Introduction to RDF using Commons RDF

This page is a tutorial to introduce programming with the Resource Description Framework (RDF) using Java and Apache Commons RDF. If you already know RDF, you may instead jump ahead to the Commons RDF user guide.

This is not meant as an extensive RDF tutorial, for that please consult the W3C RDF 1.1 Primer. You may also like the Apache Jena introduction to RDF which uses the Apache Jena implementation directly.

This tutorial attempts to show the basic concepts of RDF and how you can work with RDF programmatically using the Apache Commons RDF API in a simple Java program.

Getting started with Commons RDF

This tutorial will assume you already know a bit of Java programming and that you use an IDE like Eclipse or Netbeans. Note that Commons RDF requires Open JDK 8, Java 8 or equivalent.

The Commons RDF JARs are available from Maven Central. While there are multiple Commons RDF implementations, this tutorial will use the built-in simple implementation as it requires no additional dependencies.

First, create a new Java project for this tutorial, say rdftutorial.

Tip: Check that your IDE project is using the Java 8 syntax and compiler.

We'll create the package name org.example, but you can use whatever you prefer. Then create with a static main() method we can run:

package org.example;

import org.apache.commons.rdf.api.*;
import org.apache.commons.rdf.simple.SimpleRDF;

public class RdfTutorial {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      // ...

Adding Commons RDF to the class path

Above we added the import for the Commons RDF API, but the library is not yet on your class path.

Note: If you are already familiar with Maven, then see instead how to use Commons RDF from Maven and add the commons-rdf-simple dependency to your project. This will make it easier later to share your project or to use newer versions of Commons RDF.

This tutorial assumes a classic Java project with local .jar files (say in your project‘s lib/ folder), so download and add to your project’s class path:

Tip: If you prefer you can verify the signatures using the Apache Commons KEYS.

As there are multiple Commons RDF implementations, we have to say which one we want to use. Add to your RdfTutorial class:

RDF rdf = new SimpleRDF();

If you have the classpath set up correctly, you should now be able to compile RdfTutorial without warnings.

RDF resources

“The clue is in the name”; the Resource Description Framework (RDF) is for describing resources. But what is a resource?

Anything can be a resource, it is just a concept we want to describe, like computer files (text document, image, database), physical things (person, place, cat), locations (city, point on a map), or more abstract concepts (organization, disease, theatre play).

To know which concept we mean, in RDF the resource needs to either:

  • have a global identifier; we call this an IRI
  • be used indirectly in a statement; we call this a blank node
  • be a value, we call this a literal

In this tutorial we'll use the IRI syntax <identifier> to indicate an identified resource, the blank node syntax _:it to indicate an indirectly referenced resource, and the literal syntax "Hello" to indicate a value.

Don't worry about this syntax, RDF is a model with several ways to represent it when saved to a file; the Commons RDF API directly reflects the RDF model in a syntax-neutral way.

Let's create our first identified resource, an IRI instance:

IRI alice = rdf.createIRI("Alice");

This should print out:


Note: For simplicity this tutorial use relative IRI references which are not really global identifiers. While this is supported by SimpleRDF, some implementations will require absolute IRIs like <>.


To describe a resource in RDF we provide one or more statements, which are called triples of 3 resources (subject, predicate, object):

<Alice> <knows> <Bob> .

Alice knows Bob

This RDF statement is a relationship between the subject <Alice> and the object <Bob>, not dissimilar from the subject and direct object of the similar English sentence “Alice knows Bob”.

What kind of relationship? Well, that is identified with the predicate <knows>. The relationship is directional, from the subject to the object; although Alice knows Bob, we don't know if Bob really knows Alice! In RDF the predicate is also called a property as it is describing the subject.

You may have noticed that properties are also resources - to understand the kind of relationship we also need a description of it's concept. More about this later!

Let‘s try to create the above statement in Commons RDF; first we’ll create the remaining resources <knows> and <Bob>:

IRI knows = rdf.createIRI("knows");        
IRI bob = rdf.createIRI("Bob");

Note that the Java variable names alice, knows and bob are not important to Commons RDF, we could as well have called these a, k, b, but to not confuse yourself it's good to keep the variable names somewhat related to the captured identifiers.

