blob: fc260466d18b34c7394ae89eb372dacb71495326 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.rdf.jsonldjava;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.apache.commons.rdf.api.BlankNode;
import org.apache.commons.rdf.api.BlankNodeOrIRI;
import org.apache.commons.rdf.api.Dataset;
import org.apache.commons.rdf.api.Graph;
import org.apache.commons.rdf.api.IRI;
import org.apache.commons.rdf.api.Literal;
import org.apache.commons.rdf.api.RDFTerm;
import org.apache.commons.rdf.api.RDF;
import org.apache.commons.rdf.api.Triple;
import org.apache.commons.rdf.simple.Types;
import com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFDataset;
import com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFDataset.Node;
* JSON-LD Java RDF implementation.
public final class JsonLdRDF implements RDF {
final String bnodePrefix;
public JsonLdRDF() {
// An "outside Graph" bnodePrefix
this("urn:uuid:" + UUID.randomUUID() + "#b");
JsonLdRDF(final String bnodePrefix) {
this.bnodePrefix = Objects.requireNonNull(bnodePrefix);
* Adapt a JsonLd {@link RDFDataset} as a Commons RDF {@link Dataset}.
* <p>
* Changes to the Commons RDF {@link Dataset} are reflected in the JsonLd
* {@link RDFDataset} and vice versa.
* @see #asGraph(RDFDataset)
* @param rdfDataSet
* JsonLd {@link RDFDataset} to adapt
* @return Adapted {@link Dataset}
public JsonLdDataset asDataset(final RDFDataset rdfDataSet) {
return new JsonLdDatasetImpl(rdfDataSet);
* Adapt a JsonLd {@link RDFDataset} as a Commons RDF {@link Graph}.
* <p>
* Only triples in the <em>default graph</em> are included. To retrieve any
* other graph, {@link #asDataset(RDFDataset)} together with
* {@link Dataset#getGraph(BlankNodeOrIRI)}.
* <p>
* Changes to the Commons RDF {@link Graph} are reflected in the JsonLd
* {@link RDFDataset} and vice versa.
* @see #asDataset(RDFDataset)
* @see #asUnionGraph(RDFDataset)
* @param rdfDataSet
* JsonLd {@link RDFDataset} to adapt
* @return Adapted {@link Graph} covering the <em>default graph</em>
public JsonLdGraph asGraph(final RDFDataset rdfDataSet) {
return new JsonLdGraphImpl(rdfDataSet);
public Node asJsonLdNode(final RDFTerm term) {
if (term instanceof JsonLdBlankNode) {
final JsonLdBlankNode jsonLdBlankNode = (JsonLdBlankNode) term;
if (jsonLdBlankNode.uniqueReference().startsWith(bnodePrefix)) {
// Only return blank nodes 'as is' if they have the same prefix
return jsonLdBlankNode.asJsonLdNode();
} else if (term instanceof JsonLdTerm) {
// non-Bnodes can always be return as-is
return ((JsonLdTerm) term).asJsonLdNode();
if (term instanceof IRI) {
return new RDFDataset.IRI(((IRI) term).getIRIString());
if (term instanceof BlankNode) {
final String ref = ((BlankNode) term).uniqueReference();
if (ref.startsWith(bnodePrefix)) {
// one of our own (but no longer a JsonLdBlankNode),
// we can recover the label after our unique prefix
return new RDFDataset.BlankNode(ref.replace(bnodePrefix, ""));
// The "foreign" unique reference might not be a valid bnode string,
// we'll convert to a UUID
final UUID uuid = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(ref.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
return new RDFDataset.BlankNode("_:" + uuid);
if (term instanceof Literal) {
final Literal literal = (Literal) term;
return new RDFDataset.Literal(literal.getLexicalForm(), literal.getDatatype().getIRIString(),
throw new IllegalArgumentException("RDFTerm not instanceof IRI, BlankNode or Literal: " + term);
* Adapt a Commons RDF {@link org.apache.commons.rdf.api.Quad} as a JsonLd
* {@link com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFDataset.Quad}.
* @param quad
* Commons RDF {@link org.apache.commons.rdf.api.Quad} to adapt
* @return Adapted JsonLd {@link com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFDataset.Quad}
public RDFDataset.Quad asJsonLdQuad(final org.apache.commons.rdf.api.Quad quad) {
final BlankNodeOrIRI g = quad.getGraphName().orElse(null);
return createJsonLdQuad(g, quad.getSubject(), quad.getPredicate(), quad.getObject());
* Adapt a Commons RDF {@link Triple} as a JsonLd
* {@link com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFDataset.Quad}.
* @param triple
* Commons RDF {@link Triple} to adapt
* @return Adapted JsonLd {@link com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFDataset.Quad}
public RDFDataset.Quad asJsonLdQuad(final Triple triple) {
return createJsonLdQuad(null, triple.getSubject(), triple.getPredicate(), triple.getObject());
* Adapt a JsonLd {@link com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFDataset.Quad} as a
* Commons RDF {@link org.apache.commons.rdf.api.Quad}.
* <p>
* The underlying JsonLd quad can be retrieved with
* {@link JsonLdQuad#asJsonLdQuad()}.
* @param quad
* A JsonLd {@link com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFDataset.Quad} to
* adapt
* @return Adapted {@link JsonLdQuad}
public JsonLdQuad asQuad(final RDFDataset.Quad quad) {
return new JsonLdQuadImpl(quad, bnodePrefix);
* Adapt a JsonLd {@link Node} as a Commons RDF {@link RDFTerm}.
