blob: c5f8d5951c83d16c208844995447a53ec5b4ef43 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
## version $Id$
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss aaa z
message.success = Success
message.failed = Failed
message.error = Error
enabled = Enabled
disabled = Disabled
cancel = Cancel
submit = Submit
edit = Edit
delete = Delete
build = Build
release = Release
save = Save
add = Add
back = Back
workingCopy = Working Copy
builds = Builds
info = Project Information
or = OR
selectAll = Select All
unselectAll = Unselect All
sort.descending = Sort Descending
sort.ascending = Sort Ascending
purge = Purge
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Top
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
top.logo.default = [Your company logo here]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Bottom
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
bottom.version.number = ${pom.parent.parent.version}
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Menu
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
menu.continuum.about = About
menu.continuum.showProjects = Show Projects
menu.continuum.showProjectGroups = Show Project Groups
menu.addProject = Add Project
menu.add.m2Project = Maven 2.0.x Project
menu.add.m1Project = Maven 1.x Project
menu.add.antProject = Ant Project
menu.add.shellProject = Shell Project
menu.administration = Administration
menu.administration.configuration = Configuration
menu.administration.appearance = Appearance
menu.administration.profile = Build Environments
menu.administration.installations = Installations
menu.administration.schedules = Schedules
menu.administration.users = Users
menu.administration.userGroups = User Groups
menu.administration.roles = Roles
menu.administration.buildDefinitionTemplates = Build Definitions Templates
menu.account.options = My account
user.edit.account = Edit user info
menu.administration.queues = Queues
menu.administration.repositories = Local Repositories
menu.administration.purge = Purge Configurations
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: error
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Error Page
error.section.title = An Internal Error Has Occurred!
error.exception.message = Exception Message:
error.message = The server was not able of performing the request. Please try again later. Contact the administrator if this problem persists.
error.403.title = Error 403
error.403.section.title = Resource Forbidden
error.403.message = The URL requested results in a forbidden page.
error.404.title = Error 404
error.404.section.title = Resource Not Found
error.404.message = The URL requested cannot be found.
error.500.title = Error 500
error.500.section.title = Internal Error
error.500.message = The URL requested results in an internal error.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: About
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - About
about.section.title = About Continuum
about.version.label = Version
about.version.number = ${project.version}
about.buildnumber.label = Build Number
about.buildnumber = ${buildNumber}
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Login
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Authentication
login.section.title = Authentication
login.username = Username
login.password = Password
login.rememberMe = Remember me
login.submit = Connect
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Summary
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Summary
summary.section.title = Continuum Projects = Project Name
summary.projectTable.version = Version = Build = Group
summary.projectTable.lastBuildDateTime = Last Build Date
summary.buildAll = Build All
summary.buildHistory = Build history
summary.buildNow = Build Now
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Group Summary
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Group Summary = Project Groups = Name
groups.table.groupId = Group Id
groups.table.totalProjects = Total
groups.table.summary = Summary = Project Groups list is empty.
groups.section.title = Project Group:
groups.manage.label = Manage Group
groups.confirmation.message = Are you sure you want to delete the project group "{0}"?
groups.table.repositoryName = Local Repository
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Project Group
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Project Group
projectGroup.information.title = Project Group Information = Project Group Name
projectGroup.groupId.label = Project Group Id
projectGroup.description.label = Description
projectGroup.url.label = Homepage Url
projectGroup.projects.title = Member Projects = Project Group Summary = Members = Build Definitions = Notifiers
projectGroup.actions.title = Group Actions
projectGroup.release.error.emptyGroup = Cannot release an empty group.
projectGroup.release.error.severalParentProjects = Cannot release two or more parent projects in the same project group at the same time.
projectGroup.release.error.projectNotInSuccess = Cannot release project group: one or more projects in the group were not built successfully.
