Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


Past releases have been voted (noted below). Future/current releases also following vote policy (also noted below). Positive dicussion to enhance release tooling to restore the ability to release with speed. Community is loving the new Github integrations: high fives to infra.


Cordova welcomed the following new committers:

  • Archana Naik
  • James Long
  • Mark Koudritsky
  • Josh Soref


cordova@2.8.1 ............ http://s.apache.org/hnP cordova@2.9.0 ............ http://s.apache.org/cyo cordova@3.0.0 ............ http://s.apache.org/Y82 cordova@3.1.0 ............ http://s.apache.org/ICo cordova@3.2.0 ............ http://s.apache.org/9Q9 cordova@3.3.0 ............ http://s.apache.org/VvP
cordova@3.4.0-0.1.3 ...... http://s.apache.org/MgN cordova-plugman@0.20.2 ... http://s.apache.org/MgN cordova-plugman@0.21.0 ... http://s.apache.org/gwx