blob: 3152af76a05a08ea476519e8e52061092d0c848f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
(function(cloudStack) {
cloudStack.sections.metrics = {
title: 'label.metrics',
listView: {
id: 'metrics',
fields: {
name: {
label: 'metrics'
// Zones Metrics
cloudStack.sections.metrics.zones = {
title: 'label.metrics',
listView: {
id: 'physicalResources',
fields: {
name: {
label: ''
state: {
label: 'label.metrics.state',
converter: function (str) {
// For localization
return str;
indicator: {
'Enabled': 'on',
'Disabled': 'off'
compact: true
clusters : {
label: 'label.metrics.clusters'
cpuused: {
label: 'label.metrics.cpu.usage',
collapsible: true,
columns: {
cpuused: {
label: 'label.metrics.cpu.used.avg',
thresholdcolor: true,
thresholds: {
notification: 'cputhreshold',
disable: 'cpudisablethreshold'
cpumaxdeviation: {
label: ''
cpuallocated: {
label: 'label.metrics.cpu.allocated',
collapsible: true,
columns: {
cpuallocated: {
label: 'label.metrics.allocated',
thresholdcolor: true,
thresholds: {
notification: 'cpuallocatedthreshold',
disable: 'cpuallocateddisablethreshold'
cputotal: {
label: ''
memused: {
label: 'label.metrics.memory.usage',
collapsible: true,
columns: {
memoryused: {
label: 'label.metrics.memory.used.avg',
thresholdcolor: true,
thresholds: {
notification: 'memorythreshold',
disable: 'memorydisablethreshold'
memorymaxdeviation: {
label: ''
memallocated: {
label: 'label.metrics.memory.allocated',
collapsible: true,
columns: {
memoryallocated: {
label: 'label.metrics.allocated',
thresholdcolor: true,
thresholds: {
notification: 'memoryallocatedthreshold',
disable: 'memoryallocateddisablethreshold'
memorytotal: {
label: ''
dataProvider: function(args) {
var data = {};
listViewDataProvider(args, data);
url: createURL('listZonesMetrics'),
data: data,
success: function(json) {
browseBy: {
filterBy: 'zoneid',
resource: 'clusters'
detailView: cloudStack.sections.system.physicalResourceSection.sections.physicalResources.listView.zones.detailView
// Clusters Metrics
cloudStack.sections.metrics.clusters = {
title: 'label.metrics',
listView: {
id: 'clusters',
fields: {
name: {
label: ''
state: {
label: 'label.metrics.state',
converter: function (str) {
// For localization
return str;
indicator: {
'Enabled': 'on',
'Unmanaged': 'warning',
'Disabled': 'off'
compact: true
hosts: {
label: 'label.metrics.hosts'
cpuused: {
label: 'label.metrics.cpu.usage',
collapsible: true,
columns: {
cpuused: {
label: 'label.metrics.cpu.used.avg',
thresholdcolor: true,
thresholds: {
notification: 'cputhreshold',
disable: 'cpudisablethreshold'
cpumaxdeviation: {
label: ''
cpuallocated: {
label: 'label.metrics.cpu.allocated',
collapsible: true,
columns: {
cpuallocated: {
label: 'label.metrics.allocated',
thresholdcolor: true,
thresholds: {
notification: 'cpuallocatedthreshold',
disable: 'cpuallocateddisablethreshold'
cputotal: {
label: ''
memused: {
label: 'label.metrics.memory.usage',
collapsible: true,
columns: {
memoryused: {
label: 'label.metrics.memory.used.avg',
thresholdcolor: true,
thresholds: {
notification: 'memorythreshold',
disable: 'memorydisablethreshold'
memorymaxdeviation: {
label: ''
memallocated: {
label: 'label.metrics.memory.allocated',
collapsible: true,
columns: {
memoryallocated: {
label: 'label.metrics.allocated',
thresholdcolor: true,
thresholds: {
notification: 'memoryallocatedthreshold',
disable: 'memoryallocateddisablethreshold'
memorytotal: {
label: ''
dataProvider: function(args) {
var data = {};
listViewDataProvider(args, data);
if ("zones" in args.context && args.context.zones[0]) {
data['zoneid'] = args.context.zones[0].id;
if ("pods" in args.context && args.context.pods[0]) {
data['podid'] = args.context.pods[0].id;
if (args.context.metricsFilterData && args.context.metricsFilterData.key && args.context.metricsFilterData.value) {
data[args.context.metricsFilterData.key] = args.context.metricsFilterData.value;
url: createURL('listClustersMetrics'),