Next we'll create a Triple:

Triple aliceKnowsBob = rdf.createTriple(alice, knows, bob);

We can access .getSubject(), .getPredicate() and .getObject() from a Triple:



Tip: Instances from SimpleRDF can be printed directly, as System.out would use their .toString(), but for consistent behaviour across implementations we use .ntriplesString() above.

With SimpleRDF we can also print the Triple for debugging:


<Alice> <knows> <Bob> .


By using the same identified resources in multiple triples, you can create a graph. For instance, this graph shows multiple relations of <knows> and <plays>:

<Alice> <knows> <Bob> .
<Alice> <knows> <Charlie> .
<Alice> <plays> <Tennis> .
<Bob> <knows> <Charlie> .
<Bob> <plays> <Football> .
<Charlie> <plays> <Tennis> .

The power of a graph as a data structure is that you don't have to decide a hierarchy. The statements of an RDF graph can be listed in any order, and so we should not consider the <Alice> resource as anything more special than <Bob> or <Tennis>.

Graph of Alice knows Bob and Charlie, Alice and Charlie play Tennis, Bob plays Football

It is therefore possible to query the graph, such as "Who plays Tennis? or “Who does Alice know?”, but also more complex, like “Does Alice know anyone that plays Football?”.

Let‘s try that now using Commons RDF. To keep the triples we’ll need a Graph:

Graph graph = rdf.createGraph();

We already have the first triple, so we'll .add() it to the graph:


Before adding the remaining statements we need a few more resources:

IRI charlie = rdf.createIRI("Charlie");

IRI plays = rdf.createIRI("plays");

IRI football = rdf.createIRI("Football");        
IRI tennis = rdf.createIRI("Tennis");

Now we use the graph.add(subj,pred,obj) shorthand which creates the Triple instances and add them to the graph.

graph.add(alice, knows, charlie);
graph.add(alice, plays, tennis);
graph.add(bob, knows, charlie);
graph.add(bob, plays, football);
graph.add(charlie, plays, tennis);

Next we'll ask the graph those questions using .iterate(s,p,o) and null as the wildcard.

System.out.println("Who plays Tennis?");
for (Triple triple : graph.iterate(null, plays, tennis)) {

Who plays Tennis?

Notice how we only print out the .getSubject() (our wildcard), if you check .getPredicate() or .getObject() you will find they are equal to plays and tennis:

System.out.println("Who plays Tennis?");
for (Triple triple : graph.iterate(null, plays, tennis)) {

We can query with wildcards in any positions, for instance for the object:

System.out.println("Who does Alice know?");
for (Triple triple : graph.iterate(alice, knows, null)) {

Who does Alice know?

Let's try to look up which of those friends play football:

System.out.println("Does Alice know anyone that plays Football?");
for (Triple triple : graph.iterate(alice, knows, null)) {
    RDFTerm aliceFriend = triple.getObject();
    if (graph.contains(aliceFriend, plays, football)) {
        System.out.println("Yes, " + aliceFriend);

You will get a compiler error:

RDFTerm cannot be converted to BlankNodeOrIRI

This is because in an RDF triple, not all kind of resources can be used in all positions, and the kind of resource in Commons RDF is indicated by the interfaces:

Look at the method signature of graph.contains(s,p,o):

boolean contains(BlankNodeOrIRI subject,
                 IRI predicate,
                 RDFTerm object)

In short, for any RDF triple:

  • The subject must be a BlankNodeOrIRI, that is either a BlankNode or IRI
  • The predicate must be a IRI (so we can look up what it means)
  • The object must be a RDFTerm, that is either a BlankNode, IRI or Literal

As we are retrieving triples from the graph, the triple.getObject() is only known to be an RDFTerm if we use it as a Java variable - there could in theory be triples in the graph with Literal and BlankNode objects:

<Alice> <knows> "Santa Claus".
<Alice> <knows> _:someone.

In this case we could have done a naive casting like (IRI)aliceFriend; we inserted her IRI-represented friends right before, but this is a toy example - there's no need to use RDF if you already know the answer!

