blob: 0e6b102d2b811cd6da9d7d7b9db115117e90d2fd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
(function() {
'use strict';
/* global myApp */
/* global chrome */
// Server actions:
// Show in-app overlay menu:
// curl -v -X POST "http://$IP_ADDRESS:2424/menu"
// Execute a JS snippet:
// curl -v -X POST "http://$IP_ADDRESS:2424/exec?code='alert(1)'"
// Starts the app with the given ID (or the first app if none is given):
// curl -v -X POST "http://$IP_ADDRESS:2424/launch?appId=a.b.c"
// Returns JSON of server info / app state:
// curl -v "http://$IP_ADDRESS:2424/info"
// Returns JSON of the asset manifest for the given app ID (or the first app if none is given):
// curl -v "http://$IP_ADDRESS:2424/assetmanifest?appId=a.b.c"
// Deletes a set of files within the given app ID (or the first app if none is given):
// echo '{"paths":["www/index.html"]}' | curl -v -X POST -d @- "http://$IP_ADDRESS:2424/deletefiles?appId=a.b.c"
// Updates a single file within the given app ID (or the first app if none is given):
// cat file | curl -v -X PUT -d @- "http://$IP_ADDRESS:2424/assetmanifest?appId=a.b.c&appType=cordova&path=www/index.html&etag=1234"
// Deletes the app with the given ID (or the first app if none is given):
// curl -v -X POST "http://$IP_ADDRESS:2424/deleteapp?appId=a.b.c"
// curl -v -X POST "http://$IP_ADDRESS:2424/deleteapp?all=true" # Delete all apps.
// Send a set of files within the given app ID (or the first app if none is given):
// cat file | curl -v -X POST -d @- "http://$IP_ADDRESS:2424/zippush?appId=a.b.c&appType=cordova"
// The zip file must contain a zipassetmanifest.json file at its root that is a map of "srcPath"->"$etag"}.
// Send a partial update of files within the given app ID (or the first app if none is given):
// cat file | curl -v -X POST -d @- "http://$IP_ADDRESS:2424/zippush?appId=a.b.c&appType=cordova&movetype=file"
// The zip file must contain a zipassetmanifest.json file at its root that is a map of "srcPath"->"$etag"}.
// With this method, the files are moved one at a time and will overwrite any existing file of the same name.
// Version 3:
// - Allow zipassetmanifest to use { "srcPath" => "$etag" } rather than { "srcPath" => { "etag": "foo" } } (still supports either though).
// - Removed support for custom dstPath within zipassetmanifest.json
// - Sped up zippush by doing a directory move rather than per-file moves.
// - Added ?movetype=file to zippush command for old per-file behaviour.
myApp.factory('HarnessServer', ['$q', 'HttpServer', 'ResourcesLoader', 'AppHarnessUI', 'AppsService', 'APP_VERSION', function($q, HttpServer, ResourcesLoader, AppHarnessUI, AppsService, APP_VERSION) {
var server = null;
var listenAddress = null;
function ensureMethodDecorator(method, func) {
return function(req, resp) {
if (req.method != method) {
throw new HttpServer.ResponseException(405, 'Method Not Allowed');
return func(req, resp);
function pipeRequestToFile(req, destUrl) {
return ResourcesLoader.createFileWriter(destUrl)
.then(function(w) {
return req.pipeToUri(w, destUrl);
function pipeFileToResponse(srcUrl, resp) {
// TODO: HttpServer needs to expose a "readyForWrite" event, and we need to use FileReader
// so that we can stream this.
// Might also be able to get the file as a Blob via an XHR,
// but that doesn't help us to send it to socket (needs an arraybuffer).
return ResourcesLoader.resolveFileAsBlob(srcUrl)
.then(function(blob) {
resp.headers['Content-Type'] = blob.type || 'application/octet-stream';
resp.headers['Content-Length'] = '' + blob.size;
var readFunc = ResourcesLoader.readBlobInChunks(blob);
return readFunc()
.then(function writeChunk(arrayBuffer) {
// End of file.
if (!arrayBuffer) {
// TODO: Read next chunk while writing current chunk.
