blob: 2cd34b44a1b84b39b01a9505ed38ce6522a5a48a [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
var nodeVersion = process.version.replace(/^v|-.*$/g, '').split('.').map(Number);
var useOldKeepAlive = nodeVersion[0] < 1 && nodeVersion[1] <= 10;
var http = require('http');
var url = require('url');
var fs = require('fs');
var adbkit = require('adbkit');
var Q = require('q');
var AgentKeepAlive = useOldKeepAlive ? require('old-agentkeepalive') : require('agentkeepalive');
var PushSession = require('./pushsession');
var httpAgent = new AgentKeepAlive({
maxSockets: 1, // Must be set to 1 unless we refactor to allow multiple sockets through adbkit.
maxFreeSockets: 1,
keepAliveMsecs: 3000000
// Client creation is cheap. No IO done until first command.
var adbClient = adbkit.createClient();
function HarnessClient(target) { = target;
HarnessClient.detectAdbTargets = function() {
return adbClient.listDevices()
.then(function(devices) {
devices.sort(function(a,b) {
return a.type < b.type ? -1 :
a.type > b.type ? 1 :
return { return 'adb:' +; });
}, function() {
return Q.reject('Could not run adb command.');
HarnessClient.prototype.autoDetectTarget = function() {
return HarnessClient.detectAdbTargets()
.then(function(devices) {
if (devices.length === 0) {
return '';
return devices[0];
}, function() {
return Q.reject('Could not run adb command.');
HarnessClient.prototype.doRequest = function(method, action, options) {
var self = this;
return Q.when().then(function() {
return || self.autoDetectTarget();
}).catch(function() {
return '';
}).then(function(target) { = target;
var targetParts = target.split(':');
var host = targetParts[0];
var port = +(targetParts[1] || 2424);
var deviceId = null;
if (host == 'adb') {
deviceId = targetParts[1];
port = +(targetParts[2] || 2424);
host = 'adb_' + deviceId;
// If using adb, try to open a socket.
return Q.when().then(function() {
return deviceId && adbClient.openTcp(deviceId, port);
}).catch(function() {
return Q.reject('Could not connect to device. Make sure you have the Chrome App Developer Tool for Mobile open.');
}).then(function(adbSocket) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
if (adbSocket) {
// Override the function that creates a socket, instead using the existing socket.
// This function is identical to the one found in agentkeepalive, except that it doesn't create a new socket.
httpAgent.createConnection = function() {
return adbSocket;
} else {
// Revert to prototype implementation.
delete httpAgent.createConnection;
options = options || {};
var queryParams = {};
if (options.query) {
Object.keys(options.query).forEach(function(k) {
queryParams[k] = options.query[k];
if (options.appId) {
queryParams['appId'] = options.appId;
if (options.appType) {
queryParams['appType'] = options.appType;
var uri = url.format({
protocol: 'http',
hostname: host,
port: port,
pathname: action,
query: queryParams
var pathWithQuery = uri.replace(/^.*?\/\/.*?\//, '/');
process.stdout.write(method + ' ' + uri);
var headers = {
'Connection': 'keep-alive'
var body = null;
if (method == 'POST' || method == 'PUT') {
body = options.body || '';
if (options.json) {
body = JSON.stringify(options.json);
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
headers['Content-Length'] = body.length;
var startTime = new Date();
var req = http.request({
hostname: host,
port: port,
method: method,
path: pathWithQuery,
headers: headers,
agent: httpAgent
var outStream = null;
var innerDeferred = null;
if (options.saveResponseToFile) {
innerDeferred = Q.defer();
deferred.promise.then(function() {
return innerDeferred.promise;
}, function(e) {
if (outStream) {
throw e;
req.on('error', function(e) {
req.on('socket', function(socket) {
// Disable timeouts for packapk until we can optimize it :(.
// Check if for some reason our adb socket was not used.
if (adbSocket && adbSocket != socket) {
delete httpAgent.createConnection;
if (body) {
req.on('response', function(res) {
process.stdout.write(' ==> ' + res.statusCode);
var body = '';
var lastDotTime =;
if (options.saveResponseToFile) {
outStream = fs.createWriteStream(options.saveResponseToFile);
res.on('data', function() {
var now =;
if (now - lastDotTime > 1000) {
lastDotTime = now;
outStream.on('finish', function() {
outStream.close(innerDeferred.resolve); // close() is async, call cb after close completes.
} else {
res.on('data', function(chunk) {
body += chunk;
res.on('end', function() {
process.stdout.write(' (' + (new Date() - startTime) + ')\n');
if (res.statusCode != 200) {
deferred.reject(new Error('Server returned status code: ' + res.statusCode + '\n\n' + body));
if (!options.saveResponseToFile) {
try {
body = options.expectJson ? JSON.parse(body) : body;
} catch (e) {
deferred.reject(new Error('Invalid JSON: ' + body.slice(500)));
deferred.resolve({res:res, body:body});
return deferred.promise;
}; = function() {
return this.doRequest('GET', '/info', { expectJson: true });
HarnessClient.prototype.assetmanifest = function(/* optional */ appId) {
return this.doRequest('GET', '/assetmanifest', {expectJson: true, appId: appId});
}; = function() {
return this.doRequest('POST', '/menu');
HarnessClient.prototype.quit = function() {
return this.doRequest('POST', '/quit');
HarnessClient.prototype.evalJs = function(someJs) {
return this.doRequest('POST', '/exec', { query: {code: someJs} });
HarnessClient.prototype.launch = function(/* optional */ appId) {
return this.doRequest('POST', '/launch', { appId: appId});
HarnessClient.prototype.deleteAllApps = function() {
return this.doRequest('POST', '/deleteapp', { query: {'all': 1} });
HarnessClient.prototype.deleteApp = function(/* optional */ appId) {
return this.doRequest('POST', '/deleteapp', { appId: appId});
HarnessClient.prototype.pushZip = function(appId, appType, zipData, /* optional */ totalPushBytes, /* optional */ manifestEtag) {
var query = {};
if (totalPushBytes) {
query['expectBytes'] = totalPushBytes;
if (manifestEtag) {
query['manifestEtag'] = manifestEtag;
return this.doRequest('POST', '/zippush', {
appId: appId,
appType: appType,
body: zipData,
query: query
HarnessClient.prototype.pushFile = function(appId, appType, payload, etag, remotePath, /* optional */ totalPushBytes, /* optional */ manifestEtag) {
var query = {
'path': remotePath,
'etag': etag
if (totalPushBytes) {
query['expectBytes'] = totalPushBytes;
if (manifestEtag) {
query['manifestEtag'] = manifestEtag;
return this.doRequest('PUT', '/putfile', {
appId: appId,
appType: appType,
body: payload,
query: query
HarnessClient.prototype.deleteFiles = function(appId, deleteList, /* optional */ manifestEtag) {
var query = {};
if (manifestEtag) {
query['manifestEtag'] = manifestEtag;
return this.doRequest('POST', 'deletefiles', { appId: appId, json: {'paths': deleteList}, query: query});
HarnessClient.prototype.createPushSession = function(dir) {
return new PushSession(this, dir);
module.exports = HarnessClient;