blob: 9f782c044d4d20f35ffffdb8c39e4e56a1f38a7b [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Commons DbUtils
Version 1.6
The Commons DbUtils team is pleased to announce the release of Commons DbUtils 1.6
The Apache Commons-DbUtils package is a set of
Java utility classes for easing JDBC development.
Changes in this version include:
New features:
o Create functionality to return auto-generated keys in batches of SQL inserts Issue: DBUTILS-108. Thanks to Micah Huff.
o Patch QueryLoader to also load from XML properties files Issue: DBUTILS-107. Thanks to PB.
o Add missing JavaDoc to QueryRunner#insert Issue: DBUTILS-98. Thanks to Moandji Ezana.
o Add an Abstract ResultSetHandler implementation in order to reduce redundant 'resultSet' variable invocation Issue: DBUTILS-97.
o Added insert methods to QueryRunner and AsyncQueryRunner that return the generated key. Issue: DBUTILS-87. Thanks to Moandji Ezana.
Fixed Bugs:
o DBUtils can't build using JDK 1.7 - DriverProxy needs to implement getParentLogger()
Add dynamic invocation. Issue: DBUTILS-106. Thanks to Niall Pemberton.
o Updated the use of getColumnName to try getColumnLabel first Issue: DBUTILS-100. Thanks to xiaofei.xu.
o DbUtils#loadDriver(ClassLoader,String) makes DriverManager throwing "No suitable driver found for jdbc"
if ClassLoader is not the System's one Issue: DBUTILS-96. Thanks to yuyf.
o In BeanProcessor#isCompatibleType, can Integer.class.isInstance(value) be replaced by value instanceof Integer (etc)?
Simplified code by using instanceof. Issue: DBUTILS-85.
For complete information on Commons DbUtils, including instructions on how to submit bug reports,
patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Commons DbUtils website: