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package org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.analysis.interpolation;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.core.dfp.Dfp;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.core.dfp.DfpField;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.linear.Dfp25;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.exception.MathIllegalArgumentException;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.exception.NoDataException;
import org.apache.commons.math4.core.jdkmath.JdkMath;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
public class FieldHermiteInterpolatorTest {
public void testZero() {
FieldHermiteInterpolator<Dfp> interpolator = new FieldHermiteInterpolator<>();
interpolator.addSamplePoint(Dfp25.of(0), new Dfp[] { Dfp25.of(0) });
for (int x = -10; x < 10; x++) {
Dfp y = interpolator.value(Dfp25.of(x))[0];
Assert.assertEquals(Dfp25.ZERO, y);
Dfp[][] derivatives = interpolator.derivatives(Dfp25.of(x), 1);
Assert.assertEquals(Dfp25.ZERO, derivatives[0][0]);
Assert.assertEquals(Dfp25.ZERO, derivatives[1][0]);
public void testQuadratic() {
FieldHermiteInterpolator<Dfp> interpolator = new FieldHermiteInterpolator<>();
interpolator.addSamplePoint(Dfp25.of(0), new Dfp[] { Dfp25.of(2) });
interpolator.addSamplePoint(Dfp25.of(1), new Dfp[] { Dfp25.of(0) });
interpolator.addSamplePoint(Dfp25.of(2), new Dfp[] { Dfp25.of(0) });
for (double x = -10; x < 10; x += 1.0) {
Dfp y = interpolator.value(Dfp25.of(x))[0];
Assert.assertEquals((x - 1) * (x - 2), y.toDouble(), 1.0e-15);
Dfp[][] derivatives = interpolator.derivatives(Dfp25.of(x), 3);
Assert.assertEquals((x - 1) * (x - 2), derivatives[0][0].toDouble(), 1.0e-15);
Assert.assertEquals(2 * x - 3, derivatives[1][0].toDouble(), 1.0e-15);
Assert.assertEquals(2, derivatives[2][0].toDouble(), 1.0e-15);
Assert.assertEquals(0, derivatives[3][0].toDouble(), 1.0e-15);
public void testMixedDerivatives() {
FieldHermiteInterpolator<Dfp> interpolator = new FieldHermiteInterpolator<>();
interpolator.addSamplePoint(Dfp25.of(0), new Dfp[] { Dfp25.of(1) }, new Dfp[] { Dfp25.of(2) });
interpolator.addSamplePoint(Dfp25.of(1), new Dfp[] { Dfp25.of(4) });
interpolator.addSamplePoint(Dfp25.of(2), new Dfp[] { Dfp25.of(5) }, new Dfp[] { Dfp25.of(2) });
Dfp[][] derivatives = interpolator.derivatives(Dfp25.of(0), 5);
Assert.assertEquals(Dfp25.of( 1), derivatives[0][0]);
Assert.assertEquals(Dfp25.of( 2), derivatives[1][0]);
Assert.assertEquals(Dfp25.of( 8), derivatives[2][0]);
Assert.assertEquals(Dfp25.of(-24), derivatives[3][0]);
Assert.assertEquals(Dfp25.of( 24), derivatives[4][0]);
Assert.assertEquals(Dfp25.of( 0), derivatives[5][0]);
derivatives = interpolator.derivatives(Dfp25.of(1), 5);
Assert.assertEquals(Dfp25.of( 4), derivatives[0][0]);
Assert.assertEquals(Dfp25.of( 2), derivatives[1][0]);
Assert.assertEquals(Dfp25.of( -4), derivatives[2][0]);
Assert.assertEquals(Dfp25.of( 0), derivatives[3][0]);
Assert.assertEquals(Dfp25.of( 24), derivatives[4][0]);
Assert.assertEquals(Dfp25.of( 0), derivatives[5][0]);
derivatives = interpolator.derivatives(Dfp25.of(2), 5);
Assert.assertEquals(Dfp25.of( 5), derivatives[0][0]);
Assert.assertEquals(Dfp25.of( 2), derivatives[1][0]);
Assert.assertEquals(Dfp25.of( 8), derivatives[2][0]);
Assert.assertEquals(Dfp25.of( 24), derivatives[3][0]);
Assert.assertEquals(Dfp25.of( 24), derivatives[4][0]);
Assert.assertEquals(Dfp25.of( 0), derivatives[5][0]);
public void testRandomPolynomialsValuesOnly() {
Random random = new Random(0x42b1e7dbd361a932L);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
int maxDegree = 0;
PolynomialFunction[] p = new PolynomialFunction[5];
for (int k = 0; k < p.length; ++k) {
int degree = random.nextInt(7);
p[k] = randomPolynomial(degree, random);
maxDegree = JdkMath.max(maxDegree, degree);
DfpField field = new DfpField(30);
Dfp step = field.getOne().divide(field.newDfp(10));
FieldHermiteInterpolator<Dfp> interpolator = new FieldHermiteInterpolator<>();
for (int j = 0; j < 1 + maxDegree; ++j) {
Dfp x = field.newDfp(j).multiply(step);
Dfp[] values = new Dfp[p.length];
for (int k = 0; k < p.length; ++k) {
values[k] = field.newDfp(p[k].value(x.getReal()));
interpolator.addSamplePoint(x, values);
for (int j = 0; j < 20; ++j) {
