JUnitj v5 more progression (#243)

* JUnit v5 format tests

* JUnit v5 AndFileFilterTest

* JUnit v5 AbstractFileNameTest

* JUnit v5 AbstractFtpsProviderTestCase

* JUnit v5 BasicOperationsTest

* JUnit v5 Bzip2TestCase

* JUnit v5 CanExecuteFileFilterTest

* JUnit v5 CreateFileSystemTest

* JUnit v5 ConversionTest

* JUnit v5 DefaultFileSystemManagerTest

* JUnit v5 DefaultFileContentTest

* JUnit v5 DefaultFileMonitorTest

* JUnit v5 EncryptDecryptTest

* JUnit v5 FileChangeEventTest static imports

(cherry picked from commit 19bd187d6b5a099e2c46862f0bd60f0cab983437)

* JUnit v5 FileExtensionSelectorTest static imports

(cherry picked from commit 8bd6e0b5560d1ec19fa74244a8fbcff321727f8f)

* JUnit v5 FileIteratorTest

* JUnit v5 FileLockTest

* JUnit v5 FileObjectSortTest

* JUnit v5 FileObjectUtilsTest

* JUnit v5 FileSystemOptionsTest

* JUnit v5 FileTypeSelectorTest

* JUnit v5 FileTypeTest

* JUnit v5 FileNameTests

* JUnit v5 FileObjectEscapeCharacterInPathTest

* JUnit v5 FileSystemExceptionTest

* JUnit v5 FtpFileNameParserTest

* JUnit v5 FtpFileSystemConfigBuilderTest

* JUnit v5 FtpMdtmOnRefreshLastModifiedTests

* JUnit v5 FtpProviderTestCase

* JUnit v5 FileLockTest

* JUnit v5 FileTypeTest

* JUnit v5 GetContentInfoFunctionalTest

* JUnit v5 HttpGetContentInfoFunctionalTest

* JUnit v5 HttpsGetContentInfoFunctionalTest

* JUnit v5 HdfsFileProviderTest

* JUnit v5 Http4FilesCacheTest

* JUnit v5 Http4GetContentInfoTest

* JUnit v5 Http4ProviderTestCase

* JUnit v5 Http4sGetContentInfoTest

* JUnit v5 Http5FilesCacheTest

* JUnit v5 Http5GetContentInfoTest

* JUnit v5 Http5ProviderTestCase

* JUnit v5 Http5sGetContentInfoTest

* JUnit v5 HttpFilesCacheTest

* JUnit v5 HttpProviderTestCase

* JUnit v5 InvertIncludeFileSelectorTest

* JUnit v5 JarAttributesTest

* JUnit v5 Jira733Test

* JUnit v5 LocalFileRandomAccessContentTest

* JUnit v5 LastModifiedTests

* JUnit v5 LRUFilesCacheTests

* JUnit v5 LargeTarTest

* JUnit v5 NameFileFilterTest

* JUnit v5 NotFileFilterTest

* JUnit v5 NullFilesCacheTests

* JUnit v5 NamingTests

* JUnit v5 NHttpFileServer

* JUnit v5 OrFileFilterTest

* JUnit v5 PrefixFileFilterTest

* JUnit v5 ParseXmlInZipTest

* JUnit v5 PatternFileSelectorTest

* JUnit v5 PermissionsTests

* JUnit v5 ProviderRandomSetLengthTests

* JUnit v5 ProviderReadTests

* JUnit v5 ProviderWriteTests

* JUnit v5 ProviderWriteTests

* JUnit v5 RegexFileFilterTest

* JUnit v5 RegexFileFilterTest

* JUnit v5 RamFileRandomAccessContentTest

* JUnit v5 ResSchemeTest

* JUnit v5 RandomAccessModeTest

* JUnit v5 SuffixFileFilterTest

* JUnit v5 SymbolicLinkFileFilterTest

* JUnit v5 SymbolicLinkFileFilterTest

* JUnit v5 StandardFileSystemManagerTest

* JUnit v5 SftpFileSystemConfigBuilderTest

* JUnit v5 SftpPermissionExceptionTestCase

* JUnit v5 TarFileObjectTest

* JUnit v5 TarFileSystemTest

* JUnit v5 UriParserTest

* JUnit v5 UrlFileNameParserTest

* JUnit v5 UserAuthenticationDataTest

* JUnit v5 VFSTest

* JUnit v5 Vfs444TestCase

* JUnit v5 VfsClassLoaderTests

* JUnit v5 VfsTestUtils

* JUnit v5 WildcardFileFilterTest

* JUnit v5 WebDav4FilesTest

* JUnit v5 Webdav4FileObjectTest

* JUnit v5 WindowsFileNameTests

* JUnit v5 ZipFileSystemTest

* JUnit v5 ZipProviderWithCharsetNullTestCase

* JUnit v5 ZipProviderWithCharsetTestCase
167 files changed
tree: eb9a2bad9cc053f5721ff547b1a86af9600dc0d3
  1. .github/
  2. commons-vfs2/
  3. commons-vfs2-distribution/
  4. commons-vfs2-examples/
  5. commons-vfs2-jackrabbit1/
  6. commons-vfs2-jackrabbit2/
  7. commons-vfs2-sandbox/
  8. src/
  9. .gitignore
  10. BUILDING.txt
  11. checkstyle-suppressions.xml
  12. checkstyle.properties
  13. checkstyle.xml
  16. findbugs-exclude-filter.xml
  17. LICENSE.txt
  18. NOTICE.txt
  19. pom.xml
  20. README.md
  22. SECURITY.md

Apache Commons VFS Project

GitHub Actions Status Coverage Status Maven Central Javadocs CodeQL

Apache Commons VFS is a Virtual File System library.


More information can be found on the Apache Commons VFS Project homepage. The Javadoc can be browsed. Questions related to the usage of Apache Commons VFS Project should be posted to the user mailing list.

Where can I get the latest release?

You can download source and binaries from our download page.

Alternatively you can pull it from the central Maven repositories:



We accept Pull Requests via GitHub. The developer mailing list is the main channel of communication for contributors. There are some guidelines which will make applying PRs easier for us:

  • No tabs! Please use spaces for indentation.
  • Respect the code style.
  • Create minimal diffs - disable on save actions like reformat source code or organize imports. If you feel the source code should be reformatted create a separate PR for this change.
  • Provide JUnit tests for your changes and make sure your changes don't break any existing tests by running mvn clean test.

If you plan to contribute on a regular basis, please consider filing a contributor license agreement. You can learn more about contributing via GitHub in our contribution guidelines.


This code is under the Apache Licence v2.

See the NOTICE.txt file for required notices and attributions.


You like Apache Commons VFS Project? Then donate back to the ASF to support the development.

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