data: data,
success: function(json) {
data: json.listclustersmetricsresponse.cluster
browseBy: {
filterBy: 'clusterid',
resource: 'hosts'
detailView: cloudStack.sections.system.subsections.clusters.listView.detailView
// Hosts Metrics
cloudStack.sections.metrics.hosts = {
title: 'label.metrics',
listView: {
id: 'hosts',
fields: {
name: {
label: ''
state: {
label: 'label.metrics.state',
converter: function (str) {
// For localization
return str;
indicator: {
'Up': 'on',
'Down': 'off',
'Disconnected': 'off',
'Removed': 'off',
'Error': 'off',
'Connecting': 'transition',
'Rebalancing': 'transition',
'Alert': 'warning'
compact: true
powerstate: {
label: 'label.metrics.outofbandmanagementpowerstate',
converter: function (str) {
// For localization
return str;
indicator: {
'On': 'on',
'Off': 'off',
'Unknown': 'warning'
compact: true
instances: {
label: 'label.instances'
cpuused: {
label: 'label.metrics.cpu.usage',
collapsible: true,
columns: {
cpunumber: {
label: 'label.metrics.num.cpu.cores',
cputotalghz: {
label: ''
cpuusedghz: {
label: 'label.metrics.cpu.used.avg',
thresholdcolor: true,
thresholds: {
notification: 'cputhreshold',
disable: 'cpudisablethreshold'
cpuallocatedghz: {
label: 'label.metrics.allocated',
thresholdcolor: true,
thresholds: {
notification: 'cpuallocatedthreshold',
disable: 'cpuallocateddisablethreshold'
memused: {
label: 'label.metrics.memory.usage',
collapsible: true,
columns: {
memorytotalgb: {
label: ''
memoryusedgb: {
label: 'label.metrics.memory.used.avg',
thresholdcolor: true,
thresholds: {
notification: 'memorythreshold',
disable: 'memorydisablethreshold'
memoryallocatedgb: {
label: 'label.metrics.allocated',
thresholdcolor: true,
thresholds: {
notification: 'memoryallocatedthreshold',
disable: 'memoryallocateddisablethreshold'
network: {
label: '',
collapsible: true,
columns: {
networkread: {
label: ''
networkwrite: {
label: ''
dataProvider: function(args) {
var data = {};
data.type = 'routing';
listViewDataProvider(args, data);
if (!args.context.instances) {
if ("zones" in args.context && args.context.zones[0]) {
data['zoneid'] = args.context.zones[0].id;
if ("pods" in args.context && args.context.pods[0]) {
data['podid'] = args.context.pods[0].id;
if ("clusters" in args.context && args.context.clusters[0]) {
data['clusterid'] = args.context.clusters[0].id;
} else {
if (args.context.instances[0]) {
data['id'] = args.context.instances[0].hostid;
if (args.context.metricsFilterData && args.context.metricsFilterData.key && args.context.metricsFilterData.value) {
data[args.context.metricsFilterData.key] = args.context.metricsFilterData.value;
url: createURL('listHostsMetrics'),
data: data,
success: function(json) {
browseBy: {
filterBy: 'hostid',
resource: 'vms'
detailView: cloudStack.sections.system.subsections.hosts.listView.detailView
// VMs Metrics
cloudStack.sections.metrics.instances = {
title: 'label.metrics',
listView: {
id: 'instances',
fields: {
name: {
label: ''
state: {
label: 'label.metrics.state',
converter: function (str) {
// For localization
return str;
indicator: {
'Running': 'on',
'Stopped': 'off',
'Error': 'off',
'Destroyed': 'off',
'Expunging': 'off',
'Stopping': 'transition',
'Starting': 'transition',
'Migrating': 'transition',
'Shutdowned': 'warning'
compact: true
ipaddress: {
label: 'label.ip.address'
zonename: {
label: ''
cpuused: {
label: 'label.metrics.cpu.usage',
collapsible: true,
columns: {
cpunumber: {
label: 'label.metrics.num.cpu.cores',
cputotal: {
label: ''
cpuused: {
label: 'label.metrics.cpu.used.avg',
memused: {
label: 'label.metrics.memory.usage',
collapsible: true,
columns: {
memorytotal: {
label: 'label.metrics.allocated'
network: {
label: '',
collapsible: true,
columns: {
networkread: {
label: ''
networkwrite: {
label: ''
disk: {
label: 'label.metrics.disk.usage',
collapsible: true,
columns: {
diskioread: {
label: ''
diskiowrite: {
label: 'label.metrics.disk.write'