So unless you know for sure in your graph that <knows> is never used with a literal value as object, this would not be safe. So we'll do an instanceof check (skipping any literals) and cast to BlankNodeOrIRI:

System.out.println("Does Alice know anyone that plays Football?");
for (Triple triple : graph.iterate(alice, knows, null)) {
    RDFTerm aliceFriend = triple.getObject();
    if (! (aliceFriend instanceof BlankNodeOrIRI)) {
    if (graph.contains( (BlankNodeOrIRI)aliceFriend, plays, football)) {
        System.out.println("Yes, " + aliceFriend);

Does Alice know anyone that plays Football?
Yes, <Bob>

Literal values

We talked briefly about literals above as a way to represent values in RDF. What is a literal value? In a way you could think of a value as when you no longer want to stay in graph-land of related resources, and just want to use primitive types like float, int or String to represent values like a player rating, the number of matches played, or the full name of a person (including spaces and punctuation which don't work well in an identifier).

Such values are in Commons RDF represented as instances of Literal, which we can create using rdf.createLiteral(..). Strings are easy:

Literal aliceName = rdf.createLiteral("Alice W. Land");

We can then add a triple that relates the resource <Alice> to this value, let's use a new predicate <name>:

IRI name = rdf.createIRI("name");
graph.add(alice, name, aliceName);

When you look up literal properties in a graph, take care that in RDF a property is not necessarily functional, that is, it would be perfectly valid RDF-wise for a person to have multiple names; Alice might also be called “Alice Land”.

Instead of using graph.iterate() and break in a for-loop, it might be easier to use the Java 8 Stream returned from .stream() together with .findAny()

  • which return an Optional in case there is no <name>:
System.out.println(, name, null).findAny());

Optional[<Alice> <name> "Alice W. Land" .]

Note: Using .findFirst() will not returned the “first” recorded triple, as triples in a graph are not necessarily kept in order.

You can use optional.isPresent() and optional.get() to check if a Triple matched the graph stream pattern:

import java.util.Optional;
// ...
Optional<? extends Triple> nameTriple =, name, null).findAny();
if (nameTriple.isPresent()) {

If you feel adventerous, you can try the Java 8 functional programming style to work with of Stream and Optional and get the literal value unquoted:, name, null)
        .filter(obj -> obj instanceof Literal)
        .map(literalName -> ((Literal)literalName).getLexicalForm())

Alice W. Land

Notice how we here used a .filter to skip any non-Literal names (which would not have the .getLexicalForm() method).

Typed literals

Non-String value types are represented in RDF as typed literals; which is similar to (but not the same as) Java native types. A typed literal is a combination of a string representation (e.g. “13.37”) and a data type IRI, e.g. <>. RDF reuse the XSD datatypes.

A collection of the standardized datatype IRIs are provided in Simple's Types class, which we can use with createLiteral by adding the corresponding import:

import org.apache.commons.rdf.simple.Types;
// ...
IRI playerRating = rdf.createIRI("playerRating");
Literal aliceRating = rdf.createLiteral("13.37", Types.XSD_FLOAT);
graph.add(alice, playerRating, aliceRating);

Note that Commons RDF does not currently provide converters from/to native Java data types and the RDF string representations.

Language-specific literals

We live in a globalized world, with many spoken and written languages. While we can often agree about a concept like <Football>, different languages might call it differently. The distinction in RDF between identified resources and literal values, mean we can represent names or labels for the same thing.

Rather than introducing language-specific predicates like <name_in_english> and <name_in_norwegian> it is usually better in RDF to use language-typed literals:

Literal footballInEnglish = rdf.createLiteral("football", "en");
Literal footballInNorwegian = rdf.createLiteral("fotball", "no");

graph.add(football, name, footballInEnglish);
graph.add(football, name, footballInNorwegian);

The language tags like "en" and "no" are identified by BCP47 - you can't just make up your own but must use one that matches the language. It is possible to use localized languages as well, e.g.

Literal footballInAmericanEnglish = rdf.createLiteral("soccer", "en-US");
graph.add(football, name, footballInAmericanEnglish);

Note that Commons RDF does not currently provide constants for the standardized languages or methods to look up localized languages.

Blank nodes - when you don't know the identity

Sometimes you don't know the identity of a resource. This can be the case where you know the existence of a resource, similar to “someone” or “some” in English. For instance,

<Charlie> <knows> _:someone .
_:someone <plays> <Football> .

