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<?xml version="1.0"?>
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<author email="">commons-dev</author>
<title>CLI2 - Validators</title>
<section name="Validators">
CLI2 provides a mechanism to validate argument values. The <code>Validator</code>
interface must be implemented to create an argument validator. This interface has
a single method <code>validate(java.util.List values) throws InvalidArgumentException</code>.
CLI2 has some standard validators included. They validate the following:
<li>Java class</li>
<li>file path</li>
<subsection name="ClassValidator">
The <code>ClassValidator</code> validates a value using three criteria:
<li>the value adheres to the Java Language Specification rules</li>
<li>the class specified by the name is loadable</li>
<li>the class specified by the name can be instantiated</li>
<source>// 1.
ClassValidator validator = new ClassValidator();
// 2.
// 3.
TODO: add section about values being replaced with class instances
<subsection name="DateValidator">
The <code>DateValidator</code> validates values against a
<code>java.text.DateFormat</code>. There are three helper methods
that create built-in validators.
<li><code>getDateInstance</code> returns a validator for the default
date format for the default locale.
<li><code>getTimeInstance</code> returns a validator for the default
time format for the default locale.
<li><code>getDateTimeInstance</code> returns a validator for the default
date and time format for the default locale.
A <code>DateValidator</code> can also be created by passing your
a custom <code>DateFormat</code> into the constructor.
<source>DateFormat myFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance( DateFormat.LONG, Locale.UK );
DateValidator myValidator = new DateValidator( myFormat );</source>
In addition to basic format checking you can also check if the date/time specified
is before/after a specific date/time. The lower bound is set using the
<code>setMinimum( java.util.Date )</code>, and the upper bound is set using
the <code>setMaximum( java.util.Date )</code>.
TODO: add section about values being replaced with date instances
<subsection name="EnumValidator">
The <code>EnumValidator</code> validates values against a list of
allowed string values. The values that are allowed are specified in
a <code>java.util.Set</code> and passed in to the constructor.
<source>Set enumSet = new TreeSet();
EnumValidator validator = new EnumValidator( enumSet );</source>
<subsection name="FileValidator">
The <code>FileValidator</code> validates that values represent
existing files. You can also specify a combination of the
following additional criteria:
<li>value is a file</li>
<li>value is a directory</li>
<li>the file is writable</li>
<li>the file is readable</li>
<li>the file is hidden</li>
Each of the criteria listed here are specified using the appropriate
There are three helper methods to create validators:
<li><code>getExistingInstance</code> returns a validator that ensures
a value represents an existing file.
<li><code>getExistingFileInstance</code> returns a validator that ensures
a value represents an existing file that is not a directory.
<li><code>getExistingDirectoryInstance</code> returns a validator that ensures
a value represents an existing file this is a directory.
<source>// validate that the value represents a file that exists
FileValidator validator = FileValidator.getExistingInstance();
// ensure it's not a hidden file
validator.setHidden( false );
// ensure it's a writable file
validator.setWritable( true );</source>
<subsection name="NumberValidator">
The <code>NumberValidator</code> validates that values adhere to
certain rules like the following:
<li><code>getCurrencyInstance</code> returns a validator for the default
currency format for the default locale.
<li><code>getPercentInstance</code> returns a validator for the default
percent format for the default locale.
<li><code>getIntegerInstance</code> returns a validator for the default
integer format for the default locale.
<li><code>getNumberInstance</code> returns a validator for the default
number format for the default locale.
A <code>NumberValidator</code> can also be created by passing your
a custom <code>NumberFormat</code> into the constructor.
<source>NumberFormat myFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance( Locale.UK );
NumberValidator myValidator = new NumberValidator( myFormat );</source>
In addition to basic format checking you can also check if the number specified
is less than or greater than a specific number. The lower bound is set using
the <code>setMinimum( Number )</code>, and the upper bound is set using
the <code>setMaximum( Number )</code>.
<subsection name="UrlValidator">
A <code>UrlValidator</code> validates that values are URLs and if you
choose it will also validate the protocol is of the type you have
<source>UrlValidator validator = new UrlValidator();
// only accept https URLs