blob: 81f0100b25e029254170ec614ba0589da8dbbcf8 [file] [log] [blame]
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<!-- Description: -->
<document xmlns=""
<title>Apache Commons Release Plugin Changes</title>
<author email="">Apache Commons Developers</author>
<release version="1.8.1" date="2020-MM-DD" description="Version 1.8">
<!-- FIXES -->
<action type="update" dev="ggregory" due-to="Marc Wrobel">Fix minor typos #131.</action>
<!-- UPDATES -->
<action type="update" dev="ggregory" due-to="Gary Gregory">Bump actions/cache from 3 to 3.0.10 #123, #126, #128, #139, #140.</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory" due-to="Gary Gregory, Dependabot">Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 3.1.0 #141.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow" due-to="Dependabot">Bump actions/setup-java from 2 to 3.5.1. #108.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow" due-to="Dependabot">Bump github/codeql-action from 1 to 2 #109.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow" due-to="Dependabot">Bump commons-parent from 52 to 56 #111, #137, #153, #162.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow" due-to="Dependabot">Bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.7 to 0.8.8 #112.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow" due-to="Dependabot">Bump plexus-velocity from 1.3 to 2.0 #116.</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory" due-to="Dependabot">Bump maven-scm.version from 1.12.2 to 2.0.0 #117, #180.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow" due-to="Dependabot">Bump maven.dependency.version from 3.8.5 to 3.9.0 #120, #161, #172.</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory" due-to="Dependabot">Bump maven-pmd-plugin from 3.16.0 to 3.19.0 #119, #129, #135.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow" due-to="Dependabot">Bump junit-vintage-engine from 5.8.2 to 5.9.1 #125, #136.</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory" due-to="Dependabot">Bump spotbugs-maven-plugin from to #106, #115, #122, #124, #133, #142, #150.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow" due-to="Gary Gregory, Dependabot">Bump spotbugs from 4.6.0 to 4.7.3 #114, #134, #145.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow" due-to="Dependabot">Bump maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.1.2 to 3.2.1 #130, #166.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow" due-to="Dependabot">Bump commons-compress from 1.21 to 1.22 #148.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow" due-to="Dependabot">Bump maven.plugin.version from 3.6.4 to 3.8.1 #149, #168, #174.</action>
<release version="1.8.0" date="2022-03-13" description="Version 1.8">
<action issue="COMMONSSITE-138" type="add" dev="chtompki, ggregory">Create signature validation script for releases.</action>
<!-- FIXES -->
<action type="fix" dev="sebb">Fail if is not defined.</action>
<action type="fix" dev="sebb">Allow for old-style group ids in vote-txt.</action>
<action type="fix" dev="sebb">Don't create hash for .asc files.</action>
<action type="fix" dev="ggregory" due-to="Arturo Bernal, Bruno P. Kinoshita">Replace construction of FileInputStream and FileOutputStream objects with Files NIO APIs. #44.</action>
<action type="fix" dev="ggregory">Replace FindBugs with SpotBugs.</action>
<action type="fix" dev="ggregory" due-to="Arturo Bernal">Minor Improvements #34.</action>
<action type="fix" dev="ggregory" due-to="Gary Gregory">Workaround UnsupportedOperationException in CommonsDistributionDetachmentMojo.execute due to</action>
<!-- UPDATES -->
<action type="update" dev="kinow">Bump maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2 #36.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow">Bump maven-pmd-plugin from 3.13.0 to 3.15.0 #29 #72.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow">Bump commons-build-plugin from 1.11 to 1.12 #25.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow">Bump actions/setup-java from v1.4.0 to v2 #11 #19 #49.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow" due-to="Gary Gregory">Bump spotbugs from 4.1.1 to 4.6.0 #10 #24 #30 #37 #41 #51 #59 #68 #71 #80 #93 #98.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow">Bump spotbugs-maven-plugin from 4.1.1 to #20 #26 #33 #45 #52 #61 #74 #79 #81 #88 #94 #99.</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">Update JUnit from 4.12 to 4.13.2, #23 #39.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow" due-to="Gary Gregory, Dependabot">Bump maven.dependency.version from 3.6.1 to 3.8.5 #47 #76 #86.</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">Update commons-io:commons-io from 2.6 to 2.11.0 #13 #63.</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">Update checkstyle from 8.34 to 9.3 #5, #12, #14, #27, #31, #35, #40, #46, #53, #58, #64, #65, #69, #77, #84, #91, #95, #101.</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">Update actions/checkout from v2.3.1 to v3 #8, #16, #28, #78, #83, #103.</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">Update velocity-engine-core from 2.1 to 2.3 #4 #43.</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">Update commons-codec from 1.13 to 1.15.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow" due-to="Dependabot">Bump actions/cache from v2 to v3 #38, #50, #56, #87, #105.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow" due-to="Dependabot">Bump maven.plugin.version from 3.6.0 to 3.6.4 #54, #89, #97.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow" due-to="Gary Gregory, Dependabot">Bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.5 to 0.8.7 (Fixes Java 15 builds) #55.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow" due-to="Dependabot">Bump plexus-velocity from 1.2 to 1.3 #60.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow" due-to="Gary Gregory, Dependabot">Bump commons-compress from 1.19 to 1.21 #62.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow" due-to="Gary Gregory">Replace JUnit from 4.13.2 to 5.7.2 vintage.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow" due-to="Dependabot">Bump maven-scm.version from 1.11.2 to 1.12.2 #66, #73, #96.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow" due-to="Dependabot">Bump junit-vintage-engine from 5.7.2 to 5.8.2 #70, #75, #90.</action>
