blob: 894e4a678ff449d946bbf4de7ccdbde611cc7ff1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import { shallowRef, defineAsyncComponent } from 'vue'
import store from '@/store'
export default {
name: 'accountuser',
title: 'label.users',
icon: 'user-outlined',
docHelp: 'adminguide/accounts.html#users',
hidden: true,
permission: ['listUsers'],
columns: ['username', 'state', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'email', 'account'],
details: ['username', 'id', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'email', 'usersource', 'timezone', 'rolename', 'roletype', 'is2faenabled', 'account', 'domain', 'created'],
tabs: [
name: 'details',
component: shallowRef(defineAsyncComponent(() => import('@/components/view/DetailsTab.vue')))
name: 'events',
resourceType: 'User',
component: shallowRef(defineAsyncComponent(() => import('@/components/view/EventsTab.vue'))),
show: () => { return 'listEvents' in store.getters.apis }
actions: [
api: 'createUser',
icon: 'plus-outlined',
label: 'label.add.user',
listView: true,
popup: true,
component: shallowRef(defineAsyncComponent(() => import('@/views/iam/AddUser.vue')))
api: 'updateUser',
icon: 'edit-outlined',
label: 'label.edit',
dataView: true,
popup: true,
component: shallowRef(defineAsyncComponent(() => import('@/views/iam/EditUser.vue')))
api: 'updateUser',
icon: 'key-outlined',
label: 'label.action.change.password',
dataView: true,
popup: true,
component: shallowRef(defineAsyncComponent(() => import('@/views/iam/ChangeUserPassword.vue')))
api: 'registerUserKeys',
icon: 'file-protect-outlined',
label: 'label.action.generate.keys',
message: 'message.generate.keys',
dataView: true
api: 'enableUser',
icon: 'play-circle-outlined',
label: 'label.action.enable.user',
message: 'message.enable.user',
dataView: true,
show: (record, store) => {
return ['Admin', 'DomainAdmin'].includes(store.userInfo.roletype) && !record.isdefault &&
!(record.domain === 'ROOT' && record.account === 'admin' && record.accounttype === 1) &&
record.state === 'disabled'
api: 'disableUser',
icon: 'pause-circle-outlined',
label: 'label.action.disable.user',
message: 'message.disable.user',
dataView: true,
show: (record, store) => {
return ['Admin', 'DomainAdmin'].includes(store.userInfo.roletype) && !record.isdefault &&
!(record.domain === 'ROOT' && record.account === 'admin' && record.accounttype === 1) &&
record.state === 'enabled'
api: 'authorizeSamlSso',
icon: 'form-outlined',
label: 'Configure SAML SSO Authorization',
dataView: true,
popup: true,
show: (record, store) => {
return ['Admin', 'DomainAdmin'].includes(store.userInfo.roletype)
component: shallowRef(defineAsyncComponent(() => import('@/views/iam/ConfigureSamlSsoAuth.vue')))
api: 'setupUserTwoFactorAuthentication',
icon: 'scan-outlined',
label: 'label.action.setup.2FA.user.auth',
dataView: true,
popup: true,
show: (record, store) => {
return (record.is2faenabled === false && ===
component: shallowRef(defineAsyncComponent(() => import('@/views/iam/SetupTwoFaAtUserProfile.vue')))
api: 'setupUserTwoFactorAuthentication',
icon: 'scan-outlined',
label: 'label.action.disable.2FA.user.auth',
message: (record) => { return record.is2famandated === true ? 'message.action.about.mandate.and.disable.2FA.user.auth' : 'message.action.disable.2FA.user.auth' },
dataView: true,
groupAction: true,
popup: true,
args: ['enable', 'userid'],
mapping: {
enable: {
value: (record) => { return false }
userid: {
value: (record) => { return }
show: (record, store) => {
return (record.is2faenabled === true) && ( === || ['Admin', 'DomainAdmin'].includes(store.userInfo.roletype))
api: 'deleteUser',
icon: 'delete-outlined',
label: 'label.action.delete.user',
message: 'message.delete.user',
dataView: true,
show: (record, store) => {
return ['Admin', 'DomainAdmin'].includes(store.userInfo.roletype) && !record.isdefault &&
!(record.domain === 'ROOT' && record.account === 'admin' && record.accounttype === 1)