projectGroup.deleteGroup = Delete Group
projectGroup.buildGroup = Build all projects
projectGroup.buildGroupNow = Build Group Now
projectGroup.deleteProjects = Delete Project(s)
projectGroup.buildProjects = Build Project(s)
projectGroup.cancelBuilds = Cancel Build(s)
projectGroup.buildsStatut.title = Project Group Last Build Result Overview
projectGroup.buildsStatut.errors = Errors
projectGroup.buildsStatut.failures = Failed
projectGroup.buildsStatut.success = Success
projectGroup.buildDefinition.label = Default Build Definition
projectGroup.addProject.label = Add New Project
projectGroup.releaseNow = Release Group
projectGroup.repository.label = Local Repository = Release Results
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Project Group - Members
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
projectGroup.members.section.title = Member Projects of {0} group
projectGroup.members.users.title = Users = User search = Search
projectGroup.members.user.role.administrator = Administrator
projectGroup.members.user.role.developer = Developer
projectGroup.members.user.role.user = User
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Add Project Group
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Add Project Group
projectGroup.add.section.title = Add Project Group = Project Group Name required. = Project Group Name cannot contain spaces only. = Project Group Name already exists.
projectGroup.error.groupId.required = Project Group ID required. = Project Group ID cannot contain spaces only.
projectGroup.error.groupId.already.exists = Project Group ID already exists.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Edit Project Group
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Update Project Group
projectGroup.edit.section.title = Update Project Group
projectGroup.edit.section.projects.title = Projects = Project Name = Move to Group = Cannot edit this project group. Projects that are members of this project group are still being checked out from scm.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Configuration
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Configuration
configuration.section.title = General Configuration
configuration.guest.label = Guests
configuration.guest.value = Guest user is <strong style="color: green;">{0}</strong>
configuration.workingDirectory.label = Working Directory
configuration.buildOutputDirectory.label = Build Output Directory
configuration.deploymentRepositoryDirectory.label = Deployment Repository Directory
configuration.baseUrl.label = Base URL
configuration.submit.edit = Edit
configuration.guest.message = Enable/Disable login as guest
configuration.workingDirectory.message = Enter the working directory of the Continuum web application
configuration.buildOutputDirectory.message = Enter the build output directory of the Continuum web application
configuration.deploymentRepositoryDirectory.message = Enter the deployment repository directory of the Continuum web application
configuration.baseUrl.message = Enter the base URL for the Continuum web application
configuration.companyName.message = Enter the company name
configuration.companyLogo.message = Enter the company logo
configuration.companyUrl.message = Enter the URL of the official company website
configuration.releaseOutputDirectory.label = Release Output Directory
configuration.releaseOutputDirectory.message = Enter the release output directory of the Continuum web application
configuration.releaseOutputDirectory.required = You must define a release output directory
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Add Project
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
add.project.field.required.error = Either POM URL or Upload POM is required. = The specified host is either unknown or inaccessible.
add.project.connect.error = Unable to connect to remote server
add.project.malformed.url.error = The URL provided is malformed.
add.project.xml.parse.error = The XML content of the POM can not be parsed.
add.project.extend.error = Cannot use a POM with an ''extend'' element.
add.project.missing.pom.error = POM file does not exist. Either the POM you specified or one of its modules does not exist.
add.project.missing.groupid.error = Missing ''groupId'' element in the POM.
add.project.missing.artifactid.error = Missing ''artifactId'' element in the POM.
add.project.missing.version.error = Missing ''version'' element in the POM. = Missing ''name'' element in the POM.
add.project.missing.repository.error = Missing ''repository'' element in the POM.
add.project.missing.scm.error = Missing ''scm'' element in the POM, project
add.project.missing.scm.connection.error = Missing ''connection'' sub-element in the ''scm'' element in the POM.
add.project.missing.notifier.type.error = Missing ''type'' sub-element in the ''notifier'' element in the POM.
add.project.missing.notifier.configuration.error = Missing ''configuration'' sub-element in the ''notifier'' element in the POM.
add.project.metadata.transfer.error = Transfer of Metadata has failed.
add.project.validation.protocol.not_allowed = The specified resource isn''t a file or the protocol used isn''t allowed.
add.project.unauthorized.error = You are not authorized to access the requested URL. Please verify that the correct username and password are provided.
add.project.artifact.not.found.error = Missing artifact trying to build the POM. Check that its parent POM is available or add it first in Continuum.
add.project.project.building.error = Unknown error trying to build POM.
add.project.unknown.error = The specified resource cannot be accessed. Please try again later or contact your administrator.
