blob: fb00d072ed81666d26b8f2b81aa6915688518b3a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
'use strict';
/* global myApp, cordova */
myApp.factory('Installer', ['$q', 'UrlRemap', 'ResourcesLoader', 'PluginMetadata', 'DirectoryManager', function($q, UrlRemap, ResourcesLoader, PluginMetadata, DirectoryManager) {
var platformId = cordova.require('cordova/platform').id;
function Installer() {}
Installer.prototype.init = function(installPath, /* optional */ appId) {
var ret = this;
ret.appType = ret.constructor.type;
ret.appId = appId || 'default'; // Stored in apps.json. May be different from id within config.xml.
ret.lastUpdated = null;
// Derived values:
ret.updatingStatus = null;
ret.configXmlDom = null; // Read from config.xml
ret.plugins = {}; // Read from orig-cordova_plugins.js
ret.appId = appId;
ret.directoryManager = new DirectoryManager();
return ret.directoryManager.init(installPath)
.then(function() {
ret.directoryManager.onFileAdded = ret.onFileAdded.bind(ret);
return ret;
Installer.prototype.initFromJson = function(json) {
var self = this;
return this.init(json['installPath'], json['appId'])
.then(function(ret) {
ret.lastUpdated = json['lastUpdated'] && new Date(json['lastUpdated']);
return self.readConfigXml_();
Installer.prototype.toDiskJson = function() {
return {
'appType' : this.appType,
'appId' : this.appId,
'lastUpdated': this.lastUpdated && +this.lastUpdated,
'installPath': this.directoryManager.rootURL
Installer.prototype.readConfigXml_ = function() {
var self = this;
return ResourcesLoader.readFileContents(this.directoryManager.rootURL + 'config.xml')
.then(function(configStr) {
self.configXmlDom = new DOMParser().parseFromString(configStr, 'text/xml');
function lastEl(els) {
return els[els.length - 1];
Installer.prototype.getAppName = function() {
if (!this.configXmlDom) {
return '';
var el = lastEl(this.configXmlDom.getElementsByTagName('name'));
return el && el.textContent;
Installer.prototype.getIconUrl = function() {
if (!this.configXmlDom) {
return '';
var el = lastEl(this.configXmlDom.getElementsByTagName('icon'));
var ret = el && el.getAttribute('src');
// Don't set icon until the file exists.
if (!ret || !this.directoryManager.getAssetEtag(ret)) {
return '';
ret = this.directoryManager.rootURL + ret;
return ret;
Installer.prototype.getStartPage = function() {
var el = lastEl(this.configXmlDom.getElementsByTagName('content'));
var ret = el ? el.getAttribute('src') : 'index.html';
return ret;
Installer.prototype.getVersion = function() {
if (!this.configXmlDom) {
return '';
var widgetEl = this.configXmlDom.lastChild;
return widgetEl.getAttribute('version');
Installer.prototype.getConfigXmlId = function() {
if (!this.configXmlDom) {
return '';
var widgetEl = this.configXmlDom.lastChild;
return widgetEl.getAttribute('id');
Installer.prototype.getAndroidVersionCode = function() {
// copied from android_parser.js
function defaultVersionCode(version) {
var nums = version.split('-')[0].split('.').map(Number);
var versionCode = nums[0] * 10000 + nums[1] * 100 + nums[2];
return versionCode;
var versionCode = this.configXmlDom.lastChild.getAttribute('android-versionCode');
if (versionCode) {
return +versionCode;
return defaultVersionCode(this.getVersion() || '0.0.1');
Installer.prototype.updateCordovaPluginsFile = function(etag) {
var self = this;
return $q.when(self.getPluginMetadata())
.then(function(metadata) {
self.plugins = PluginMetadata.process(metadata);
var pluginIds = Object.keys(metadata);
var newPluginsFileData = PluginMetadata.createNewPluginListFile(pluginIds);
return self.directoryManager.writeFile(newPluginsFileData, 'www/cordova_plugins.js', etag);
Installer.prototype.onFileAdded = function(path) {
if (path == 'config.xml') {
return this.readConfigXml_();
Installer.prototype.getPluginMetadata = function() {
throw new Error('unimplemented.');
Installer.prototype.deleteFiles = function() {
this.lastUpdated = null;
return this.directoryManager.deleteAll();
Installer.prototype.unlaunch = function() {
return UrlRemap.reset();
Installer.prototype._prepareForLaunch = function() {
return $q.when();
Installer.prototype.getWwwDir = function() {
return this.directoryManager.rootURL + 'www/';
Installer.prototype.launch = function() {
var self = this;
return $q.when(this._prepareForLaunch())
.then(function() {
var urlutil = cordova.require('cordova/urlutil');
var harnessWwwUrl = urlutil.makeAbsolute(location.pathname).replace(/\/[^\/]*\/[^\/]*$/, '/');
var appWwwUrl = self.getWwwDir();
var startLocation = urlutil.makeAbsolute(self.getStartPage()).replace('/cdvah/', '/');
var realStartLocation = startLocation.replace(harnessWwwUrl, appWwwUrl);
var useRemapper = platformId == 'android';
if (!/^file:/.exec(startLocation)) {
throw new Error('Expected to start with file: ' + startLocation);
if (useRemapper) {
// Override cordova.js, and www/plugins to point at bundled plugins.
// Note: Due to the remapper's inability to remap files that exist, this isn't strictly necessary.
UrlRemap.aliasUri('^(?!app-harness://).*/www/cordova\\.js.*', '.+', 'app-harness:///cordova.js', false /* redirect */, true /* allowFurtherRemapping */);
UrlRemap.aliasUri('^(?!app-harness://).*/www/plugins/.*', '^.*?/www/plugins/' , 'app-harness:///plugins/', false /* redirect */, true /* allowFurtherRemapping */);
// Make any references to www/ point to the app's install location.
var harnessPrefixPattern = '^' + harnessWwwUrl.replace('file:///', 'file://.*?/');
UrlRemap.aliasUri(harnessPrefixPattern, harnessPrefixPattern, appWwwUrl, false /* redirect */, true /* allowFurtherRemapping */);
// Set-up app-harness: scheme to point at the harness.
return UrlRemap.aliasUri('^app-harness:', '^app-harness:///', harnessWwwUrl, false, false)
.then(function() {
return startLocation;
} else {
return ResourcesLoader.delete(appWwwUrl + 'plugins/')
.then(function() {
return ResourcesLoader.delete(appWwwUrl + 'cordova.js');
}).then(function() {
return ResourcesLoader.delete(appWwwUrl + 'plugins/');
}).then(function() {
return ResourcesLoader.copy(harnessWwwUrl + 'cordova.js', appWwwUrl + 'cordova.js');
}).then(function() {
return ResourcesLoader.copy(harnessWwwUrl + 'plugins/', appWwwUrl + 'plugins/');
}).then(function() {
return realStartLocation;
return Installer;