Apache Commons RNG Examples Stress Utilities

Application for calling external tools that perform stringent uniformity tests.

Build the package using:

mvn package -Pexamples-stress

The application contains help information describing the usage. Obtain the help by running the application with the -h flag to obtain the available commands and to obtain information for the commands:

java -jar target/examples-stress.jar -h
java -jar target/examples-stress.jar stress -h

The principle command of the application is the stress command. The command will create random generators from Commons RNG and pass the raw byte output to a program that will test uniformity. The program must be installed separately. Examples of how to run the stress test using Dieharder, TestU01 and PractRand is described in detail on the stress_test page.

Passing byte output to an external program that reads 4 bytes or 8 bytes as 32-bits or 64-bits requires knowledge of the endianness of the current runtime platform. This is described in detail on the endianness page.

The application also provides the output command to print output from a named random generator in a variety of formats. To create a random file of 16K (2 buffers of 8196 bytes) using the JSF_64 generator:

java -jar target/examples-stress.jar output JSF_64 -f BINARY -n 2 > target/raw

To output numbers from the KISS generator as raw bits, integers and unsigned integers:

java -jar target/examples-stress.jar output -f BITS -x 0123456789abcdef

Since the seed is provided this output should be reproducible across platforms:

10011001 11100000 01000011 01101011  2581611371 -1713355925
01010110 01011101 00110011 10110010  1448948658  1448948658
11101001 10001111 11000110 11000000  3918513856  -376453440
10111101 00110111 11110101 11100000  3174561248 -1120406048
11100100 10111001 00110011 11111001  3837342713  -457624583
01010110 01111110 01000011 01001111  1451115343  1451115343
11011011 00000100 00111111 11011011  3674488795  -620478501
11010101 11100011 00111011 01101000  3588438888  -706528408
11110011 11001001 11100000 10001010  4090093706  -204873590
01011111 10000001 10001111 00000100  1602326276  1602326276