blob: c747f4c97de94c339aa9c078be249aa5f12c2901 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.commons.jcs.utils.struct;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import org.apache.commons.jcs.engine.stats.StatElement;
import org.apache.commons.jcs.engine.stats.Stats;
import org.apache.commons.jcs.engine.stats.behavior.IStatElement;
import org.apache.commons.jcs.engine.stats.behavior.IStats;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
* This is a simple LRUMap. It implements most of the map methods. It is not recommended that you
* use any but put, get, remove, and clear.
* <p>
* Children can implement the processRemovedLRU method if they want to handle the removal of the
* lest recently used item.
* <p>
* This class was abstracted out of the LRU Memory cache. Put, remove, and get should be thread
* safe. It uses a hashtable and our own double linked list.
* <p>
* Locking is done on the instance.
* <p>
* @author aaron smuts
public abstract class AbstractLRUMap<K, V>
implements Map<K, V>
/** The logger */
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog( AbstractLRUMap.class );
/** double linked list for lru */
private final DoubleLinkedList<LRUElementDescriptor<K, V>> list;
/** Map where items are stored by key. */
private Map<K, LRUElementDescriptor<K, V>> map;
/** stats */
int hitCnt = 0;
/** stats */
int missCnt = 0;
/** stats */
int putCnt = 0;
/** make configurable */
private int chunkSize = 1;
private final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
* This creates an unbounded version. Setting the max objects will result in spooling on
* subsequent puts.
public AbstractLRUMap()
list = new DoubleLinkedList<LRUElementDescriptor<K, V>>();
// normal hashtable is faster for
// sequential keys.
map = new ConcurrentHashMap<K, LRUElementDescriptor<K, V>>();
* This simply returns the number of elements in the map.
* <p>
* @see java.util.Map#size()
public int size()
return map.size();
* This removes all the items. It clears the map and the double linked list.
* <p>
* @see java.util.Map#clear()
public void clear()
* Returns true if the map is empty.
* <p>
* @see java.util.Map#isEmpty()
public boolean isEmpty()
return map.isEmpty();
* Returns true if the map contains an element for the supplied key.
* <p>
* @see java.util.Map#containsKey(java.lang.Object)
public boolean containsKey( Object key )
return map.containsKey( key );
* This is an expensive operation that determines if the object supplied is mapped to any key.
* <p>
* @see java.util.Map#containsValue(java.lang.Object)
public boolean containsValue( Object value )
return map.containsValue( value );
* @return map.values();
public Collection<V> values()
List<V> valueList = new ArrayList<V>(map.size());
for (LRUElementDescriptor<K, V> value : map.values())
return valueList;
* @param source
public void putAll( Map<? extends K, ? extends V> source )
if ( source != null )
for (Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> entry : source.entrySet())
this.put( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );
* @param key
* @return Object
public V get( Object key )
V retVal = null;
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "getting item for key " + key );
LRUElementDescriptor<K, V> me = map.get( key );
if ( me != null )
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "LRUMap hit for " + key );
retVal = me.getPayload();
list.makeFirst( me );
log.debug( "LRUMap miss for " + key );
// verifyCache();
return retVal;
* This gets an element out of the map without adjusting it's position in the LRU. In other
* words, this does not count as being used. If the element is the last item in the list, it
* will still be the last time in the list.
* <p>
* @param key
* @return Object
public V getQuiet( Object key )
V ce = null;
LRUElementDescriptor<K, V> me = map.get( key );
if ( me != null )
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "LRUMap quiet hit for " + key );
ce = me.getPayload();
else if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "LRUMap quiet miss for " + key );
return ce;
* @param key
* @return Object removed
public V remove( Object key )
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "removing item for key: " + key );
// remove single item.
LRUElementDescriptor<K, V> me = map.remove(key);
if (me != null)
return me.getPayload();
return null;
* @param key
* @param value
* @return Object
public V put(K key, V value)
LRUElementDescriptor<K, V> old = null;
// TODO address double synchronization of addFirst, use write lock
addFirst( key, value );
// this must be synchronized
LRUElementDescriptor<K, V> first = list.getFirst();
old = map.put(first.getKey(), first);
// If the node was the same as an existing node, remove it.
if ( old != null && first.getKey().equals(old.getKey()))
list.remove( old );
// If the element limit is reached, we need to spool
if (shouldRemove())
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug( "In memory limit reached, removing least recently used." );
// The spool will put them in a disk event queue, so there is no
// need to pre-queue the queuing. This would be a bit wasteful
// and wouldn't save much time in this synchronous call.
while ( shouldRemove() )
LRUElementDescriptor<K, V> last = list.getLast();
if (last != null)
processRemovedLRU(last.getKey(), last.getPayload());
if (map.remove(last.getKey()) == null)
log.warn("update: remove failed for key: "
+ last.getKey());
throw new Error("update: last is null!");
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "update: After spool map size: " + map.size() );
if ( map.size() != dumpCacheSize() )
log.error("update: After spool, size mismatch: map.size() = " + map.size() + ", linked list size = "
+ dumpCacheSize());
if ( old != null )
return old.getPayload();
return null;
protected abstract boolean shouldRemove();
* Adds a new node to the start of the link list.
* <p>
* @param key
* @param val The feature to be added to the First
private void addFirst(K key, V val)
LRUElementDescriptor<K, V> me = new LRUElementDescriptor<K, V>(key, val);
list.addFirst( me );
* Returns the size of the list.
* <p>
* @return int
private int dumpCacheSize()
return list.size();
* Dump the cache entries from first to list for debugging.