add.project.nogroup.error = No project group specified.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: AddMavenOneProject
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Add Maven 1 Project
add.m1.project.section.title = Add Maven 1.x Project
add.m1.project.m1PomUrl.label = M1 POM Url
add.m1.project.m1PomUrl.username.label = Username
add.m1.project.m1PomUrl.password.label = Password
add.m1.project.m1PomUrl.message = Enter the URL to the Maven 1 POM. Provide the username and password if it is a secured resource.
add.m1.project.m1PomUrl.error = You must enter a valid URL
add.m1.project.m1PomFile.label = Upload POM
add.m1.project.m1PomFile.message = Enter the local filename of the Maven 1 POM to upload
add.m1.project.m1PomFile.error = You must enter a valid URL
add.m1.project.projectGroup = Project Group
add.m1.project.buildDefinitionTemplate = Build Definition Template
add.m1.project.defaultBuildDefinition = Default
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: AddMavenTwoProject
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Add Maven 2 Project
add.m2.project.section.title = Add Maven 2.0+ Project
add.m2.project.m2PomUrl.label = POM Url
add.m2.project.m2PomUrl.username.label = Username
add.m2.project.m2PomUrl.password.label = Password
add.m2.project.m2PomUrl.message = Enter the URL to the Maven 2 POM. Provide the username and password if it is a secured resource.
add.m2.project.m2PomUrl.error = You must enter a valid URL
add.m2.project.m2PomFile.label = Upload POM
add.m2.project.m2PomFile.message = Enter the local filename of the Maven 2 POM to upload (works only for a single project without modules).
add.m2.project.m2PomFile.error = You must enter a valid URL
add.m2.project.projectGroup = Project Group
# TODO: remove this part once uploading of an m2 project with modules is supported ( CONTINUUM-1098 )
add.m2.project.upload.modules.error = Cannot upload a Maven 2 project with modules.
add.m2.project.nonRecursiveProject = For multi modules project, load only root as recursive build
add.m2.project.buildDefinitionTemplate = Build Definition Template
add.m2.project.defaultBuildDefinition = Default
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: AddProject (ant or shell)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Add Shell Project = Continuum - Add Shell Project = Continuum - Add Ant Project
add.ant.project.section.title = Add Ant Project
projectName.label = Project Name
projectName.error = You must provide a project name
projectName.already.exist.error = Project name already exist
projectName.message = Enter the project name
projectScm.label = Scm
projectScm.error = You must select an SCM
projectScm.message = Select an SCM
projectScmUrl.label = Scm Url
projectScmUrl.error = You must provide an scm url
projectScmUrl.message = Enter the <a href="">Maven SCM URL</a>
projectScmUsername.label = Scm Username
projectScmUsername.message = Enter the scm username
projectScmPassword.label = Scm Password
projectScmPassword.message = Enter the scm password
projectScmTag.label = Scm Branch/Tag
projectScmTag.message = Enter the scm branch/tag name ( For subversion, tag name must be in scm URL and not in this field )
projectVersion.label = Version
projectVersion.error = You must provide a version
projectVersion.message = Enter the version of the project
projectScmUseCache.label = Use SCM Credentials Cache, if available
add.project.buildDefinitionTemplate = Build Definition Template
add.project.defaultBuildDefinition = Default
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: DeleteProject
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Delete Continuum Project
deleteProject.section.title = Delete Continuum Project
deleteProject.confirmation.message = Are you sure you want to delete the project "{0}"?
