blob: 26ed199c353a190ac9b286058a3eede6543a186c [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.commons.jcs.auxiliary.lateral.socket.tcp;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.commons.jcs.auxiliary.lateral.LateralCacheAttributes;
import org.apache.commons.jcs.auxiliary.lateral.socket.tcp.behavior.ITCPLateralCacheAttributes;
* This interface defines functions that are particular to the TCP Lateral Cache plugin. It extends
* the generic LateralCacheAttributes interface which in turn extends the AuxiliaryCache interface.
public class TCPLateralCacheAttributes
extends LateralCacheAttributes
implements ITCPLateralCacheAttributes
/** Don't change. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1077889204513905220L;
/** default */
private static final String DEFAULT_UDP_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS = "";
/** default */
private static final int DEFAULT_UDP_DISCOVERY_PORT = 6789;
/** default */
private static final boolean DEFAULT_UDP_DISCOVERY_ENABLED = true;
/** default */
private static final boolean DEFAULT_ALLOW_GET = true;
/** default */
private static final boolean DEFAULT_ALLOW_PUT = true;
/** default */
private static final boolean DEFAULT_ISSUE_REMOVE_FOR_PUT = false;
/** default */
private static final boolean DEFAULT_FILTER_REMOVE_BY_HASH_CODE = true;
/** default - Only block for 1 second before timing out on a read.*/
private static final int DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIME_OUT = 1000;
/** default - Only block for 2 seconds before timing out on startup.*/
private static final int DEFAULT_OPEN_TIMEOUT = 2000;
/** TCP -------------------------------------------- */
private String tcpServers = "";
/** used to identify the service that this manager will be operating on */
private String tcpServer = "";
/** The port */
private int tcpListenerPort = 0;
/** The host */
private String tcpListenerHost = "";
/** udp discovery for tcp server */
private String udpDiscoveryAddr = DEFAULT_UDP_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS;
/** discovery port */
private int udpDiscoveryPort = DEFAULT_UDP_DISCOVERY_PORT;
/** discovery switch */
private boolean udpDiscoveryEnabled = DEFAULT_UDP_DISCOVERY_ENABLED;
/** can we put */
private boolean allowPut = DEFAULT_ALLOW_GET;
/** can we go laterally for a get */
private boolean allowGet = DEFAULT_ALLOW_PUT;
/** call remove when there is a put */
private boolean issueRemoveOnPut = DEFAULT_ISSUE_REMOVE_FOR_PUT;
/** don't remove it the hashcode is the same */
private boolean filterRemoveByHashCode = DEFAULT_FILTER_REMOVE_BY_HASH_CODE;
/** Only block for socketTimeOut seconds before timing out on a read. */
private int socketTimeOut = DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIME_OUT;
/** Only block for openTimeOut seconds before timing out on startup. */
private int openTimeOut = DEFAULT_OPEN_TIMEOUT;
* Sets the tcpServer attribute of the ILateralCacheAttributes object
* <p>
* @param val The new tcpServer value
public void setTcpServer( String val )
this.tcpServer = val;
* Gets the tcpServer attribute of the ILateralCacheAttributes object
* <p>
* @return The tcpServer value
public String getTcpServer()
return this.tcpServer;
* Sets the tcpServers attribute of the ILateralCacheAttributes object
* <p>
* @param val The new tcpServers value
public void setTcpServers( String val )
this.tcpServers = val;
* Gets the tcpServers attribute of the ILateralCacheAttributes object
* <p>
* @return The tcpServers value
public String getTcpServers()
return this.tcpServers;
* Sets the tcpListenerPort attribute of the ILateralCacheAttributes object
* <p>
* @param val The new tcpListenerPort value
public void setTcpListenerPort( int val )
this.tcpListenerPort = val;
* Gets the tcpListenerPort attribute of the ILateralCacheAttributes object
* <p>
* @return The tcpListenerPort value
public int getTcpListenerPort()
return this.tcpListenerPort;
* Sets the tcpListenerHost attribute of the ILateralCacheAttributes object
* <p>
* @param val
* The new tcpListenerHost value
public void setTcpListenerHost( String val )
this.tcpListenerHost = val;
* Gets the tcpListenerHost attribute of the ILateralCacheAttributes object
* <p>
* @return The tcpListenerHost value
public String getTcpListenerHost()
return this.tcpListenerHost;
* Can setup UDP Discovery. This only works for TCp laterals right now. It allows TCP laterals
* to find each other by broadcasting to a multicast port.
