Apache Commons RNG Stress Test Endianness

The stress test application will output raw binary data for generated numbers. An integer is 4 bytes and a long is 8 bytes and thus the byte order or Endianness of the data must be correct for the test application. The stress test application can support either big-endian or little-endian format. The application will auto-detect the platform and will default to output binary data using the native byte order.

You can determine the native platform format using the stress test application endian command:

    mvn package -P examples-stress
    java -jar target/examples-stress.jar endian

This will output:


The Dieharder application and stdin2testu01 bridge application for the TestU01 test suites read binary data using a c-library function that requires the data to be in the native byte order. These test suites will be supported automatically.

The following sections show examples of verifying the endianness for a test application. The first uses Dieharder which can read test data in both text and binary format. The second uses the stdin2testu01 bridge application to verify data passed to an application using a C API is correct. The third verifies that any data tests using the output command are applicable to the stress command.

Testing using file output

This example demonstrates writing text and binary data from the Java application to file. This can then be passed to a test application that reads both formats. The example uses the Dieharder application to demonstrate the result.

Build the examples-stress jar file:

    mvn package -P examples-stress

This will create a single jar file with all the dependencies in the target directory. The program contains a simple command to output data from a random generator. To output data in both text and binary format use the following commands:

    java -jar target/examples-stress.jar output KISS -s 1 -n 2048000 \
            -f DIEHARDER -o test.dh
    java -jar target/examples-stress.jar output KISS -s 1 -n 1000 \
            -f BINARY -o test.big -b big_endian --buffer-size 8192
    java -jar target/examples-stress.jar output KISS -s 1 -n 1000 \
            -f BINARY -o test.little -b little_endian --buffer-size 8192

This should produce the following output files:

test.dhText file in the Dieharder format (unsigned integer data)
test.bigBinary file using the big-endian format
test.littleBinary file using the little-endian format

Note that the -n parameter is the count of numbers in text output but the count of buffers in binary output. The example above has 2048 4-byte integers per 8192 buffer. The -n parameter has been adjusted so the output numbers are the same.

The data can then be used to run a test within Dieharder:

    dieharder -g 202 -d 0 -f test.dh
    dieharder -g 201 -d 0 -f test.little
    dieharder -g 201 -d 0 -f test.big

Only one of the raw binary files should match the result from the text file. This is the correct endianness.

Note that Dieharder rewinds the file if necessary to get enough numbers for the test. If the file is created to be large enough to use without rewind then the binary output can be written direct to dieharder. For the birthdays test (-d 0 option) 20,000,000 should be enough. In the following example the stress test application directly writes to stdout which is then piped to the dieharder application which reads using stdin (-g 200 option):

    java -jar target/examples-stress.jar output KISS -s 1 -n 20000000 \
            -f DIEHARDER -o test.dh
    dieharder -g 202 -d 0 -f test.dh
    java -jar target/examples-stress.jar output KISS -s 1 -n 10000 \
            -f BINARY -b little_endian | dieharder -g 200 -d 0

If the results are not the same then the second command can be repeated with -b big_endian.

Remember to clean up the output files:

    rm -f test.dh test.big test.little

Testing using the Java to c bridge

This example demonstrates passing data from the Java application to a c program. The c program that receives the data can then call a library of test suites. This is the mechanism used by the stdin2testu01 bridge application for the TestU01 test suite but is applicable to any library with a c language API.

Build the examples-stress jar file:

    mvn package -P examples-stress

This will create a single jar file with all the dependencies in the target directory. The program contains a simple test for the bridge between the Java application and a sub-process. This will send a set of test integer data in binary format to the standard input (stdin) of a provided application.

The stdin2testu01 application is able to read the input binary data and convert it to human readable format when run with the argument raw32. Details of how to build the stdin2testu01 application are provided in the stress test page.

The platform endianess is auto-detected by the Java application. To run the bridge test use the following command:

    java -jar target/examples-stress.jar bridge ./stdin2testu01 raw32

This should produce the following output files:

bridge.dataText file containing the data sent by the Java application
bridge.outText file containing the stdout written by the sub-process
bridge.errText file containing the stderr written by the sub-process

The bridge.data file contains 32 integers with a single bit set, least significant first. Then 32 random integers. The data is written using the logical byte representation of the data (this is done using bit shifts to isolate each byte in turn most significant first), the unsigned integer value and the signed integer value. The contents will be similar to:

    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001           1           1
    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000010           2           2
    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100           4           4
    00100000 00000000 00000000 00000000   536870912   536870912
    01000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  1073741824  1073741824
    10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  2147483648 -2147483648
    01011100 10001111 11110001 11000001  1552937409  1552937409
    10110000 01110101 10010011 00011100  2960495388 -1334471908

The stdin2testu01 has been written to output in the same format when using the raw32 mode. If the data has been correctly read the bridge.data and bridge.out should match. If the endianess is incorrect then the data sent by the Java application will not match the data read by the sub-process. For example to swap the endianness use the -b option:

    java -jar target/examples-stress.jar bridge -b BIG_ENDIAN ./stdin2testu01 raw32

In this case the little-endian plaform has been sent big-endian data and the contents of the bridge.out file begin with the reverse byte order:

    00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000    16777216    16777216
    00000010 00000000 00000000 00000000    33554432    33554432
    00000100 00000000 00000000 00000000    67108864    67108864

The least significant byte in the Java application is now the most significant and the integer values do not match; the sub-process has incorrectly received the data.

Remember to clean up the output files:

    rm -f bridge.data bridge.out bridge.err

Testing the stress command

The stress command will open the provided application and send binary data. The data transfer modes should match the equivalent modes in the output command. However the output command can be used to output more formats and used to test data transfer to a test application that accepts different input (such as the Dieharder text and binary format).

To verify that the stress command is sending the same data as the output command requires piping data from each to a program. This example uses stdin2testu01 with the raw mode.

Create a list for the stress command:

    java -jar target/examples-stress.jar list | grep SPLIT_MIX_64 > rng.list

Run the stress command:

    java -jar target/examples-stress.jar stress -l rng.list \
            -x 012345 \
            --prefix stress_ \
            -o overwrite \
            ./stdin2testu01 raw32 10

The overwrite mode will replace existing files and is used here to allow repeat testing.

Run the equivalent output command:

    java -jar target/examples-stress.jar output SPLIT_MIX_64 \
            -x 012345 \
            -f binary \
            -b little_endian \
            | ./stdin2testu01 raw32 10 > output.data

Note the use of the same hex seed with the -x option.

Compare the data in stress_10_1 and output.data. The number data in the file should be identical if the endianness was correctly configured.

    diff stress_10_1 output.data

The only difference should be the the header and footer added by the stress command to the results file. If the endianness is incorrect for the output command then the number data will not match. Note that the output command by default uses big endian for consistency across all platforms; the stress command uses the native byte order of the platform.

An equivalent 64-bit output would use the --raw64 option for each command:

    java -jar target/examples-stress.jar stress -l rng.list \
            -x 012345 \
            --prefix stress_ \
            -o overwrite \
            --raw64 \
            ./stdin2testu01 raw64 10
    java -jar target/examples-stress.jar output SPLIT_MIX_64 \
            -x 012345 \
            -f binary \
            -b little_endian \
            --raw64 \
            | ./stdin2testu01 raw64 10 > output.data

Remember to clean up the output files:

    rm -f rng.list stress_10_1 output.data