STATISTICS-2: Migrate "o.a.c.math4.distribution" from Commons Math.

"IntegerDistribution" was renamed "DiscreteDistribution".
"RealDistribution" was renamed "ContinuousDistribution".

All exceptions are instances of "DistributionException" (package-private).

Solver code (used by method "inverseCumulativeProbability") is a private
static inner class in "AbstractContinuousDistribution".
Tolerances are hard-coded. [Constructors that specified a tolerance were

Calls to "FastMath" were replaced by calls to JDK "Math".  This has led to
two unit tests failing in "GammaDistributionTest" for which the tolerance
had to be slightly increased. [The main source indicates which calls to
"Math" methods are responsible for the failures at the original tolerance.]
76 files changed
tree: db1d924357915a49e8e6162c68b9d48b4eda3180
  1. commons-statistics-distribution/
  2. pom.xml