Update index.js (#29)

Please make sure the checklist boxes are all checked before submitting the PR. The checklist
is intended as a quick reference, for complete details please see our Contributor Guidelines:



### Platforms affected

### What does this PR do?

### What testing has been done on this change?

### Checklist
- [ ] [Reported an issue](http://cordova.apache.org/contribute/issues.html) in the JIRA database
- [ ] Commit message follows the format: "CB-3232: (android) Fix bug with resolving file paths", where CB-xxxx is the JIRA ID & "android" is the platform affected.
- [ ] Added automated test coverage as appropriate for this change.
1 file changed
tree: 24f9600a23baba3507fa7d3e7ec66962a9557e6b
  1. .github/
  2. template_src/
  3. .gitignore
  5. index.js
  8. package.json
  9. README.md

Apache Cordova Hello World Application

A simple Hello World application that serves two purposes:

  • It is used as the default app template when creating new projects
  • It is a reference for building and publishing custom Cordova Templates

Structure of your template

├── package.json (for your template package to be published on npm)
├── index.js
└── template_src (contains template files)
    ├── package.json
    ├── config.xml
    └── (files and folders that make up the template)

Outside of template_src

All files outside of template_src are used to define parameters about the template. These files are not copied over at creation, so feel free to add a README or any other files outside of template_src.


index.js points to where the template exists. You'll see that index.js usually looks like:

var path = require('path');

module.exports = {
    dirname : path.join(__dirname, 'template_src')


This package.json holds information about the template itself like its name, version etc. All templates should contain the keyword "cordova:template" so that the template is searchable on npm. For example:

    "name": "cordova-example-template",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "...": "...",
    "keywords": [

Inside of template_src

All files inside of template_src compose the template from which a user would desire in order to create their project. Everything in this folder is copied over to the created project.

The package.json in template_src should be filled with information that describes the project that would be created from the template.