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: ProjectView
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Continuum Project
projectView.section.title = Continuum Project = Project Name
projectView.project.version = Version
projectView.project.scmUrl = SCM Url
projectView.project.scmTag = SCM Branch/Tag = Group
projectView.project.lastBuildDateTime = Last Build Date
projectView.buildDefinitions = Build Definitions
projectView.buildDefinition.goals = Goals
projectView.buildDefinition.arguments = Arguments
projectView.buildDefinition.buildFile = Build File
projectView.buildDefinition.profile = Build Environment
projectView.buildDefinition.schedule = Schedule
projectView.buildDefinition.type = Type
projectView.buildDefinition.alwaysBuild = Always Build
buildDefinition.profile.label = Build Environment
projectView.buildDefinition.from = From
projectView.buildDefinition.default = Default
projectView.buildDefinition.buildFresh = Build Fresh
projectView.buildDefinition.description = Description
projectView.notifiers = Notifiers
projectView.notifier.type = Type
projectView.notifier.recipient = Recipient = Events
projectView.notifier.from = From
projectView.dependencies = Dependencies = Name
projectView.dependency.groupId = Group Id
projectView.dependency.artifactId = Artifact Id
projectView.dependency.version = Version
projectView.usedBy= Used By
projectView.developers = Developers = Name = Email
projectView.username = User Name
projectView.role.view = View
projectView.role.edit = Edit
projectView.role.delete = Delete = Build
projectView.role.administer = Administer
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: ProjectEdit
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Update Continuum Project
projectEdit.section.title = Update Continuum Project = Project Name
projectEdit.project.version.label = Version
projectEdit.project.scmUrl.label = SCM Url
projectEdit.project.scmUsername.label = SCM Username
projectEdit.project.scmPassword.label = SCM Password
projectEdit.project.scmUseCache.label = Use SCM Credentials Cache, if available
projectEdit.project.scmTag.label = SCM Branch/Tag
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: BuildDefinitionEdit
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Add/Edit Build Definition
buildDefinition.section.title = Add/Edit Build Definition
buildDefinition.buildFile.ant.label = Ant build filename = Shell executable
buildDefinition.buildFile.maven.label = POM filename
buildDefinition.goals.ant.label = Targets
buildDefinition.goals.maven.label = Goals
buildDefinition.arguments.label = Arguments
buildDefinition.buildFresh.label = Build Fresh (Run always a clean checkout instead of an SCM update)
buildDefinition.type.label = Type
buildDefinition.defaultForProject.label = Is it default?
buildDefinition.schedule.label = Schedule
buildDefinition.description.label = Description
buildDefinition.alwaysBuild.label = Always Build = There was an error saving the schedule, no schedule name was supplied. = There was an error saving the schedule, a schedule with the same name already exists.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: BuildSummary
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
buildDefinitionSummary.projectGroup.section.title = Project Group Build Definitions of {0} group
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: DeleteBuildDefinition
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Delete Build Definition
deleteBuildDefinition.section.title = Delete Build Definition
deleteBuildDefinition.confirmation.message = Are you sure you want to delete the build definition with description "{1}", goals "{2}" and id "{0}" ?
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: DeleteNotifier
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Delete Notifier
deleteNotifier.section.title = Delete Notifier
deleteNotifier.confirmation.message = Are you sure you want to delete the {0} notifier with recipient "{1}"?
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Notifier
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Add Notifier
notifier.section.add.title = Add Notifier = Continuum - Add/Edit {0} Notifier
notifier.section.title = Add/Edit {0} Notifier
notifier.type.label = Type
notifier.mail.recipient.address.label = Mail Recipient Address
notifier.mail.recipient.committers.label = Send a mail to latest committers = IRC Host
notifier.irc.port.label = IRC port = IRC channel
notifier.irc.nick.label = Nick Name (default value is 'continuum')
notifier.irc.alternateNick.label = Alternate Nick Name (default value is 'continuum_')
notifier.irc.username.label = User Name (default value is the nick name)
notifier.irc.fullName.label = Full Name (default value is the nick name)
notifier.irc.password.label = Password
notifier.irc.isSSL.label = SSL = Jabber Host
notifier.jabber.port.label = Jabber port
notifier.jabber.login.label = Jabber login
notifier.jabber.password.label = Jabber Password
notifier.jabber.domainName.label = Jabber Domain Name
notifier.jabber.address.label = Jabber Recipient Address
notifier.jabber.isSslConnection.label = Is it a SSL connection?
notifier.jabber.isGroup.label = Is it a Jabber group?
