(typeof navigator.device.capture.supportedAudioFormats != 'undefined' && navigator.device.capture.supportedAudioFormats != null , "there should be a supported audio formats property");
ok(typeof navigator.device.capture.supportedImageFormats != 'undefined' && navigator.device.capture.supportedImageFormats != null , "there should be a supported image formats property");
ok(typeof navigator.device.capture.supportedVideoFormats != 'undefined' && navigator.device.capture.supportedVideoFormats != null , "there should be a supported video formats property");
test("should contain a captureAudio function", function() {
ok(typeof navigator.device.capture.captureAudio != 'undefined' && navigator.device.capture.captureAudio != null, "navigator.device.capture.captureAudio should not be null.");
ok(typeof navigator.device.capture.captureAudio == 'function', "navigator.device.capture.captureAudio should be a function.");
test("should contain a captureImage function", function() {
ok(typeof navigator.device.capture.captureImage != 'undefined' && navigator.device.capture.captureImage != null, "navigator.device.capture.captureImage should not be null.");
ok(typeof navigator.device.capture.captureImage == 'function', "navigator.device.capture.captureImage should be a function.");
test("should contain a captureVideo function", function() {
ok(typeof navigator.device.capture.captureVideo != 'undefined' && navigator.device.capture.captureVideo != null, "navigator.device.capture.captureVideo should not be null.");
ok(typeof navigator.device.capture.captureVideo == 'function', "navigator.device.capture.captureVideo should be a function.");
test("CaptureAudioOptions constructor should exist", function() {
var options = new CaptureAudioOptions();
ok(options !== null, "CaptureAudioOptions object should not be null.");
ok(typeof options.limit !== 'undefined', "CaptureAudioOptions object should have a 'limit' property.");
test("CaptureImageOptions constructor should exist", function() {
var options = new CaptureImageOptions();
ok(options !== null, "CaptureImageOptions object should not be null.");
ok(typeof options.limit !== 'undefined', "CaptureImageOptions object should have a 'limit' property.");
test("CaptureVideoOptions constructor should exist", function() {
var options = new CaptureVideoOptions();
ok(options !== null, "CaptureVideoOptions object should not be null.");
ok(typeof options.limit !== 'undefined', "CaptureVideoOptions object should have a 'limit' property.");
ok(typeof options.duration !== 'undefined', "CaptureVideoOptions object should have a 'duration' property.");
module('CaptureError interface');
test("CaptureError constants should be defined", function() {
equal(CaptureError.CAPTURE_INTERNAL_ERR, 0, "CaptureError.CAPTURE_INTERNAL_ERR should be defined");
equal(CaptureError.CAPTURE_APPLICATION_BUSY, 1, "CaptureError.CAPTURE_APPLICATION_BUSY should be defined");
equal(CaptureError.CAPTURE_INVALID_ARGUMENT, 0, "CaptureError.CAPTURE_INVALID_ARGUMENT should be defined");
equal(CaptureError.CAPTURE_NO_MEDIA_FILES, 0, "CaptureError.CAPTURE_NO_MEDIA_FILES should be defined");
test("CaptureError properties should exist", function() {
var error = new CaptureError();
ok(error !== null, "CaptureError object should not be null.");
ok(typeof error.code !== 'undefined', "CaptureError object should have a 'code' property.");
test("MediaFileData constructor should exist", function() {
var fileData = new MediaFileData();
ok(fileData !== null, "MediaFileData object should not be null.");
ok(typeof fileData.bitrate !== 'undefined', "MediaFileData object should have a 'bitrate' property.");
ok(typeof fileData.codecs !== 'undefined', "MediaFileData object should have a 'codecs' property.");
ok(typeof fileData.duration !== 'undefined', "MediaFileData object should have a 'duration' property.");
ok(typeof fileData.height !== 'undefined', "MediaFileData object should have a 'height' property.");
ok(typeof fileData.width !== 'undefined', "MediaFileData object should have a 'width' property.");