return resp.writeChunk(arrayBuffer)
.then(function() {
return readFunc().then(writeChunk);
function handleExec(req, resp) {
var js = req.getQueryParam('code');
return AppHarnessUI.evalJs(js)
.then(function() {
resp.sendTextResponse(200, '');
function handleMenu(req, resp) {
resp.sendTextResponse(200, '');
return AppHarnessUI.fireEvent('showMenu');
function handleQuit(req, resp) {
return AppsService.quitApp()
.then(function() {
return resp.sendTextResponse(200, '');
function handleLaunch(req, resp) {
var appId = req.getQueryParam('appId');
return AppsService.getAppById(appId)
.then(function(app) {
if (app) {
return AppsService.launchApp(app)
.then(function() {
return resp.sendTextResponse(200, '');
throw new HttpServer.ResponseException(412, 'No apps available for launch');
function getAssetManifestJson(app) {
return {
'assetManifest': app && app.directoryManager.getAssetManifest(),
'assetManifestEtag': app ? app.directoryManager.getAssetManifestEtag() : '0',
'platform': cordova.platformId,
'cordovaVer': cordova.version,
'protocolVer': PROTOCOL_VER
function handleAssetManifest(req, resp) {
var appId = req.getQueryParam('appId');
return AppsService.getAppById(appId)
.then(function(app) {
return resp.sendJsonResponse(200, getAssetManifestJson(app));
function handleDeleteFiles(req, resp) {
var appId = req.getQueryParam('appId');
var manifestEtag = req.getQueryParam('manifestEtag');
return AppsService.getAppById(appId)
.then(function(app) {
return req.readAsJson()
.then(function(requestJson) {
if (app) {
if (manifestEtag && app.directoryManager.getAssetManifestEtag() !== manifestEtag) {
return resp.sendJsonResponse(409, getAssetManifestJson(app));
var paths = requestJson['paths'];
for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; ++i) {
} else {
console.log('Warning: tried to delete files from non-existant app: ' + appId);
return resp.sendTextResponse(200, '');
function handleDeleteApp(req, resp) {
var appId = req.getQueryParam('appId');
var all = req.getQueryParam('all');
var ret;
if (all) {
ret = AppsService.uninstallAllApps();
} else {
ret = AppsService.getAppById(appId)
.then(function(app) {
if (app) {
return AppsService.uninstallApp(app);
return ret.then(function() {
return resp.sendTextResponse(200, '');
function handlePutFile(req, resp) {
var appId = req.getQueryParam('appId');
var appType = req.getQueryParam('appType') || 'cordova';
var path = req.getQueryParam('path');
var etag = req.getQueryParam('etag');
var manifestEtag = req.getQueryParam('manifestEtag');
if (!path || !etag) {
throw new Error('Request is missing path or etag query params');
return AppsService.getAppById(appId, appType)
.then(function(app) {
// Checking the manifest ETAG is meant to catch the case where
// the client has cached the manifest from a first push, and
// wants to validate that it is still valid at the start of a
// subsequent push (e.g. make sure the device hasn't changed).
if (manifestEtag && app.directoryManager.getAssetManifestEtag() !== manifestEtag) {
return resp.sendJsonResponse(409, getAssetManifestJson(app));
startUpdateProgress(app, req);
var tmpUrl = ResourcesLoader.createTmpFileUrl();
return pipeRequestToFile(req, tmpUrl)
.then(function() {
return importFile(tmpUrl, path, app, etag);
.then(function() {
return incrementUpdateStatusAndSendManifest(app, req, resp);
// This is set at the beginning of a push to show progress bar
// across multiple requests.
function startUpdateProgress(app, req) {
// This is passed for the first file only, and is used to track total progress.
var expectTotal = +req.getQueryParam('expectBytes') || req.headers['content-length'];
app.updatingStatus = 0;
app.updateBytesTotal = expectTotal;
app.updateBytesSoFar = 0;
function incrementUpdateStatusAndSendManifest(app, req, resp) {
if (app.updatingStatus !== null) {
// TODO: Add a timeout that resets updatingStatus if no more requests come in.
