blob: 65de8f2469703f08fab20183b36fb8ad5ee0b4a3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.bsf.engines;
import org.apache.bsf.BSFEngine;
import org.apache.bsf.BSFEngineTestTmpl;
import org.apache.bsf.BSFException;
* Test class for the jacl language engine.
* @author Victor J. Orlikowski <>
public class JaclTest extends BSFEngineTestTmpl {
private BSFEngine jaclEngine;
public JaclTest(String name) {
public void setUp() {
try {
jaclEngine = bsfManager.loadScriptingEngine("jacl");
catch (Exception e) {
fail(failMessage("Failure attempting to load jacl", e));
public void testExec() {
try {
jaclEngine.exec("Test.jacl", 0, 0,
"puts -nonewline \"PASSED\"");
catch (Exception e) {
fail(failMessage("exec() test failed", e));
assertEquals("PASSED", getTmpOutStr());
public void testEval() {
Integer retval = null;
try {
retval = (Integer) jaclEngine.eval("Test.jacl", 0, 0,
"expr 1 + 1");
catch (Exception e) {
fail(failMessage("eval() test failed", e));
assertEquals(new Integer(2), retval);
public void testCall() {
Object[] args = { new Integer(1) };
Integer retval = null;
try {
jaclEngine.exec("Test.jacl", 0, 0,
"proc addOne {f} {\n return [expr $f + 1]\n}");
retval = (Integer), "addOne", args);
catch (Exception e) {
fail(failMessage("call() test failed", e));
assertEquals(new Integer(2), retval);
public void testIexec() {
try {
jaclEngine.iexec("Test.jacl", 0, 0,
"puts -nonewline \"PASSED\"");
catch (Exception e) {
fail(failMessage("iexec() test failed", e));
assertEquals("PASSED", getTmpOutStr());
public void testBSFManagerEval() {
Integer retval = null;
try {
retval = (Integer) bsfManager.eval("jacl", "Test.jacl", 0, 0,
"expr 1 + 1");
catch (Exception e) {
fail(failMessage("BSFManager eval() test failed", e));
assertEquals(new Integer(2), retval);
public void testRegisterBean() {
Integer foo = new Integer(1);
Integer bar = null;
try {
bsfManager.registerBean("foo", foo);
bar = (Integer) jaclEngine.eval("Test.jacl", 0, 0,
"bsf lookupBean \"foo\"");
catch (Exception e) {
fail(failMessage("registerBean() test failed", e));
assertEquals(foo, bar);
public void testUnregisterBean() {
Integer foo = new Integer(1);
Integer bar = null;
try {
bsfManager.registerBean("foo", foo);
bar = (Integer) jaclEngine.eval("Test.jacl", 0, 0,
"bsf lookupBean \"foo\"");
catch (BSFException bsfE) {
// Do nothing. This is the expected case.
catch (Exception e) {
fail(failMessage("unregisterBean() test failed", e));
public void testDeclareBean() {
Integer foo = new Integer(1);
Integer bar = null;
try {
bsfManager.declareBean("foo", foo, Integer.class);
bar = (Integer)
jaclEngine.eval("Test.jacl", 0, 0,
"proc ret {} {\n upvar 1 foo lfoo\n " +
"return $lfoo\n }\n ret");
catch (Exception e) {
fail(failMessage("declareBean() test failed", e));
assertEquals(foo, bar);
public void testUndeclareBean() {
Integer foo = new Integer(1);
Integer bar = null;
try {
bsfManager.declareBean("foo", foo, Integer.class);
bar = (Integer)
jaclEngine.eval("Test.jacl", 0, 0,
"expr $foo + 1");
catch (Exception e) {
fail(failMessage("undeclareBean() test failed", e));
assertEquals(foo, bar);