* <p>
* @param udpDiscoveryEnabled The udpDiscoveryEnabled to set.
public void setUdpDiscoveryEnabled( boolean udpDiscoveryEnabled )
this.udpDiscoveryEnabled = udpDiscoveryEnabled;
* Whether or not TCP laterals can try to find each other by multicast communication.
* <p>
* @return Returns the udpDiscoveryEnabled.
public boolean isUdpDiscoveryEnabled()
return this.udpDiscoveryEnabled;
* The port to use if UDPDiscovery is enabled.
* <p>
* @return Returns the udpDiscoveryPort.
public int getUdpDiscoveryPort()
return this.udpDiscoveryPort;
* Sets the port to use if UDPDiscovery is enabled.
* <p>
* @param udpDiscoveryPort The udpDiscoveryPort to set.
public void setUdpDiscoveryPort( int udpDiscoveryPort )
this.udpDiscoveryPort = udpDiscoveryPort;
* The address to broadcast to if UDPDiscovery is enabled.
* <p>
* @return Returns the udpDiscoveryAddr.
public String getUdpDiscoveryAddr()
return this.udpDiscoveryAddr;
* Sets the address to broadcast to if UDPDiscovery is enabled.
* <p>
* @param udpDiscoveryAddr The udpDiscoveryAddr to set.
public void setUdpDiscoveryAddr( String udpDiscoveryAddr )
this.udpDiscoveryAddr = udpDiscoveryAddr;
* Is the lateral allowed to try and get from other laterals.
* <p>
* This replaces the old putOnlyMode
* <p>
* @param allowGet
public void setAllowGet( boolean allowGet )
this.allowGet = allowGet;
* Is the lateral allowed to try and get from other laterals.
* <p>
* @return true if the lateral will try to get
public boolean isAllowGet()
return this.allowGet;
* Is the lateral allowed to put objects to other laterals.
* <p>
* @param allowPut
public void setAllowPut( boolean allowPut )
this.allowPut = allowPut;
* Is the lateral allowed to put objects to other laterals.
* <p>
* @return true if puts are allowed
public boolean isAllowPut()
return this.allowPut;
* Should the client send a remove command rather than a put when update is called. This is a
* client option, not a receiver option. This allows you to prevent the lateral from serializing
* objects.
* <p>
* @param issueRemoveOnPut
public void setIssueRemoveOnPut( boolean issueRemoveOnPut )
this.issueRemoveOnPut = issueRemoveOnPut;
* Should the client send a remove command rather than a put when update is called. This is a
* client option, not a receiver option. This allows you to prevent the lateral from serializing
* objects.
* <p>
* @return true if updates will result in a remove command being sent.
public boolean isIssueRemoveOnPut()
return this.issueRemoveOnPut;
* Should the receiver try to match hashcodes. If true, the receiver will see if the client
* supplied a hashcode. If it did, then it will try to get the item locally. If the item exists,
* then it will compare the hashcode. if they are the same, it will not remove. This isn't
* perfect since different objects can have the same hashcode, but it is unlikely of objects of
* the same type.
* <p>
* @return boolean
public boolean isFilterRemoveByHashCode()
return this.filterRemoveByHashCode;
* Should the receiver try to match hashcodes. If true, the receiver will see if the client
* supplied a hashcode. If it did, then it will try to get the item locally. If the item exists,
* then it will compare the hashcode. if they are the same, it will not remove. This isn't
* perfect since different objects can have the same hashcode, but it is unlikely of objects of
* the same type.
* <p>
* @param filter
public void setFilterRemoveByHashCode( boolean filter )
this.filterRemoveByHashCode = filter;
* @param socketTimeOut the socketTimeOut to set
public void setSocketTimeOut( int socketTimeOut )
this.socketTimeOut = socketTimeOut;
* @return the socketTimeOut
public int getSocketTimeOut()
return socketTimeOut;
* @param openTimeOut the openTimeOut to set
public void setOpenTimeOut( int openTimeOut )
this.openTimeOut = openTimeOut;
* @return the openTimeOut
public int getOpenTimeOut()
return openTimeOut;
* Used to key the instance TODO create another method for this and use toString for debugging
* only.
* <p>
* @return String
public String toString()
return this.getTcpServer() + ":" + this.getTcpListenerPort();