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<title>JCS Plugin Overview</title>
<author email="">Aaron Smuts</author>
<section name="JCS Plugin Overview">
<p> JCS provides multiple auxiliaries which can be plugged into a
cache region, in a manner similar to adding Log4j appenders to a
logger. JCS auxiliaries are defined in the cache.ccf file. You can
specify which plugins a particular cache region should use.</p>
<p> There are four types of auxiliaries: (1) memory, (2) disk, (3)
lateral, and (4) remote. Each region is required to have one and
only one memory auxiliary. No other auxiliaries are required and any
possible combination of disk, lateral, and remote auxiliaries is
allowed. If you do not want to store items in memory, then the
maximum size for the memory caches can be set to 0 on a per region
<section name="Memory Plugins">
<p> Currently, JCS provides five memory management options: (1)
LRUMemoryCache, (2) LHMLRUMemoryCache, (3) MRUMemoryCache, (5)
FIFOMemoryCache, and (5) ARCMemoryCache. All memory caches restrict
the number of items that can be stored in memory per region. If a
disk cache is configured for the region, the items will be spooled
to disk when the memory capacity is reached. JCS enforces
configurable parameters such as time to live and maximum idle time.
Expired elements can be cleaned up by the ShrinkerThread, otherwise
they will be removed at the next retrieval attempt or when the
capacity is reached.</p>
<p> The LRUMemoryCache is the currently recommended plugin. Upon
misconfiguration it is used as the default. The LRUMemoryCache
removes the least recently used items when the cache is full.</p>
<p> The ARCMemoryCache is currently experimental. It implements an
adaptive replacement caching algorithm that combines an LRU and an
LFU that adapt to usage patterns.</p>
<section name="Disk Plugins">
<p> JCS provides several disk swap options: indexed disk, HSQL, JISP,
and Berkeley DB JE. The IndexedDiskCache is the recommended disk
cache. It maintains the cached data on disk and the keys in memory
for the fastest possible lookup times. Writing to disk is done
asynchronously. Items are typically put in purgatory and queued for
background disk writing. While in purgatory, the items remain
<p> In addition, JCS provides a disk auxiliary that uses the Berkeley
DB Java Edition for disk storage. JCS can effectively function as an
expiration manager and distribution mechanism on top of a Berkeley
DB JE.</p>
<section name="Lateral Plugins">
<p> JCS provides two recommended lateral distribution options: TCP
socket server distribution and JGroups (or JavaGroups). There are
also several other experimental lateral distribution auxiliaries
using servlets, UDP, and xmlrpc.</p>
<section name="Remote Plugins">
<p> JCS provides both an RMI and HTTP remote servers to manage
distribution of cached data. These can be paired for failover.</p>