blob: a462478f9797bb97334034dfcc812b4bed43c7b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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import { shallowRef, defineAsyncComponent } from 'vue'
import store from '@/store'
export default {
name: 'pod',
title: 'label.pods',
icon: 'appstore-outlined',
permission: ['listPods'],
columns: ['name', 'allocationstate', 'gateway', 'netmask', 'zonename'],
details: ['name', 'id', 'allocationstate', 'netmask', 'gateway', 'zonename'],
related: [{
name: 'cluster',
title: 'label.clusters',
param: 'podid'
}, {
name: 'host',
title: 'label.hosts',
param: 'podid'
resourceType: 'Pod',
filters: () => {
const filters = ['enabled', 'disabled']
return filters
tabs: [{
name: 'details',
component: shallowRef(defineAsyncComponent(() => import('@/components/view/DetailsTab.vue')))
}, {
name: 'resources',
component: shallowRef(defineAsyncComponent(() => import('@/views/infra/Resources.vue')))
}, {
name: 'events',
resourceType: 'Pod',
component: shallowRef(defineAsyncComponent(() => import('@/components/view/EventsTab.vue'))),
show: () => { return 'listEvents' in store.getters.apis }
}, {
name: 'comments',
component: shallowRef(defineAsyncComponent(() => import('@/components/view/AnnotationsTab.vue')))
actions: [
api: 'createPod',
icon: 'plus-outlined',
label: 'label.add.pod',
docHelp: 'installguide/configuration.html#adding-a-pod',
listView: true,
popup: true,
component: shallowRef(defineAsyncComponent(() => import('@/views/infra/PodAdd.vue')))
api: 'updatePod',
icon: 'edit-outlined',
label: 'label.edit',
dataView: true,
args: ['name', 'netmask', 'gateway']
api: 'updatePod',
icon: 'play-circle-outlined',
label: 'label.action.enable.pod',
message: 'message.action.enable.pod',
docHelp: 'adminguide/hosts.html#disabling-and-enabling-zones-pods-and-clusters',
dataView: true,
show: (record) => { return record.allocationstate === 'Disabled' },
args: ['allocationstate'],
mapping: {
allocationstate: {
value: (record) => 'Enabled'
api: 'updatePod',
icon: 'pause-circle-outlined',
label: 'label.action.disable.pod',
message: 'message.action.disable.pod',
docHelp: 'adminguide/hosts.html#disabling-and-enabling-zones-pods-and-clusters',
dataView: true,
show: (record) => { return record.allocationstate === 'Enabled' },
args: ['allocationstate'],
mapping: {
allocationstate: {
value: (record) => 'Disabled'
api: 'startRollingMaintenance',
icon: 'setting-outlined',
label: 'label.start.rolling.maintenance',
message: 'label.start.rolling.maintenance',
dataView: true,
args: ['timeout', 'payload', 'forced', 'podids'],
mapping: {
podids: {
value: (record) => { return }
api: 'deletePod',
icon: 'delete-outlined',
label: 'label.action.delete.pod',
message: 'message.action.delete.pod',
dataView: true