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // No generics for public fields
public void dumpCacheEntries()
log.debug( "dumpingCacheEntries" );
for ( LRUElementDescriptor<K, V> me = list.getFirst(); me != null; me = (LRUElementDescriptor<K, V>) )
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "dumpCacheEntries> key=" + me.getKey() + ", val=" + me.getPayload() );
* Dump the cache map for debugging.
public void dumpMap()
log.debug( "dumpingMap" );
for (Map.Entry<K, LRUElementDescriptor<K, V>> e : map.entrySet())
LRUElementDescriptor<K, V> me = e.getValue();
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "dumpMap> key=" + e.getKey() + ", val=" + me.getPayload() );
* Checks to see if all the items that should be in the cache are. Checks consistency between
* List and map.
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // No generics for public fields
protected void verifyCache()
if ( !log.isDebugEnabled() )
boolean found = false;
log.debug( "verifycache: mapContains " + map.size() + " elements, linked list contains " + dumpCacheSize()
+ " elements" );
log.debug( "verifycache: checking linked list by key " );
for (LRUElementDescriptor<K, V> li = list.getFirst(); li != null; li = (LRUElementDescriptor<K, V>) )
K key = li.getKey();
if ( !map.containsKey( key ) )
log.error( "verifycache: map does not contain key : " + li.getKey() );
log.error( "li.hashcode=" + li.getKey().hashCode() );
log.error( "key class=" + key.getClass() );
log.error( "key hashcode=" + key.hashCode() );
log.error( "key toString=" + key.toString() );
if ( key instanceof GroupAttrName )
GroupAttrName<?> name = (GroupAttrName<?>) key;
log.error( "GroupID hashcode=" + name.groupId.hashCode() );
log.error( "GroupID.class=" + name.groupId.getClass() );
log.error( "AttrName hashcode=" + name.attrName.hashCode() );
log.error( "AttrName.class=" + name.attrName.getClass() );
else if ( map.get( li.getKey() ) == null )
log.error( "verifycache: linked list retrieval returned null for key: " + li.getKey() );
log.debug( "verifycache: checking linked list by value " );
for (LRUElementDescriptor<K, V> li3 = list.getFirst(); li3 != null; li3 = (LRUElementDescriptor<K, V>) )
if ( map.containsValue( li3 ) == false )
log.error( "verifycache: map does not contain value : " + li3 );
log.debug( "verifycache: checking via keysets!" );
for (Iterator<K> itr2 = map.keySet().iterator(); itr2.hasNext(); )
found = false;
Serializable val = null;
val = (Serializable);
catch ( NoSuchElementException nse )
log.error( "verifycache: no such element exception" );
for (LRUElementDescriptor<K, V> li2 = list.getFirst(); li2 != null; li2 = (LRUElementDescriptor<K, V>) )
if ( val.equals( li2.getKey() ) )
found = true;
if ( !found )
log.error( "verifycache: key not found in list : " + val );
if ( map.containsKey( val ) )
log.error( "verifycache: map contains key" );
log.error( "verifycache: map does NOT contain key, what the HECK!" );
* Logs an error is an element that should be in the cache is not.
* <p>
* @param key
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // No generics for public fields
protected void verifyCache( Object key )
if ( !log.isDebugEnabled() )
boolean found = false;
// go through the linked list looking for the key
for (LRUElementDescriptor<K, V> li = list.getFirst(); li != null; li = (LRUElementDescriptor<K, V>) )
if ( li.getKey() == key )
found = true;
log.debug( "verifycache(key) key match: " + key );
if ( !found )
log.error( "verifycache(key), couldn't find key! : " + key );
* This is called when an item is removed from the LRU. We just log some information.
* <p>
* Children can implement this method for special behavior.
* @param key
* @param value
protected void processRemovedLRU(K key, V value )
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "Removing key: [" + key + "] from LRUMap store, value = [" + value + "]" );
log.debug( "LRUMap store size: '" + this.size() + "'." );
* The chunk size is the number of items to remove when the max is reached. By default it is 1.
* <p>
* @param chunkSize The chunkSize to set.
public void setChunkSize( int chunkSize )
this.chunkSize = chunkSize;
* @return Returns the chunkSize.
public int getChunkSize()
return chunkSize;
* @return IStats
public IStats getStatistics()
IStats stats = new Stats();
stats.setTypeName( "LRUMap" );
ArrayList<IStatElement<?>> elems = new ArrayList<IStatElement<?>>();
elems.add(new StatElement<Integer>( "List Size", Integer.valueOf(list.size()) ) );
elems.add(new StatElement<Integer>( "Map Size", Integer.valueOf(map.size()) ) );
elems.add(new StatElement<Integer>( "Put Count", Integer.valueOf(putCnt) ) );
elems.add(new StatElement<Integer>( "Hit Count", Integer.valueOf(hitCnt) ) );
elems.add(new StatElement<Integer>( "Miss Count", Integer.valueOf(missCnt) ) );
stats.setStatElements( elems );
return stats;
* This returns a set of entries. Our LRUMapEntry is used since the value stored in the
* underlying map is a node in the double linked list. We wouldn't want to return this to the
* client, so we construct a new entry with the payload of the node.
* <p>
* TODO we should return out own set wrapper, so we can avoid the extra object creation if it
* isn't necessary.
* <p>
* @see java.util.Map#entrySet()
public Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> entrySet()
// TODO we should return a defensive copy
Set<Map.Entry<K, LRUElementDescriptor<K, V>>> entries = map.entrySet();
Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> unWrapped = new HashSet<Map.Entry<K, V>>();
for (Map.Entry<K, LRUElementDescriptor<K, V>> pre : entries) {
Map.Entry<K, V> post = new LRUMapEntry<K, V>(pre.getKey(), pre.getValue().getPayload());
return unWrapped;
* @return map.keySet();
public Set<K> keySet()
// TODO fix this, it needs to return the keys inside the wrappers.
return map.keySet();