notifier.msn.login.label = MSN login
notifier.msn.password.label = MSN Password
notifier.msn.address.label = MSN Recipient Address
notifier.wagon.url.label = Project Site URL = Server Id (defined in your settings.xml for authentication)
notifier.event.sendOnSuccess = Send on Success
notifier.event.sendOnFailure = Send on Failure
notifier.event.sendOnError = Send on Error
notifier.event.sendOnWarning = Send on Warning
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: BuildResults
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Build results
buildResults.section.title = Build results for {0}
buildResults.buildNumber = Build #
buildResults.startTime = Start Time
buildResults.endTime = End Time
buildResults.duration = Duration
buildResults.startedSince = Started since
buildResults.state = State
buildResults.result = Result
buildResults.buildDefinition.description = Build Definition Description
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: BuildResults
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Build result
buildResult.section.title = Build result for {0}
buildResult.startTime = Start Time
buildResult.endTime = End Time
buildResult.duration = Duration
buildResult.startedSince = Started since
buildResult.trigger = Build Trigger
buildResult.state = State
buildResult.buildNumber = Build#
buildResult.buildError = Build Error
buildResult.buildOutput = Output
buildResult.noOutput = No output.
buildResult.changes = Changes
buildResult.noChanges = No changes = Author = Date
buildResult.changes.comment = Comment
buildResult.changes.files = Files
buildResult.scmResult.changes = SCM Changes
buildResult.scmResult.noChanges = No SCM changes = Author = Date
buildResult.scmResult.changes.comment = Comment
buildResult.scmResult.changes.files = Files
buildResult.dependencies.changes = Dependencies Changes
buildResult.dependencies.noChanges = No dependencies changes
buildResult.dependencies.groupId = Group Id
buildResult.dependencies.artifactId = Artifact Id
buildResult.dependencies.version = Version
buildResult.changesSinceLastSuccess = Other Changes Since Last Success
buildResult.generatedReports.title = Generated Reports
buildResult.generatedReports.surefire = Surefire Report
buildResult.buildOutput.text = Download as Text
buildResult.buildDefinition = Build Definition Used
buildResult.buildDefinition.ant.label = Ant build filename = Shell executable
buildResult.buildDefinition.maven.label = POM filename
buildResult.buildDefinition.goals = Goals
buildResult.buildDefinition.arguments = Arguments
buildResult.buildDefinition.buildFresh = Build Fresh
buildResult.buildDefinition.alwaysBuild = Always Build
buildResult.buildDefinition.defaultForProject = Is it default ?
buildResult.buildDefinition.schedule = Schedule
buildResult.buildDefinition.profileName = Build Environment
buildResult.buildDefinition.description = Description
# From ContinuumProjectState
buildResult.trigger.0 = Scheduled
buildResult.trigger.1 = Forced
buildResult.state.1 = New
buildResult.state.2 = OK
buildResult.state.3 = Failed
buildResult.state.4 = Error
buildResult.state.6 = Building
buildResult.state.7 = Checking out
buildResult.state.8 = Updating
buildResult.state.9 = Warning
buildResult.state.10 = Checked out
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: WorkingCopy
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Working Copy
workingCopy.section.title = Working Copy for {0}
workingCopy.currentFile.text = Download as Text
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Schedules
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Schedules
schedules.section.title = Schedules = Name
schedules.table.description = Description
schedules.table.delay = Quiet Period
schedules.table.cronExpression = Cron Expression = Active
schedules.table.maxJobExecutionTime = Max Job Time
schedules.confirmation.message = Are you sure you want to delete the schedule "{0}"?
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Add/EditSchedule
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add Schedule
addSchedule.section.title = Add Schedule = Continuum - Edit Schedule
editSchedule.section.title = Edit Schedule = Name = Enter the name of the schedule
schedule.description.label = Description
schedule.description.message = Enter a description of the schedule
schedule.cronExpression.label = Cron Expression
schedule.cronExpression.message = Enter the cron expression. Format is described there : <a href="" target="_blank">Syntax<a>
schedule.maxJobExecutionTime.label = Maximum job execution time (seconds)
schedule.maxJobExecutionTime.message = Enter the maximum number of seconds a job may execute in this schedule before it''s terminated.
