blob: 165c52c85d0e9ab15eaa55249ae52b04ec845f09 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Commons DbUtils
Version 1.8
The Apache Commons DbUtils team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Commons DbUtils 1.8
The Apache Commons DbUtils package is a set of Java utility classes for easing JDBC development.
New features and bug fixes.
Changes in this version include:
New features:
o PR/9: Add @Column annotation to hint the field name instead of dissecting the get method name. Thanks to rewerma.
o DBUTILS-143: Only close connection if created in query runners. Thanks to thecarlhall.
o DBUTILS-136: CaseInsensitiveHashMap cannot be accessed by subclasses of BasicRowProcessor; add org.apache.commons.dbutils.BasicRowProcessor.createCaseInsensitiveHashMap(int). Thanks to Matthew Hall, Gary Gregory.
Fixed Bugs:
o Always copy Date, Time, Timestamp on get and set in SqlNullCheckedResultSet.
o DBUTILS-131: Speedup query calls without parameters; Use PreparedStatement only when parameters are present. Thanks to yairlenga.
o DBUTILS-138: org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunner.query(Connection, boolean, String, ResultSetHandler<T>, Object...) Exception in closing statement leave connections open. Thanks to Stefano Lissa, Gary Gregory.
o DBUTILS-139: Update Java requirement from version 6 to 7. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o DBUTILS-135: BeanProcessor is not thread safe since [DBUTILS-124]. Thanks to hdevalke.
o DBUTILS-137: Inefficient allocation of Maps in org.apache.commons.dbutils.BasicRowProcessor.toMap(ResultSet). Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o clirr, checkstyle, and spotbugs configured as part of default build. Thanks to thecarlhall.
For complete information on Apache Commons DbUtils, including instructions on how to submit bug reports,
patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Apache Commons DbUtils website:
Download it from
Apache Commons DbUtils
Version 1.7
The Apache Commons DbUtils team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Commons DbUtils 1.7
The Apache Commons DbUtils package is a set of Java utility classes for easing JDBC development.
Bugfixes and separate column & property handlers using SPI
Changes in this version include:
New features:
o DBUTILS-121: Add getWriteMethod to BeanProcessor to allow subclasses to influence which write method is used
o DBUTILS-50: Support CallableStatement "out" parameters Thanks to Dan Fabulich.
o DBUTILS-124: Implement column and property handlers using Java's service interfaces.
Fixed Bugs:
o DBUTILS-82: Change method contracts to allow extended class types when returning a bean populated from a query Thanks to Kenshi Toriumi.
o DBUTILS-89: Add method in BeanProcessor to populate an existing bean Thanks to Adam Dyga.
o DBUTILS-70: Add ability to configure statements used in QueryRunner Thanks to Michael Akerman.
o DBUTILS-117: Error handling possible getParameterMetaData() results
- allow for null return
- handle SQLFeatureNotSupportedException Thanks to Vadim Smirnov.
o DBUTILS-119: Correct errors in BeanMapHandler Javadoc Thanks to Michael Akerman.
o PR/1: Created some Unit Tests to increase code coverage. Thanks to Michael Hausegger.
Apache Commons DbUtils
Version 1.6
The Apache Commons DbUtils team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Commons DbUtils 1.6.
The Apache Commons DbUtils package is a set of Java utility classes for easing JDBC development.
Changes in this version include:
o DBUTILS-113: Add support for conversion of ResultSet strings to enums in the BeanProcessor
Thanks to Graylin Kim, Michael Osipov.
o DBUTILS-108: Create functionality to return auto-generated keys in batches of SQL inserts
Thanks to Micah Huff.
o DBUTILS-107: Patch QueryLoader to also load from XML properties files
Thanks to PB.
o DBUTILS-98: Add missing JavaDoc to QueryRunner#insert
Thanks to Moandji Ezana.
o DBUTILS-97: Add an Abstract ResultSetHandler implementation in order to reduce redundant 'resultSet' variable invocation
o DBUTILS-87: Added insert methods to QueryRunner and AsyncQueryRunner that return the generated key.
Thanks to Moandji Ezana.
o DBUTILS-110: ArrayHandler should return an empty array when handle has no rows
o DBUTILS-114: Order of columns not retained in BasicRowProcessor with HashMap
Thanks to Michael Osipov.
o DBUTILS-118: BeanProcessor not returning nanoseconds
Thanks to Feysal Rujbally, Daniele Cremonini.
o DBUTILS-106: DBUtils can't build using JDK 1.7 - DriverProxy needs to implement getParentLogger()
Add dynamic invocation. Thanks to Niall Pemberton.
o DBUTILS-100: Updated the use of getColumnName to try getColumnLabel first Thanks to xiaofei.xu.
o DBUTILS-96: DbUtils#loadDriver(ClassLoader,String) makes DriverManager throwing "No suitable driver found for jdbc"
if ClassLoader is not the System's one Thanks to yuyf.
o DBUTILS-85: In BeanProcessor#isCompatibleType, can Integer.class.isInstance(value) be replaced by value instanceof Integer (etc)?
Simplified code by using instanceof.
For complete information on Apache Commons DbUtils, including instructions on how to submit bug reports,
patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Apache Commons DbUtils website: