Apache Commons RNG Stress Test Example

The stress test module contains an application for calling external tools that perform stringent uniformity tests. The following shows an example of how to run Dieharder and TestU01.

Installation on Linux/MacOS

This assumes that the source code has been checked out and the current working directory is commons-rng-examples/examples-stress.


This can be installed from TestU01 or using the available packages (linux):

    > apt-get install libtestu01 libtestu01-dev testu01-bin

If installing TestU01 from source then it is recommended to do this using an install directory to avoid header clashes as the install puts headers directly into <install directory>/include:

    > ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/testu01
    > make
    > make install

A simple bridge is provided to read the integers from stdin and pass them to the TestU01 library. This can be compiled using one of the following (depending on the library names):

     > gcc src/main/c/stdin2testu01.c -o stdin2testu01 -ltestu01 -lprobdist -lmylib -lm
     > gcc src/main/c/stdin2testu01.c -o stdin2testu01 -ltestu01 \
           -ltestu01probdist -ltestu01mylib -lm

Note: If TestU01 was installed from source then the stdin2testu01.c may have to be modified to use different headers. Open the source and update to:

#define TEST_U01_SRC 1

Then compile with the <install directory>/include and lib directories:

    > gcc src/main/c/stdin2testu01.c -o stdin2testu01 \
          -I/usr/local/testu01/include \
          -L/usr/local/testu01/lib \
          -ltestu01 -lprobdist -lmylib -lm


This can be installed from Dieharder or using the available packages:

    > apt-get install dieharder
    > brew install dieharder

The dieharder executable can read integers from stdin for analysis so no additional steps are required.

Test platform Endianness

The stress test application will output raw binary data for generated integers. An integer is 4 bytes and thus the byte order or Endianness of the data must be correct for the test application. The stress test application can support either big-endian or little-endian format. The application will auto-detect the platform and will default to output binary data using the native byte order.

The Dieharder application and stdin2testu01 bridge application for the TestU01 test suites read binary data using a c-library function that requires the data to be in the native byte order. These test suites will be supported automatically.

If using a alternative test suite the endian format expected by the test suite must be verified. More details of how to do this are provided in the endianness page.

Running on Linux/MacOS

Build the examples-stress jar file:

    > mvn package -P examples-stress

This will create a single jar file with all the dependencies in the target directory.

The jar file is executable and provides usage information with the --help or -h option:

    > java -jar target/examples-stress.jar -h

The list of generators that can be tested can be customised. The default is to use all known generators that do not require arguments in addition to a random seed. To create a template list use the list command:

    > java -jar target/examples-stress.jar list

    # ID   RandomSource           trials   [constructor arguments ...]
    1      JDK                    1
    2      WELL_512_A             1

Arguments can be specified for those generators that require them. Note that the identifier for each line, corresponding to a tested generator, must be unique. The identifier will be used to name the output results file for the generator.

To run the stress test use the stress command and provide the following arguments:

executableThe test tooldieharder, stdin2testu01
...Arguments for the test tooldieharder: -a -g 200 -Y 1 -k 2
stdin2testu01: SmallCrush, Crush, BigCrush

The command sets defaults for other options that can be changed, for example the output results file prefix, the number of concurrent tasks, byte-order or the number of trials per generator. Use the --help option to show the available options.


    > java -jar target/examples-stress.jar stress \
          --prefix target/tu_ \
          ./stdin2testu01 \


    > java -jar target/examples-stress.jar stress \
          --prefix target/dh_ \
          /usr/bin/dieharder \
          -a -g 200 -Y 1 -k 2

The output results can be viewed using the results command:

    > java -jar target/examples-stress.jar results \
          target/tu_* \
          target/dh_* --ignore-sums

Various formats are available. Use the --help option to show the available options.