* <p>
* The underlying node can be retrieved with
* {@link JsonLdTerm#asJsonLdNode()}.
* @param node
* A JsonLd {@link Node} to adapt
* @return Adapted {@link JsonLdTerm}
public JsonLdTerm asRDFTerm(final Node node) {
return asRDFTerm(node, bnodePrefix);
* Adapt a JsonLd {@link com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFDataset.Quad} as a
* Commons RDF {@link org.apache.commons.rdf.api.Triple}.
* <p>
* The underlying JsonLd quad can be retrieved with
* {@link JsonLdTriple#asJsonLdQuad()}.
* @param quad
* A JsonLd {@link com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFDataset.Quad} to
* adapt
* @return Adapted {@link JsonLdTriple}
public JsonLdTriple asTriple(final RDFDataset.Quad quad) {
return new JsonLdTripleImpl(quad, bnodePrefix);
* Adapt a JsonLd {@link RDFDataset} as a Commons RDF {@link Graph}.
* <p>
* The graph can be seen as a <em>union graph</em> as it will contains all
* the triples across all the graphs of the underlying {@link RDFDataset}.
* <p>
* Note that some triple operations on a union graph can be inefficient as
* they need to remove any duplicate triples across the graphs.
* <p>
* Changes to the Commons RDF {@link Graph} are reflected in the JsonLd
* {@link RDFDataset} and vice versa. Triples removed from the graph are
* removed from <strong>all</strong> graphs, while triples added are added
* to the <em>default graph</em>.
* @param rdfDataSet
* JsonLd {@link RDFDataset} to adapt
* @return Adapted {@link Dataset}
public JsonLdUnionGraph asUnionGraph(final RDFDataset rdfDataSet) {
return new JsonLdUnionGraphImpl(rdfDataSet);
public JsonLdBlankNode createBlankNode() {
final String id = "_:" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();
return new JsonLdBlankNodeImpl(new RDFDataset.BlankNode(id), bnodePrefix);
public JsonLdBlankNode createBlankNode(final String name) {
final String id = "_:" + name;
// TODO: Check if name is valid JSON-LD BlankNode identifier
return new JsonLdBlankNodeImpl(new RDFDataset.BlankNode(id), bnodePrefix);
public JsonLdDataset createDataset() {
return new JsonLdDatasetImpl(bnodePrefix);
public JsonLdGraph createGraph() {
return new JsonLdGraphImpl(bnodePrefix);
public JsonLdIRI createIRI(final String iri) {
return new JsonLdIRIImpl(iri);
public JsonLdLiteral createLiteral(final String literal) {
return new JsonLdLiteralImpl(new RDFDataset.Literal(literal, null, null));
public JsonLdLiteral createLiteral(final String literal, final IRI dataType) {
return new JsonLdLiteralImpl(new RDFDataset.Literal(literal, dataType.getIRIString(), null));
public JsonLdLiteral createLiteral(final String literal, final String language) {
return new JsonLdLiteralImpl(new RDFDataset.Literal(literal, Types.RDF_LANGSTRING.getIRIString(), language));
public JsonLdQuad createQuad(final BlankNodeOrIRI graphName, final BlankNodeOrIRI subject, final IRI predicate, final RDFTerm object)
throws IllegalArgumentException, UnsupportedOperationException {
return new JsonLdQuadImpl(createJsonLdQuad(graphName, subject, predicate, object), bnodePrefix);
public JsonLdTriple createTriple(final BlankNodeOrIRI subject, final IRI predicate, final RDFTerm object) {
return new JsonLdTripleImpl(createJsonLdQuad(null, subject, predicate, object), bnodePrefix);
String asJsonLdString(final BlankNodeOrIRI blankNodeOrIRI) {
if (blankNodeOrIRI == null) {
return null;
if (blankNodeOrIRI instanceof IRI) {
return ((IRI) blankNodeOrIRI).getIRIString();
} else if (blankNodeOrIRI instanceof BlankNode) {
final BlankNode blankNode = (BlankNode) blankNodeOrIRI;
final String ref = blankNode.uniqueReference();
if (ref.startsWith(bnodePrefix)) {
// One of ours (but possibly not a JsonLdBlankNode) -
// we can use the suffix directly
return ref.replace(bnodePrefix, "");
// Map to unique bnode identifier, e.g.
// _:0dbd92ee-ab1a-45e7-bba2-7ade54f87ec5
final UUID uuid = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(ref.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
return "_:" + uuid;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected a BlankNode or IRI, not: " + blankNodeOrIRI);
JsonLdTerm asRDFTerm(final Node node, final String blankNodePrefix) {
if (node == null) {
return null; // e.g. default graph
if (node.isIRI()) {
return new JsonLdIRIImpl(node);
} else if (node.isBlankNode()) {
return new JsonLdBlankNodeImpl(node, blankNodePrefix);
} else if (node.isLiteral()) {
// TODO: Our own JsonLdLiteral
if (node.getLanguage() != null) {
return createLiteral(node.getValue(), node.getLanguage());
return createLiteral(node.getValue(), createIRI(node.getDatatype()));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Node is neither IRI, BlankNode nor Literal: " + node);
RDFDataset.Quad createJsonLdQuad(final BlankNodeOrIRI graphName, final BlankNodeOrIRI subject, final IRI predicate, final RDFTerm object) {
return new RDFDataset.Quad(asJsonLdNode(subject), asJsonLdNode(predicate), asJsonLdNode(object),