diskiopstotal: {
label: ''
dataProvider: function(args) {
var data = {};
listViewDataProvider(args, data);
if ("hosts" in args.context && args.context.hosts[0]) {
data['hostid'] = args.context.hosts[0].id;
if (args.context.metricsFilterData && args.context.metricsFilterData.key && args.context.metricsFilterData.value) {
data[args.context.metricsFilterData.key] = args.context.metricsFilterData.value;
url: createURL('listVirtualMachinesMetrics'),
data: data,
success: function(json) {
data: json.listvirtualmachinesmetricsresponse.virtualmachine
browseBy: {
filterBy: 'virtualmachineid',
resource: 'volumes'
detailView: cloudStack.sections.instances.listView.detailView
// Volumes Metrics
cloudStack.sections.metrics.volumes = {
title: 'label.metrics',
listView: {
id: 'volumes',
fields: {
name: {
label: ''
state: {
label: 'label.metrics.state',
converter: function (str) {
// For localization
return str;
indicator: {
'Allocated': 'transition',
'Creating': 'transition',
'Ready': 'on',
'Destroy': 'off',
'Expunging': 'off',
'Migrating': 'warning',
'UploadOp': 'transition',
'Snapshotting': 'warning',
compact: true
vmname: {
label: ''
sizegb: {
label: 'label.metrics.disk.size'
storagetype: {
label: 'label.metrics.disk.storagetype'
storage: {
label: 'label.metrics.storagepool'
dataProvider: function(args) {
var data = {listAll: true};
listViewDataProvider(args, data);
if ("instances" in args.context && args.context.instances[0]) {
data['virtualmachineid'] = args.context.instances[0].id;
if ("primarystorages" in args.context && args.context.primarystorages[0]) {
data['storageid'] = args.context.primarystorages[0].id;
if (args.context.metricsFilterData && args.context.metricsFilterData.key && args.context.metricsFilterData.value) {
data[args.context.metricsFilterData.key] = args.context.metricsFilterData.value;
url: createURL('listVolumesMetrics'),
data: data,
success: function(json) {
data: json.listvolumesmetricsresponse.volume
// Storage Pool Metrics
cloudStack.sections.metrics.storagepool = {
title: 'label.metrics',
listView: {
id: 'primarystorages',
fields: {
name: {
label: ''
property: {
label: '',
collapsible: true,
columns: {
state: {
label: 'label.metrics.state',
converter: function (str) {
// For localization
return str;
indicator: {
'Up': 'on',
'Down': 'off',
'Removed': 'off',
'ErrorInMaintenance': 'off',
'PrepareForMaintenance': 'transition',
'CancelMaintenance': 'warning',
'Maintenance': 'warning',
compact: true
scope: {
label: 'label.metrics.scope'
type: {
label: 'label.metrics.disk.storagetype'
disk: {
label: 'label.metrics.disk',
collapsible: true,
columns: {
disksizeusedgb: {
label: 'label.metrics.disk.used',
thresholdcolor: true,
thresholds: {
notification: 'storageusagethreshold',
disable: 'storageusagedisablethreshold'
disksizetotalgb: {
label: ''
disksizeallocatedgb: {
label: 'label.metrics.disk.allocated',
thresholdcolor: true,
thresholds: {
notification: 'storageallocatedthreshold',
disable: 'storageallocateddisablethreshold'
disksizeunallocatedgb: {
label: 'label.metrics.disk.unallocated'
dataProvider: function(args) {
var data = {};
listViewDataProvider(args, data);
if ("zones" in args.context && args.context.zones[0]) {
data['zoneid'] = args.context.zones[0].id;
if ("pods" in args.context && args.context.pods[0]) {
data['podid'] = args.context.pods[0].id;
if ("clusters" in args.context && args.context.clusters[0]) {
data['clusterid'] = args.context.clusters[0].id;
if (args.context.metricsFilterData && args.context.metricsFilterData.key && args.context.metricsFilterData.value) {
data[args.context.metricsFilterData.key] = args.context.metricsFilterData.value;
url: createURL('listStoragePoolsMetrics'),
data: data,
success: function(json) {
data: json.liststoragepoolsmetricsresponse.storagepool
browseBy: {
filterBy: 'storageid',
resource: 'volumes'
detailView: cloudStack.sections.system.subsections['primary-storage'].listView.detailView