<action type="update" dev="kinow" due-to="Dependabot">Bump taglist-maven-plugin from 2.4 to 3.0.0 #100.</action>
<release version="1.7" date="2019-08-30" description="Version 1.7">
<action type="update" dev="chtompki">checkstyle.version from 8.10.1 to 8.18</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">VOTE.txt: Sample git clone command should checkout in a folder named after the tag</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">VOTE.txt: Sort the file names being hashed</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">maven.dependency.version from 3.5.3 to 3.6.0</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">org.apache.maven.scm from 1.10.0 to 1.11.2</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">maven-pmd-plugin from 3.9.0 to 3.11.0</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">commons-build-plugin from 1.8 to 1.10</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">commons.jacoco.version from 0.8.2 to 0.8.3</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">velocity-engine-core from 2.0 to 2.1</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">maven.dependency.version from 3.6.0 to 3.6.1</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">checkstyle.version from 8.18 to 8.19</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">maven-pmd-plugin from 3.11.0 to 3.12.0</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory"> from 8.19 to 8.20</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">Update Apache Commons Collections from 4.3 to 4.4</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">Update Apache Commons Compress from 1.18 to 1.19</action>
<release version="1.6" date="2019-03-08" description="Version 1.6">
<action issue="COMMONSSITE-128" type="add" dev="chtompki">Release plugin cleans up staging area before staging</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">Update Apache Commons Codec from 1.11 to 1.12.</action>
<release version="1.5" date="2019-01-26" description="Version 1.5">
<action type="update" dev="chtompki">vote-txt, use github as opposed to git-wip</action>
<action type="fix" dev="chtompki">ReadmeHtmlVelocityDelegate, accommodate for artifactIds ending in numbers</action>
<action type="fix" dev="chtompki">ReadmeHtmlVelocityDelegate, bcel's artifactId != commons-bcel, but is just bcel</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">Drop sha-256 and leave sha-512 only</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">commons.jacoco.version: 0.8.0 -> 0.8.2; java 11 compatibility</action>
<action issue="COMMONSSITE-123" type="add" dev="mbenson">introduce configuration parameter to perform distribution checkin using Maven settings server credentials</action>
<action issue="COMMONSSITE-122" type="fix" dev="mbenson">stage-distributions mojo assumes site directory has basename 'site'</action>
<release version="1.4" date="2018-08-29" description="Version 1.4">
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">Better error message when files cannot be checked in to the SCM.</action>
<action type="fix" dev="ggregory">Check the result of checking out files from the SCM.</action>
<action issue="COMMONSSITE-120" type="update" dev="ggregory">[release-plugin] Use SHA-256 and SHA-512, not MD5, not SHA-1.</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">Update Apache Commons Compress from 1.17 to 1.18.</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">Drop SHA-256 code, leaving only SHA-512.</action>
<release version="1.3" date="2018-06-15" description="Version 1.3">
<action issue="COMMONSSITE-117" type="update" dev="chtompki">Remove md5 signatures from release artifacts.</action>
<action issue="COMMONSSITE-113" type="update" dev="chtompki">Put unpacked site in scm dev dist directory for navigating purposes.</action>
<action issue="COMMONSSITE-112" type="add" dev="ggregory">Add a vote.txt file.</action>
<action issue="COMMONSSITE-108" type="add" dev="chtompki">Adding README.html and HEADER.html to staged release</action>
<action type="update" dev="ggregory">Update platform requirement from Java 7 to Java 8.</action>
<release version="1.2" date="2018-04-02" description="Version 1.2">
<action issue="COMMONSSITE-107" type="fix" dev="chtompki">Adding ./target/commons-release-plugin/scm/RELEASE-NOTES.txt to svn as opposed to ./RELEASE-NOTES.txt</action>
<release version="1.1" date="2018-02-28" description="1.1">
<action issue="COMMONSSITE-104" type="fix" dev="chtompki">Sha1 signature files now reflect actual signatures.</action>
<action issue="COMMONSSITE-98" type="add" dev="chtompki">Making the project more multi-module compatible</action>
<action issue="COMMONSSITE-102" type="fix" dev="chtompki">Commons Release Plugin doesn't work with Commons Release Plugin</action>
<action issue="COMMONSSITE-101" type="fix" dev="chtompki">Make -Dcommons.release.dryRun=true our commit toggle</action>
<release version="1.0" date="2018-01-10" description="Initial release">
<action issue="COMMONSSITE-96" type="add" dev="chtompki">Create commons-release-component project skeleton.</action>
<action issue="COMMONSSITE-99" type="add" dev="chtompki">Prepare Standard Build integrations, travis, jacoco, checkstyle, etc.</action>
<action issue="COMMONSSITE-97" type="add" dev="chtompki">Documentation for commons-release-plugin</action>