schedule.quietPeriod.label = Quiet Period (seconds)
schedule.quietPeriod.message = Enter a quiet period period for this schedule
schedule.enabled.label = Enabled
schedule.enabled.message = Enable/Disable the schedule
schedule.second.label = Second
schedule.minute.label = Minute
schedule.hour.label = Hour
schedule.dayOfMonth.label = Day of Month
schedule.month.label = Month
schedule.dayOfWeek.label = Day of Week
schedule.year.label = Year [optional]
schedule.remove.error = The schedule can't be removed, it is probably used by a build definition.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: SurefireReport
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Surefire Report
surefireReport.section.title = Surefire Report for {0} Build Number {1}
surefireReport.summary = Summary
surefireReport.tests = Tests
surefireReport.errors = Errors
surefireReport.failures = Failures
surefireReport.successRate = Success Rate
surefireReport.time = Time
surefireReport.packageList = Package List
surefireReport.testCases = Test Cases
surefireReport.package = Package Name
surefireReport.class = Class
surefireReport.testCase = Test Case
surefireReport.failureDetails = Failure Details
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Continuum Release Support
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Release Project
releaseProject.section.title=Choose Release Goal for {0}
releaseProject.prepareReleaseOption=Prepare project for release
releaseProject.performReleaseOption=Perform project release
releaseProject.provideReleaseParameters=Provide Release Parameters
releasePrepare.section.title=Prepare Project for Release
releasePrepare.parameters=Release Prepare Parameters
releasePrepare.releaseVersion=Release Version*
releasePrepare.nextDevelopmentVersion=Next Development Version*
releasePerform.section.title=Perform Project Release
releasePerform.parameters=Release Perform Parameters
releaseInProgress.section.title=Executing Release Goal
releaseInProgress.phase=Release Phase
releaseInProgress.viewOutput=View Output
releaseViewResult.section.title=Project Release Summary
releaseViewResult.summary=Release Project Details
releaseViewResult.startTime=Start Time
releaseViewResult.endTime=End Time
releaseViewResult.output=Release Execution Output
releaseViewResult.noOutput=No Output
releaseViewResult.projectName=Project Name
releaseViewResult.releaseGoal=Release Goal
releasePrepare.scmUsername.label=SCM Username
releasePrepare.scmPassword.label=SCM Password
releasePrepare.scmTag.label=SCM Tag
releasePrepare.scmTagBase.label=SCM Tag Base
releasePrepare.prepareGoals.label=Preparation Goals
releasePrepare.buildEnvironment.label=Build Environment
releasePrepare.useEditMode.label=Use edit mode
releasePerformFromScm.scmUrl.label=SCM Connection URL
releasePerformFromScm.scmUsername.label=SCM Username
releasePerformFromScm.scmPassword.label=SCM Password
releasePerformFromScm.scmTag.label=SCM Tag
releasePerformFromScm.scmTagBase.label=SCM Tag Base
releasePerformFromScm.goals.label=Maven Arguments
releasePerformFromScm.useReleaseProfile.label=Use Release Profile
releasePerformFromScm.buildEnvironment.label=Build Environment
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: User
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
user.username.label = Username
user.username.message = Enter the username
user.fullName.label = Full Name
user.fullName.message = Enter the full name of the user = Email = Enter the email address of the user
user.password.label = Password
user.passwordTwo.label = Password(again)
user.passwordTwo.message = Password must match
user.userGroup.label = User Group
user.userGroup.message = Select a user group
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: User Group
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Name = Enter the user group name
userGroup.description.label = Description
userGroup.description.message = Enter the description
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Profiles List
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Build Environments
profilesList.section.title= Build Environments
profilesList.installations.label = Installations
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Profile Edit
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Continuum - Build Environment
profile.section.title = Build Environment Build Environment Name = Jdk name = The JDK name
profile.jdk.path.label = Jdk path
profile.jdk.path.message = The JDK Path (JAVA_HOME value) = No installations available = A Build Environment with the same name already exists = You must define a name.
profile.remove.error = The Build Environment can't be removed, it is probably used by a build definition. = Installation Name
profile.actionError = Action Error
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Installations List
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Installations
installationsList.section.title = Installations
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Installation Edit
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Installation
installation.section.title = Continuum - Installation = Name
installation.type.label = Type
installation.value.label = Value/Path
installation.varName.label = Environment Variable Name
installation.jdk.type.label = JDK
installation.maven2.type.label = Maven 2
installation.maven1.type.label = Maven 1
installation.envvar.type.label = Environment Variable
installation.ant.type.label = ANT
installation.automaticProfile.label=Create a Build Environment with the Installation name = Installation name already exists.
