
Enables dynamic rerouting of URLs.

iOS Quirks

  • Top-level navigations to file:/// URLs cannot be remapped while preserving history.back() functionality (OS bug).

Android Quirks

  • Requires Android 3.0 or greater.
  • Cannot remap file:/// URLs when the target file exists on the filesystem (OS bug).


appBundle.addAlias(string matchRegex, string replaceRegex, string replaceString, boolean redirect, function callback(succeeded){});
appBundle.setResetUrl(string matchRegex, callback(){});
appBundle.injectJsForUrl(string matchRegex, string jsToInject, callback(){});
appBundle.clearAllAliases(function callback(){});
  • matchRegex -> allows you to specify a regex that determines which url's are replaced.
  • replaceRegex -> allows you to specify what part of the url's are replaced.
  • replacerString -> what to replace the above match with
  • redirect -> this affects top level browser navigation only (changing your browser's location) Assume you redirect requests from http://mysite.com/ to file:///storage/www/ If you set this to true, the document.location after redirection would be “file:///storage/www/”, if you set it to false it will be “http://mysite.com/

The algorithm operates as follows

currently loading 'url'
if(url matches matchRegex){
    newUrl = url.replace(replaceRegex, replacerString)
    if(this is topLevelRequest){
    } else {
        url = newUrl
continue loading 'url'