blob: b11de6f9e61f5cbd9b6ef7854a041c702f6f0269 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2002,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.fmt;
import org.apache.commons.jelly.JellyTagException;
import org.apache.commons.jelly.XMLOutput;
import org.apache.commons.jelly.Tag;
import org.apache.commons.jelly.TagSupport;
import org.apache.commons.jelly.expression.Expression;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;
* Support for tag handlers for <formatDate>, the date and time formatting
* tag in JSTL.
* @author <a href="">Willie Vu</a>
* @version $Revision: 1.5 $
* @task i18n exception message
public class FormatDateTag extends TagSupport {
private static final String DEFAULT = "default";
private static final String SHORT = "short";
private static final String MEDIUM = "medium";
private static final String LONG = "long";
private static final String FULL = "full";
private static final String DATE = "date";
private static final String TIME = "time";
private static final String DATETIME = "both";
/** Holds value of property value. */
private Expression value;
/** Holds value of property type. */
private Expression type;
/** Holds value of property dataStyle. */
private Expression dateStyle;
/** Holds value of property timeStyle. */
private Expression timeStyle;
/** Holds value of property pattern. */
private Expression pattern;
/** Holds value of property timeZone. */
private Expression timeZone;
/** Holds value of property var. */
private String var;
/** Holds value of property scope. */
private String scope;
/** Evaluated type */
private String etype;
/** Evaluated dateStyle */
private String edateStyle;
/** Evaluated timeStyle */
private String etimeStyle;
/** Creates a new instance of FormatDateTag */
public FormatDateTag() {
* Evaluates this tag after all the tags properties have been initialized.
public void doTag(XMLOutput output) throws JellyTagException {
if (scope != null && var == null) {
throw new JellyTagException(
"If 'scope' is specified, 'var' must be defined for this tag" );
Object valueInput = null;
if (this.value != null) {
valueInput = this.value.evaluate(context);
Date date = null;
if (valueInput != null && valueInput instanceof Date) {
date = (Date) valueInput;
if (date == null && var != null) {
if (scope != null) {
context.removeVariable(var, scope);
else {
etype = DATE;
if (this.type != null) {
etype = (String) this.type.evaluate(context);
edateStyle = DEFAULT;
if (this.dateStyle != null) {
edateStyle = (String) this.dateStyle.evaluate(context);
etimeStyle = DEFAULT;
if (this.timeStyle != null) {
etimeStyle = (String) this.timeStyle.evaluate(context);
String epattern = null;
if (this.pattern != null) {
epattern = (String) this.pattern.evaluate(context);
Object etimeZone = null;
if (this.timeZone != null) {
etimeZone = this.timeZone.evaluate(context);
// Create formatter
Locale locale = SetLocaleTag.getFormattingLocale(
String formatted = null;
if (locale != null) {
DateFormat formatter = createFormatter(locale);
// Apply pattern, if present
if (pattern != null) {
try {
((SimpleDateFormat) formatter).applyPattern(epattern);
} catch (ClassCastException cce) {
formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(epattern, locale);
// Set time zone
TimeZone tz = null;
if ((etimeZone instanceof String)
&& ((String) etimeZone).equals("")) {
etimeZone = null;
if (etimeZone != null) {
if (etimeZone instanceof String) {
tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone((String) etimeZone);
} else if (etimeZone instanceof TimeZone) {
tz = (TimeZone) etimeZone;
} else {
throw new JellyTagException("Bad time zone");
} else {
tz = TimeZoneTag.getTimeZone(context, this);
if (tz != null) {
formatted = formatter.format(date);
} else {
// no formatting locale available, use Date.toString()
formatted = date.toString();
if (var != null) {
if (scope != null) {
context.setVariable(var, scope, formatted);
else {
context.setVariable(var, formatted);
else {
try {
// write the formatted
} catch (SAXException e) {
throw new JellyTagException("could not write formatted text",e);
/** Setter for property value.
* @param value New value of property value.
public void setValue(Expression value) {
this.value = value;
/** Setter for property type.
* @param type New value of property type.
public void setType(Expression type) {
this.type = type;
/** Setter for property dataStyle.
* @param dataStyle New value of property dataStyle.
public void setDateStyle(Expression dateStyle) {
this.dateStyle = dateStyle;
/** Setter for property timeStyle.
* @param timeStyle New value of property timeStyle.
public void setTimeStyle(Expression timeStyle) {
this.timeStyle = timeStyle;
/** Setter for property pattern.
* @param pattern New value of property pattern.
public void setPattern(Expression pattern) {
this.pattern = pattern;
/** Setter for property timeZone.
* @param timeZone New value of property timeZone.
public void setTimeZone(Expression timeZone) {
this.timeZone = timeZone;
/** Setter for property var.
* @param var New value of property var.
public void setVar(String var) {
this.var = var;
/** Setter for property scope.
* @param scope New value of property scope.
public void setScope(String scope) {
this.scope = scope;
// Private utility methods
private DateFormat createFormatter(Locale loc) throws JellyTagException {
DateFormat formatter = null;
if ((etype == null) || DATE.equalsIgnoreCase(etype)) {
formatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(
} else if (TIME.equalsIgnoreCase(etype)) {
formatter = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(
} else if (DATETIME.equalsIgnoreCase(etype)) {
formatter = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(
} else {
throw new JellyTagException("Date format invalue");
return formatter;
* Converts the given string description of a formatting style for
* dates and times to the corresponding java.util.DateFormat constant.
* @param style String description of formatting style for dates and times
* @param errCode Error code to throw if given style is invalid
* @return java.util.DateFormat constant corresponding to given style
* @throws JellyException if the given style is invalid
public static int getStyle(String style, String errCode)
throws JellyTagException {
int ret = DateFormat.DEFAULT;
if (style != null) {
if (DEFAULT.equalsIgnoreCase(style)) {
ret = DateFormat.DEFAULT;
} else if (SHORT.equalsIgnoreCase(style)) {
ret = DateFormat.SHORT;
} else if (MEDIUM.equalsIgnoreCase(style)) {
ret = DateFormat.MEDIUM;
} else if (LONG.equalsIgnoreCase(style)) {
ret = DateFormat.LONG;
} else if (FULL.equalsIgnoreCase(style)) {
ret = DateFormat.FULL;
} else {
throw new JellyTagException("Invalid style " + errCode);
return ret;