installation.varName.required = You must define an environment variable
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Installations Type Choice
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Installation Type Choice
installationTypeChoice.section.title = Installation Type Choice
installationTypeChoice.action.label = Installation Type
installationTypeChoice.tool.label = Tool
installationTypeChoice.envar.label = Environment Variable
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Build Definitions Templates Summary
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Build Definition Templates
buildDefinition.templates.continuum.section.title = Continuum Default Build Definition
buildDefinition.templates.goals = Goals
buildDefinition.templates.arguments = Arguments
buildDefinition.templates.buildFile = Build File
buildDefinition.templates.schedule = Schedule
buildDefinition.templates.profile = Build Environment
buildDefinition.templates.buildFresh = Is Build Fresh
buildDefinition.templates.alwaysBuild = Always Build
buildDefinition.templates.description = Description
buildDefinition.templates.type = Type
buildDefinition.templates.section.title = Available Templates
buildDefinition.templates.buildDefinitions.section.title = Available Build Definitions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Edit Build Definition Template
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Build Definition Template
buildDefinition.template.section.title = Build Definition Template = Name
buildDefinition.template.buildDefinition.goals = Goals
buildDefinition.template.buildDefinition.arguments = Arguments
buildDefinition.template.buildDefinition.buildFile = Build File
buildDefinition.template.buildDefinition.schedule = Schedule
buildDefinition.template.buildDefinition.profile = Build Environment
buildDefinition.template.buildDefinition.buildFresh = Is Build Fresh ?
buildDefinition.template.buildDefinition.default = Default
buildDefinition.template.buildDefinition.description = Description
buildDefinition.template.buildDefinition.type = Type = Name
buildDefinitionTemplate.available.builddefinitions = --- Available Build Definitions ---
buildDefinitionTemplate.available.builddefinitions.used = --- Used Build Definitions ---
buildDefinitionTemplate.builddefinitions.define = Configure the used Build Definitions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Build Queue
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Build Queue
buildQueue.section.title = Continuum - Build Queue
buildQueue.empty = Build Queue is empty
buildQueue.currentTask.section.title = Current Build
buildQueue.currentTask.projectName = Project Name
buildQueue.currentTask.buildDefinition = Build Definition = Nothing is building
buildQueue.removeEntries = Cancel Entries
checkoutQueue.currentTask.section.title = Current Checkout
checkoutQueue.currentTask.projectName = Project Name = No current checkout
checkoutQueue.section.title = Checkout Queue
checkoutQueue.empty = Checkout Queue is empty
checkoutQueue.removeEntries = Cancel Entries
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Confirm Delete BuildResult(s)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Delete Build Results
buildResult.delete.confirmation.section.title = Delete Build Results
buildResult.delete.confirmation.message = Are you sure you want to delete {0} build results ?
buildResult.cannot.delete = Cannot delete a build result which is currently building.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Legend
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
legend.title = Legend
legend.buildNow = Build Now
legend.buildHistory = Build History
legend.buildInProgress=Build In Progress
legend.workingCopy=Working Copy
legend.checkingOutBuild=Checking Out Build
legend.queuedBuild=Queued Build
legend.cancelBuild=Cancel Build
legend.buildInSuccess=Build in Success
legend.buildInFailure=Build in Failure
legend.buildInError=Build in Error
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Wait
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
wait.addprocessing.processing = Adding your project is in progress. Please wait ..
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: DeleteProjects
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Delete Continuum Projects
deleteProjects.section.title = Delete Continuum Projects
deleteProjects.confirmation.message = Are you sure you want to delete the projects "{0}"?
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Confirm Delete Build Env
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Delete Build Environment
deleteBuildEnv.section.title = Delete Build Environment
deleteBuildEnv.confirmation.message = Are you sure you want to delete Build Environment "{0}" ?
# Page: Local Repositories
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Local Repositories
repositories.section.title = Local Repositories = Name
repositories.table.location = Location
repositories.table.layout = Layout
# Page: Add/Edit Local Repository
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Add/Edit Local Repository
repository.section.title = Add/Edit Local Repository = Name
repository.location.label = Location
repository.layout.label = Layout = Local repository name must be unique = Local repository name cannot be spaces
repository.error.location.unique = Local repository location must be unique = Local repository location cannot be spaces = Unable to edit local repository because it is currently in use = Unable to remove local repository because it is currently in use = Unable to purge local repository because it is currently in use
repository.error.remove.default = Cannot remove default local repository.
