blob: e1c41822bfa95e2ccdbb2a8d52f0ad8890ec25b4 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Apache Commons RNG</name>
<description>The Apache Commons RNG project provides pure-Java implementation of pseudo-random generators.</description>
<!-- Do not change: "rng" is the name of the component even if the
name of the base package evolves with major release numbers
(see "commons.osgi.symbolicName", below). -->
<!-- OSGi -->
<!-- Java 9+ -->
<!-- This flag should only be true in the dist-archive module. -->
<!-- Reproducible builds: maven-artifact-plugin:check-buildplan -->
<!-- do not use snapshot suffix here -->
<commons.release.desc>(requires Java 8+)</commons.release.desc>
<!-- MathJax configuration also includes the prerequisite polyfill.min.js script.
See the maven-javadoc-plugin plugin. -->
<!-- Workaround to avoid duplicating config files. -->
<!-- Fix to avoid JXR 3.0.0 forking the lifecycle phase 'compile' during site report
jxr:aggregate. If compile is forked it fails when building the Java 9 modules that
depend on other packages. -->
<!-- Increase from commons-parent -->
Override so that "mvn commons:download-page" will generates a web page
referring to the files created by the "dist-archive" module.
Temporary workaround?
<!-- MathJax script inclusion requires additional Javadoc qualifier for Java8 as of 8u121 -->
<!-- Check for all javadoc errors -->
<!-- Workaround to avoid the SVN site checkout in all modules.
This flag should be deactivated by child modules. -->
<!-- Set by modules to create a custom jira report -->
<rng.jira.component />
<!-- Include an aggregate module to build aggregate javadoc and test coverage reports -->
The examples are built only upon explicit request (requires Java 11).
See profiles: "commons-rng-examples"; "release"
<name>Apache Commons Site</name>
<defaultGoal>clean verify javadoc:javadoc</defaultGoal>
<!-- Ensure maven is compatible with the plugins -->
<archive combine.children="append">
<!-- Java 9 -->
<!-- Add entries from CP that are not inherited (for reasons unknown). -->
<!-- Fix for OpenJDK 8 now validating class-path attributes in Jar manifests. -->
<!-- See -->
<!-- Output the detected violations to the console (for checkstyle:check). -->
<revapi.differences id="intentional-api-changes">
<!-- Path to configuration in the JSON config file -->
<!-- Note: commons-parent binds the check goal to the validate phase -->
Needed for command-line access, e.g mvn apache-rat:rat and mvn apache-rat:check
Below should agree with config in <reporting> section, so the site
gets consistent output.
<excludes combine.children="append">
<!-- version 0.8 of apache-rat-plugin does not exclude properly
some default development tools files (see RAT-126) -->
<!-- NOTE: javadoc config must also be set under <reporting> -->
<!-- Java API links configured in commons-parent create redirect warnings on JDK 17
and fail the build. The links are not required as detectJavaApiLink=true (default). -->
<links combine.self="override">
<!-- Enable MathJax -->
<additionalOptions>${doclint.javadoc.qualifier} ${allowscript.javadoc.qualifier} -header '&lt;script src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt;&lt;script type="text/javascript" async src="${rng.mathjax.url}"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;'</additionalOptions>
<!-- Fix for JDK 11 javadoc search: -->
if (typeof useModuleDirectories !== 'undefined') {
useModuleDirectories = false;
<!-- Should agree with apache-rat-plugin config under <build> -->
<excludes combine.children="append">
<!-- version 0.8 of apache-rat-plugin does not exclude properly
some default development tools files (see RAT-126) -->
<!-- Don't include sub-task -->
<typeIds>Bug,New Feature,Task,Improvement,Wish,Test</typeIds>
<!-- NOTE: javadoc config must also be set under <build> -->
<!-- Java API links configured in commons-parent create redirect warnings on JDK 17
and fail the build. The links are not required as detectJavaApiLink=true (default). -->
<links combine.self="override">
<!-- Enable MathJax -->
<additionalOptions>${doclint.javadoc.qualifier} ${allowscript.javadoc.qualifier} -header '&lt;script src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt;&lt;script type="text/javascript" async src="${rng.mathjax.url}"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;'</additionalOptions>
<!-- Fix for JDK 11 javadoc search: -->
if (typeof useModuleDirectories !== 'undefined') {
useModuleDirectories = false;
<!-- select non-aggregate reports -->
<!-- Override a parent property if the SVN site checkout should not be performed.
This should activate for child modules. -->
<!-- Runs if the SVN site checkout does not exist.
This is either obtained using svn (for the parent) or an empty directory is created.
The site-content directory is used when updating the live site. -->
<!-- For multi-module builds, only the parent directory requires a site checkout.
This task will create an empty directory as the site checkout is missing. -->
<target name="empty-checkout" unless="${}">
<mkdir dir="${commons.scmPubCheckoutDirectory}" />
<echo file="${commons.scmPubCheckoutDirectory}${file.separator}README" message="The '${commons.scmPubCheckoutDirectory}' directory is empty in child modules." />
<!-- Checkout the top-level directory of the site using SVN. -->
<target name="prepare-checkout" if="${}">
<!-- Top level directory -->
<exec executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
<arg line="checkout --depth immediates ${commons.scmPubUrl} ${commons.scmPubCheckoutDirectory}" />
<!-- Create the directory in the event that no svn exectuable is on the path -->
<mkdir dir="${commons.scmPubCheckoutDirectory}" />
<echo file="${commons.scmPubCheckoutDirectory}.README">The '${commons.scmPubCheckoutDirectory}' directory is controlled by "subversion".
Running "svn up" will download *all* the files of the live web site at
This is avoided by creating an empty directory when svn is not available.
<!-- Allow the SVN site checkout to be removed in the clean phase. -->
<target name="remove-checkout">
<delete dir="${commons.scmPubCheckoutDirectory}" quiet="true" />
<delete file="${commons.scmPubCheckoutDirectory}.README" quiet="true" />
<!-- Ekstazi ( profile to optimize regression testing -->
<!-- RevAPI only activated in modules requiring binary compatibility -->
<!-- For reporting do not ignore the "intentional-api-changes" so they are included -->
<!-- Path(s) to configuration in the JSON config file -->
<!-- Note: Property 'reportSeverity' is deprecated but newer 'reportCriticality'
does work as documented. -->
Profiles for modules with special requirements.
These are combined with the existing <modules>.
<!-- Examples are not part of the binary release so do not include in the build.
Use the commons-rng-examples profile to create the site. -->
<name>Gilles Sadowski</name>
<email>erans at apache dot org</email>
<name>Rob Tompkins</name>
<email>chtompki at apache dot org</email>
<name>Alex Herbert</name>
<email>aherbert at apache dot org</email>
<name>Artem Barger</name>
<name>Abhishek Singh Dhadwal</name>
<name>Arturo Bernal</name>