app.updateBytesSoFar += +req.headers['content-length'];
app.updatingStatus = app.updateBytesTotal / app.updateBytesSoFar;
if (app.updatingStatus === 1) {
app.updatingStatus = null;
app.lastUpdated = new Date();
console.log('Update complete.');
return resp.sendJsonResponse(200, {
'assetManifestEtag': app.directoryManager.getAssetManifestEtag()
function importFile(fileUrl, destPath, app, etag) {
console.log('Adding file: ' + destPath);
if (destPath == 'www/cordova_plugins.js') {
destPath = 'orig-cordova_plugins.js';
return app.directoryManager.addFile(fileUrl, destPath, etag);
function handleZipPush(req, resp) {
var appId = req.getQueryParam('appId');
var appType = req.getQueryParam('appType') || 'cordova';
var manifestEtag = req.getQueryParam('manifestEtag');
var movetype = req.getQueryParam('movetype') || 'bulk';
return AppsService.getAppById(appId, appType)
.then(function(app) {
if (manifestEtag && app.directoryManager.getAssetManifestEtag() !== manifestEtag) {
return resp.sendJsonResponse(409, getAssetManifestJson(app));
startUpdateProgress(app, req);
var tmpZipUrl = ResourcesLoader.createTmpFileUrl();
var tmpDirUrl = ResourcesLoader.createTmpFileUrl() + '/';
return pipeRequestToFile(req, tmpZipUrl)
.then(function() {
console.log('Extracting update zip');
return ResourcesLoader.extractZipFile(tmpZipUrl, tmpDirUrl);
.then(function() {
// This file looks like:
// {"path/within/zip": "$etag" }
return ResourcesLoader.readJSONFileContents(tmpDirUrl + 'zipassetmanifest.json');
}, null, function(unzipPercentage) {
app.updatingStatus = unzipPercentage;
.then(function(zipAssetManifest) {
// Support old format of {"path/within/zip": {"etag": "$etag" }}
Object.keys(zipAssetManifest).forEach(function(k) {
if (typeof zipAssetManifest[k] != 'string') {
zipAssetManifest[k] = zipAssetManifest[k]['etag'];
if (movetype == 'bulk') {
console.log('Moving files in bulk');
return $q.when()
if (zipAssetManifest['www/cordova_plugins.js']) {
zipAssetManifest['orig-cordova_plugins.js'] = zipAssetManifest['www/cordova_plugins.js'];
delete zipAssetManifest['www/cordova_plugins.js'];
return ResourcesLoader.moveFile(tmpDirUrl + 'www/cordova_plugins.js', tmpDirUrl + 'orig-cordova_plugins.js');
}).then(function() {
return app.directoryManager.bulkAddFile(zipAssetManifest, tmpDirUrl);
} else {
var keys = Object.keys(zipAssetManifest);
console.log('Moving '+keys.length+ ' files separately');
return $q.when()
.then(function next() {
var k = keys.shift();
if (k) {
return importFile(tmpDirUrl + k, k, app, zipAssetManifest[k])
}, function() {
throw new HttpServer.ResponseException(400, 'Zip file missing zipassetmanifest.json');
.then(function() {
return incrementUpdateStatusAndSendManifest(app, req, resp);
.finally(function() {
app.updatingStatus = null;
function handleGetFile(req, resp) {
var appId = req.getQueryParam('appId');
var path = req.getQueryParam('path');
// Strip beginning /, and any ../ (attempt at security)
path = path.replace(/^\/+/, '').replace(/\/\.+\//g, '/');
return AppsService.getAppById(appId)
.then(function(app) {
var filePath = app.directoryManager.rootURL + path;
return pipeFileToResponse(filePath, resp)
.then(null, function() {
throw new HttpServer.ResponseException(404, 'File not found. Tried: ' + filePath);
function handleInfo(req, resp) {
var activeApp = AppsService.getActiveApp();
var json = {
'platform': cordova.platformId,
'cordovaVer': cordova.version,
'protocolVer': PROTOCOL_VER,
'harnessVer': APP_VERSION,
'supportedAppTypes': ['cordova'],
'userAgent': navigator.userAgent,
'activeAppId': activeApp && activeApp.appId,
'appList': AppsService.getAppListAsJson()
resp.sendJsonResponse(200, json);
function start() {
if (server) {
server = new HttpServer()
.addRoute('/exec', ensureMethodDecorator('POST', handleExec))
.addRoute('/menu', ensureMethodDecorator('POST', handleMenu))
.addRoute('/launch', ensureMethodDecorator('POST', handleLaunch))
.addRoute('/quit', ensureMethodDecorator('POST', handleQuit))
.addRoute('/info', ensureMethodDecorator('GET', handleInfo))
.addRoute('/assetmanifest', ensureMethodDecorator('GET', handleAssetManifest))
.addRoute('/deletefiles', ensureMethodDecorator('POST', handleDeleteFiles))
.addRoute('/putfile', ensureMethodDecorator('PUT', handlePutFile))
.addRoute('/zippush', ensureMethodDecorator('POST', handleZipPush))
.addRoute('/deleteapp', ensureMethodDecorator('POST', handleDeleteApp))
.addRoute('/getfile', ensureMethodDecorator('GET', handleGetFile));
window.HTTP_SERVER = server; // for debugging
return server.start();
function getListenAddress(skipCache) {
if (listenAddress && !skipCache) {
return $q.when(listenAddress);
var deferred = $q.defer(); {
// Filter out ipv6 addresses.
var ret = interfaces.filter(function(i) {
return i.address.indexOf(':') === -1;
}).map(function(i) {
return i.address;
}).join(', ');
listenAddress = ret;
return deferred.promise;
return {
start: start,
getListenAddress: getListenAddress