# Page: Delete Local Repository
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Delete Local Repository
deleteRepository.section.title = Delete Local Repository
deleteRepository.confirmation.message = Are you sure you want to delete Local Repository "{0}" ?
# Page: Purge Configurations
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Purge Configurations
purgeConfigs.repo.section.title = Repository Purge Configurations
purgeConfigs.dir.section.title = Directory Purge Configurations
purgeConfigs.table.repository = Repository
purgeConfigs.table.description = Description
purgeConfigs.table.retentionCount = Retention Count
purgeConfigs.table.schedule = Schedule
purgeConfigs.table.daysOlder = Days Older
purgeConfigs.table.deleteAll = Delete All
purgeConfigs.table.directoryType = Directory Type
purgeConfigs.table.default = Default
purgeConfigs.table.enabled = Enabled
purgeConfigs.table.deleteReleasedSnapshots = Delete Released Snapshots
# Page: Add/Edit Purge Configuration
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Add/Edit Purge Configuration
purgeConfig.section.title = Add/Edit Purge Configuration
purgeConfig.repository.label = Repository
purgeConfig.directoryType.label = Directory Type
purgeConfig.retentionCount.label = Retention Count
purgeConfig.daysOlder.label = Days Older
purgeConfig.deleteAll.label = Delete All
purgeConfig.deleteReleasedSnapshots.label = Delete Released Snapshots
purgeConfig.defaultPurge.label = Is it Default?
purgeConfig.schedule.label = Schedule
purgeConfig.description.label = Description
purgeConfig.enabled.label = Enabled = No repositories to purge
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Release Results
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
projectGroup.releaseResults.section.title = Release Results of {0} group
releaseResults.viewResult = View Result
releaseResults.state = State
releaseResults.startTime = Start Time
releaseResults.endTime = End Time
releaseResults.success = SUCCESSFUL
releaseResults.error = ERROR
releaseResults.project = Project Name
releaseResults.releaseGoal = Release Goal
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Confirm Delete Release Results
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Continuum - Delete Release Results
deleteReleaseResults.section.title = Delete Release Results
deleteReleaseResults.confirmation.message = Are you sure you want to delete {0} release results ?
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Component: Failure
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
failureComponent.section.title = This Component Failed to Render
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Component: Project Group Notifier Summary
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
projectGroupNotifierSummaryComponent.groupNotifiers = Project Group Notifiers of Group {0}
projectGroupNotifierSummaryComponent.projectNotifiers = Project Notifiers
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Appearance
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Configure Appearance
appearance.section.title = Appearance
appearance.companyDetails = Company Details
appearance.description = The logo in the top right of the screen is controlled by your selected 'company POM'.
appearance.noCompanyPom = You have not yet specified a company POM.
appearance.selectCompanyPom = Select a Company POM
appearance.detailsIntroduction = Your selected company POM is below.
appearance.maybeChange = If you would like to change the organization name, url or logo, you can
appearance.editThePomLink = edit the POM
appearance.companyPom.groupId = Group ID
appearance.companyPom.artifactId = Artifact ID
appearance.companyPom.version = Version
appearance.editCompanyPom = Edit Company POM
appearance.companyPom.section.title = POM Information
appearance.companyPom.organizationName.label = Name
appearance.companyPom.organizationUrl.label = URL
appearance.companyPom.organizationLogoUrl.label = Logo URL
appearance.companyPomDoesNotExist = Company POM ''{0}'' doesn't exist.
appearance.createCompanyPom = Create company POM
appearance.htmlContent.label = HTML Content
appearance.enterCompanyPom = Enter the details of the company super POM below. If it exists, the organization name, URL and logo will be read from it.
appearance.footerContent = Footer Content
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Page: Edit Company POM
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Edit Company POM
companyPom.section.title = Company POM
companyPom.autoIncrementVersion = The version will automatically be incremented when you save this form.
companyPom.organization = Organization