tree: 28726055becdd27040e1fc1d5474b272070ef245 [path history] [tgz]
  1. ant-overwrite/
  2. common/
  3. components/
  4. frame/
  5. layout/
  6. objects/
  7. variables/
  8. dark-mode.less
  9. index.less
  11. vars.less


  • src/styles/index.less imports all necessary rules for cloudstack

ant .less structure node_modules/ant-design-vue/

main .less entry points:

  1. dist/antd.less
    • imports everthing with index.less + components.less
  2. lib/style/index.less
    • themes/default.less
      • color/colors'
      • default theme @variables
    • core/index.less
      • includes base styles, motion rules and iconfont

src/style/ explaination

  • index.less includes ant styles, as well as all custom variables and rules


  1. variables
    • include all custom variables here
  2. common
    • include all rules that reset styles, define global stuffs without classes at all
    • e.g. body {} p, ul, li {} h1, h2, h3 {}
  3. ant-overwrite
    • any styles that overwrites the existin ant rules by any reason
    • e.g. classes like .ant-layout-header .anticon {}
  4. frame
    • everything that belongs to the frame
    • e.g. header, footer, nav, sider, content (just the actual content frame, not every component in it)
  5. layout
    • rules that modify the page at all if new layout class is set.
    • e.g. #html class=“layout-ant-black”#
  6. objects
    • repeatly used elements like buttons, inputs
  7. components
    • complex elements like dropdown, forms, table, search (usually include this to components/FooterToolbar/ folder)

The “/deep/” combinator

  • use the /deep/ combinator (or in other versions “>>>”) helps us to exclude “scoped” rules into global
  • e.g. .a .b .c {} will scope a generated data ID like .a .b .c[data-abcde] {}
  • but .a /deep/ .b .c {} will scope .a[data-abcde] .b .c {}
  • so everything after deep will be outside the defined scope
  • watch this article for technical information.