blob: 22ff3aadc0134bb06801871686c7b32826cffa47 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.vfs.provider.ftps;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSystemConfigBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSystemOptions;
import org.apache.commons.vfs.provider.ftp.FtpFileSystem;
* The config builder for various ftp configuration options
* @author <a href="">Mario Ivankovits</a>
* @version $Revision: 480428 $ $Date: 2006-11-29 07:15:24 +0100 (Mi, 29 Nov 2006) $
public class FtpsFileSystemConfigBuilder extends FileSystemConfigBuilder {
private final static FtpsFileSystemConfigBuilder builder =
new FtpsFileSystemConfigBuilder();
private final static String FACTORY_KEY =
FTPFileEntryParserFactory.class.getName() + ".KEY";
private final static String PASSIVE_MODE =
FtpsFileSystemConfigBuilder.class.getName() + ".PASSIVE";
private final static String USER_DIR_IS_ROOT =
FtpsFileSystemConfigBuilder.class.getName() + ".USER_DIR_IS_ROOT";
private final static String DATA_TIMEOUT =
FtpsFileSystemConfigBuilder.class.getName() + ".DATA_TIMEOUT";
private final static String FTPS_TYPE =
FtpsFileSystemConfigBuilder.class.getName() + ".FTPS_TYPE";
private final static String SERVER_LANGUAGE_CODE =
FtpsFileSystemConfigBuilder.class.getName() + ".SERVER_LANGUAGE_CODE";
private final static String DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT =
FtpsFileSystemConfigBuilder.class.getName() + ".DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT";
private final static String RECENT_DATE_FORMAT =
FtpsFileSystemConfigBuilder.class.getName() + ".RECENT_DATE_FORMAT";
private final static String SERVER_TIME_ZONE_ID =
FtpsFileSystemConfigBuilder.class.getName() + ".SERVER_TIME_ZONE_ID";
private final static String SHORT_MONTH_NAMES =
FtpsFileSystemConfigBuilder.class.getName() + ".SHORT_MONTH_NAMES";
public static FtpsFileSystemConfigBuilder getInstance() {
return builder;
private FtpsFileSystemConfigBuilder() {
* FTPFileEntryParserFactory which will be used for ftp-entry parsing
* @param opts
* @param factory instance of your factory
public void setEntryParserFactory(FileSystemOptions opts,
FTPFileEntryParserFactory factory) {
setParam(opts, FTPFileEntryParserFactory.class.getName(), factory);
* @param opts
* @see #setEntryParserFactory
public FTPFileEntryParserFactory getEntryParserFactory(FileSystemOptions opts) {
return (FTPFileEntryParserFactory)getParam(opts,
* set the FQCN of your FileEntryParser used to parse the directory listing from your server.<br />
* <br />
* <i>If you do not use the default commons-net FTPFileEntryParserFactory e.g. by using {@link #setEntryParserFactory}
* this is the "key" parameter passed as argument into your custom factory</i>
* @param opts
* @param key
public void setEntryParser(FileSystemOptions opts, String key) {
setParam(opts, FACTORY_KEY, key);
* @param opts
* @see #setEntryParser
public String getEntryParser(FileSystemOptions opts) {
return (String)getParam(opts, FACTORY_KEY);
protected Class getConfigClass() {
return FtpFileSystem.class;
* enter into passive mode
* @param opts
* @param passiveMode
public void setPassiveMode(FileSystemOptions opts, boolean passiveMode) {
setParam(opts, PASSIVE_MODE, passiveMode ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);
* @param opts
* @see #setPassiveMode
public Boolean getPassiveMode(FileSystemOptions opts) {
return (Boolean)getParam(opts, PASSIVE_MODE);
* use user directory as root (do not change to fs root)
* @param opts
* @param userDirIsRoot
public void setUserDirIsRoot(FileSystemOptions opts, boolean userDirIsRoot) {
setParam(opts, USER_DIR_IS_ROOT,
userDirIsRoot ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);
* @param opts
* @see #setUserDirIsRoot
public Boolean getUserDirIsRoot(FileSystemOptions opts) {
return getBoolean(opts, USER_DIR_IS_ROOT, Boolean.TRUE);
* Set FTPS security mode, either "implicit" or "explicit"
* @param opts
* @param ftpsType
public void setFtpsType(FileSystemOptions opts, String ftpsType) {
setParam(opts, FTPS_TYPE, ftpsType);
* Return the FTPS security mode. Defaults to "explicit" if not defined.
* @param opts
* @see #setFtpsType
public String getFtpsType(FileSystemOptions opts) {
return getString(opts, FTPS_TYPE, "explicit");
* @param opts
* @see #setDataTimeout
public Integer getDataTimeout(FileSystemOptions opts) {
return (Integer)getParam(opts, DATA_TIMEOUT);
* set the data timeout for the ftp client.<br />
* If you set the dataTimeout to <code>null</code> no dataTimeout will be set on the
* ftp client.
* @param opts
* @param dataTimeout
public void setDataTimeout(FileSystemOptions opts, Integer dataTimeout) {
setParam(opts, DATA_TIMEOUT, dataTimeout);
* get the language code used by the server. see {@link}
* for details and examples.
public String getServerLanguageCode(FileSystemOptions opts) {
return (String)getParam(opts, SERVER_LANGUAGE_CODE);
* set the language code used by the server. see {@link}
* for details and examples.
public void setServerLanguageCode(FileSystemOptions opts,
String serverLanguageCode) {
setParam(opts, SERVER_LANGUAGE_CODE, serverLanguageCode);
* get the language code used by the server. see {@link}
* for details and examples.
public String getDefaultDateFormat(FileSystemOptions opts) {
return (String)getParam(opts, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
* set the language code used by the server. see {@link}
* for details and examples.
public void setDefaultDateFormat(FileSystemOptions opts,
String defaultDateFormat) {
setParam(opts, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT, defaultDateFormat);
* see {@link} for details and examples.
public String getRecentDateFormat(FileSystemOptions opts) {
return (String)getParam(opts, RECENT_DATE_FORMAT);
* see {@link} for details and examples.
public void setRecentDateFormat(FileSystemOptions opts,
String recentDateFormat) {
setParam(opts, RECENT_DATE_FORMAT, recentDateFormat);
* see {@link} for details and examples.
public String getServerTimeZoneId(FileSystemOptions opts) {
return (String)getParam(opts, SERVER_TIME_ZONE_ID);
* see {@link} for details and examples.
public void setServerTimeZoneId(FileSystemOptions opts,
String serverTimeZoneId) {
setParam(opts, SERVER_TIME_ZONE_ID, serverTimeZoneId);
* see {@link} for details and examples.
public String[] getShortMonthNames(FileSystemOptions opts) {
return (String[])getParam(opts, SHORT_MONTH_NAMES);
* see {@link} for details and examples.
public void setShortMonthNames(FileSystemOptions opts,
String[] shortMonthNames) {
String[] clone = null;
if (shortMonthNames != null) {
clone = new String[shortMonthNames.length];
System.arraycopy(shortMonthNames, 0, clone, 0, shortMonthNames.length);
setParam(opts, SHORT_MONTH_NAMES, clone);