Dfp x = field.newDfp(j).multiply(step);
Dfp[] values = interpolator.value(x);
Assert.assertEquals(p.length, values.length);
for (int k = 0; k < p.length; ++k) {
1.0e-8 * JdkMath.abs(p[k].value(x.getReal())));
public void testRandomPolynomialsFirstDerivative() {
Random random = new Random(0x570803c982ca5d3bL);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
int maxDegree = 0;
PolynomialFunction[] p = new PolynomialFunction[5];
PolynomialFunction[] pPrime = new PolynomialFunction[5];
for (int k = 0; k < p.length; ++k) {
int degree = random.nextInt(7);
p[k] = randomPolynomial(degree, random);
pPrime[k] = p[k].polynomialDerivative();
maxDegree = JdkMath.max(maxDegree, degree);
DfpField field = new DfpField(30);
Dfp step = field.getOne().divide(field.newDfp(10));
FieldHermiteInterpolator<Dfp> interpolator = new FieldHermiteInterpolator<>();
for (int j = 0; j < 1 + maxDegree / 2; ++j) {
Dfp x = field.newDfp(j).multiply(step);
Dfp[] values = new Dfp[p.length];
Dfp[] derivatives = new Dfp[p.length];
for (int k = 0; k < p.length; ++k) {
values[k] = field.newDfp(p[k].value(x.getReal()));
derivatives[k] = field.newDfp(pPrime[k].value(x.getReal()));
interpolator.addSamplePoint(x, values, derivatives);
Dfp h = step.divide(field.newDfp(100000));
for (int j = 0; j < 20; ++j) {
Dfp x = field.newDfp(j).multiply(step);
Dfp[] y = interpolator.value(x);
Dfp[] yP = interpolator.value(x.add(h));
Dfp[] yM = interpolator.value(x.subtract(h));
Assert.assertEquals(p.length, y.length);
for (int k = 0; k < p.length; ++k) {
1.0e-8 * JdkMath.abs(p[k].value(x.getReal())));
4.0e-8 * JdkMath.abs(p[k].value(x.getReal())));
public void testSine() {
DfpField field = new DfpField(30);
FieldHermiteInterpolator<Dfp> interpolator = new FieldHermiteInterpolator<>();
for (Dfp x = field.getZero(); x.getReal() < JdkMath.PI; x = x.add(0.5)) {
interpolator.addSamplePoint(x, new Dfp[] { x.sin() });
for (Dfp x = field.newDfp(0.1); x.getReal() < 2.9; x = x.add(0.01)) {
Dfp y = interpolator.value(x)[0];
Assert.assertEquals( x.sin().getReal(), y.getReal(), 3.5e-5);
public void testSquareRoot() {
DfpField field = new DfpField(30);
FieldHermiteInterpolator<Dfp> interpolator = new FieldHermiteInterpolator<>();
for (Dfp x = field.getOne(); x.getReal() < 3.6; x = x.add(0.5)) {
interpolator.addSamplePoint(x, new Dfp[] { x.sqrt() });
for (Dfp x = field.newDfp(1.1); x.getReal() < 3.5; x = x.add(0.01)) {
Dfp y = interpolator.value(x)[0];
Assert.assertEquals(x.sqrt().getReal(), y.getReal(), 1.5e-4);
public void testWikipedia() {
// this test corresponds to the example from Wikipedia page:
FieldHermiteInterpolator<Dfp> interpolator = new FieldHermiteInterpolator<>();
new Dfp[] { Dfp25.of( 2) },
new Dfp[] { Dfp25.of(-8) },
new Dfp[] { Dfp25.of(56) });
interpolator.addSamplePoint(Dfp25.of( 0),
new Dfp[] { Dfp25.of( 1) },
new Dfp[] { Dfp25.of( 0) },
new Dfp[] { Dfp25.of( 0) });
interpolator.addSamplePoint(Dfp25.of( 1),
new Dfp[] { Dfp25.of( 2) },
new Dfp[] { Dfp25.of( 8) },
new Dfp[] { Dfp25.of(56) });
for (Dfp x = Dfp25.of(-1); x.toDouble() <= 1.0; x = x.add(Dfp25.of(1, 8))) {
Dfp y = interpolator.value(x)[0];
Dfp x2 = x.multiply(x);
Dfp x4 = x2.multiply(x2);
Dfp x8 = x4.multiply(x4);
Assert.assertEquals(x8.add(Dfp25.of(1)), y);
public void testOnePointParabola() {
FieldHermiteInterpolator<Dfp> interpolator = new FieldHermiteInterpolator<>();
new Dfp[] { Dfp25.of(1) },
new Dfp[] { Dfp25.of(1) },
new Dfp[] { Dfp25.of(2) });
for (Dfp x = Dfp25.of(-1); x.toDouble() <= 1.0; x = x.add(Dfp25.of(1, 8))) {
Dfp y = interpolator.value(x)[0];
Assert.assertEquals(Dfp25.ONE.add(x.multiply(Dfp25.ONE.add(x))), y);
private PolynomialFunction randomPolynomial(int degree, Random random) {
double[] coeff = new double[ 1 + degree];
for (int j = 0; j < degree; ++j) {
coeff[j] = random.nextDouble();
return new PolynomialFunction(coeff);
public void testEmptySampleValue() {
new FieldHermiteInterpolator<Dfp>().value(Dfp25.ZERO);
public void testEmptySampleDerivative() {
new FieldHermiteInterpolator<Dfp>().derivatives(Dfp25.ZERO, 1);
public void testDuplicatedAbscissa() {
FieldHermiteInterpolator<Dfp> interpolator = new FieldHermiteInterpolator<>();
interpolator.addSamplePoint(Dfp25.of(1), new Dfp[] { Dfp25.of(0) });
interpolator.addSamplePoint(Dfp25.of(1), new Dfp[] { Dfp25.of(1) });