We don‘t know who this _:someone is, it could be <Bob> (which we know plays football), it could be someone else, even <Alice> (we don’t know that she doesn't play football).

In RDF we represent _:someone as a blank node - it's a resource without a global identity. Different RDF files can all talk about _:blanknode, but they would all be different resources. Crucially, a blank node can be used in multiple triples within the same graph, so that we can relate a subject to a blank node resource, and then describe the blank node further.

Let's add some blank node statements to our graph:

BlankNode someone = rdf.createBlankNode();
graph.add(charlie, knows, someone);
graph.add(someone, plays, football);
BlankNode someoneElse = rdf.createBlankNode();
graph.add(charlie, knows, someoneElse);

Every call to rdf.createBlankNode() creates a new, unrelated blank node with an internal identifier. Let's have a look:

for (Triple heKnows : graph.iterate(charlie, knows, null)) {
    if (! (heKnows.getObject() instanceof BlankNodeOrIRI)) {
    BlankNodeOrIRI who = (BlankNodeOrIRI)heKnows.getObject();
    System.out.println("Charlie knows "+ who);
    for (Triple whoPlays : graph.iterate(who, plays, null)) {
        System.out.println("  who plays " + whoPlays.getObject());

Charlie knows _:ae4115fb-86bf-3330-bc3b-713810e5a1ea
who plays <Football>
Charlie knows _:884d5c05-93a9-3709-b655-4152c2e51258

As we see above, given a BlankNode instance it is perfectly valid to ask the same Graph about further triples relating to the BlankNode. (Asking any other graph will probably not give any results).

Blank node labels

In Commons RDF it is also possible to create a blank node from a name or label - which can be useful if you don't want to keep or retrieve the BlankNode instance to later add statements about the same node.

Let's first delete the old BlankNode statements:


And now we'll try an alternate approach:

// no Java variable for the new BlankNode instance
graph.add(charlie, knows, rdf.createBlankNode("someone"));        
// at any point later (with the same RDF instance)
graph.add(rdf.createBlankNode("someone"), plays, football);

Running the "Charlie knows" query again (try making it into a function) should still work, but now return a different label for the football player:

Charlie knows _:5e2a75b2-33b4-3bb8-b2dc-019d42c2215a
who plays <Football>
Charlie knows _:884d5c05-93a9-3709-b655-4152c2e51258

You may notice that with SimpleRDF the string "someone" does not survive into the string representation of the BlankNode label as _:someone, that is because unlike IRIs the label of a blank node carries no meaning and does not need to be preserved.

Note that it needs to be the same RDF instance to recreate the same “someone” BlankNode. This is a Commons RDF-specific behaviour to improve cross-graph compatibility, other RDF frameworks may save the blank node using the provided label as-is with a _: prefix, which in some cases could cause collisions (but perhaps more readable output).

Open world assumption

How to interpret a blank node depends on the assumptions you build into your RDF application - it could be thought of as a logical “there exists a resource that..” or a more pragmatic “I don‘t know/care about the resource’s IRI”. Blank nodes can be useful if your RDF model describes intermediate resources like “a person's membership of an organization” or “a participant's result in a race” which it often is not worth maintaining identifiers for.

It is common on the semantic web to use the open world assumption - if it is not stated as a triple in your graph, then you don't know if something is is true or false, for instance if <Alice> <plays> <Football> .

Note that the open world assumption applies both to IRIs and BlankNodes, that is, you can't necessarily assume that the resources <Alice> and <Charlie> describe two different people just because they have two different identifiers - in fact it is very common that different systems use different identifiers to describe the same (or pretty much the same) thing in the real world.

It is however common for applications to “close the world”; saying “given this information I have gathered as RDF, I'll assume these resources are all separate things in the world, then do I then know if <Alice> <plays> <Football> is false?”.

Using logical inference rules and ontologies is one method to get stronger assumptions and conclusions. Note that building good rules or ontologies requires a fair bit more knowledge than what can be conveyed in this short tutorial.

It is out of scope for Commons RDF to support the many ways to deal with logical assumptions and conclusions, however you may find interest in using Jena implementation combined with Jena's ontology API.