blob: 059b152e0a8aceb8bb11949c4c8b371230a10f1e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
(function() {
var listView = function(args) {
var basicArgs = {
listView: {
fields: {},
dataProvider: function() {}
return $('<div>').listView(
$.extend(true, {}, basicArgs, args)
module('List view', {
setup: function() {
window.pageSize = 20;
teardown: function() {
delete window.pageSize;
test('Basic', function() {
var $listView = listView();
var $toolbar = $listView.find('> .toolbar');
var $table = $listView.find('> .data-table');
equal($listView.length, 1, 'List view present');
equal($toolbar.length, 1, 'Toolbar present');
equal($table.length, 1, 'Data table div present');
equal($table.find('> .fixed-header table thead tr').length, 1, 'Fixed header present');
equal($table.find('> table.body tbody').length, 1, 'Body table present');
test('Fields: basic', function() {
var $listView = listView({
listView: {
fields: {
fieldA: { label: 'TestFieldA' }
var $fields = $listView.find('.fixed-header table thead tr th');
equal($fields.length, 1, 'Column present');
ok($fields.hasClass('fieldA'), 'Has ID as classname');
equal($fields.html(), 'TestFieldA', 'Has correct label');
test('Fields: n columns', function() {
var testFields = {
fieldA: { label: 'TestFieldA' },
fieldB: { label: 'TestFieldB' },
fieldC: { label: 'TestFieldC' }
var $listView = listView({
listView: {
fields: testFields
var $fields = $listView.find('.fixed-header table thead tr th');
$.each(testFields, function(k, v) {
var $field = $fields.filter('.' + k);
equal($field.length, 1, k + '-> Column present');
equal($field.html(), v.label, k + '-> Has correct label');
test('Data loading state', function() {
var $listView = listView();
equal($listView.find('table.body tr.loading').length, 1, 'Row has loading state');
equal($listView.find('table.body tr.loading td.loading.icon').length, 1, 'Row cell has loading icon');
asyncTest('Data provider: basic', function() {
var $listView = listView({
listView: {
fields: {
fieldA: { label: 'TestFieldA' },
fieldB: { label: 'TestFieldB' }
dataProvider: function(args) {
args.response.success({ data: [] });
ok(true, 'Data provider called');
equal($listView.find('.data-table table.body tbody tr.empty td').length, 1, 'Body table has empty table row');
equal($listView.find('.data-table table.body tbody tr.empty td').html(), '', 'Empty contents notice displayed');
asyncTest('Data provider: load data', function() {
var $listView = listView({
listView: {
fields: {
fieldA: { label: 'TestFieldA' },
fieldB: { label: 'TestFieldB' }
dataProvider: function(args) {
data: [
{ fieldA: 'FieldDataA', fieldB: 'FieldDataB' }
equal($listView.find('table.body tbody tr').length, 1, 'Body table has table row');
equal($listView.find('table.body tbody tr td').length, 2, 'Body table has table cells');
equal($listView.find('table.body tbody tr td.fieldA > span').html(), 'FieldDataA', 'FieldDataA content present');
equal($listView.find('table.body tbody tr td.fieldB > span').html(), 'FieldDataB', 'FieldDataB content present');
asyncTest('Data provider: multiple rows of data', function() {
var testData = [
{ fieldA: 'FieldDataA1', fieldB: 'FieldDataB1' },
{ fieldA: 'FieldDataA2', fieldB: 'FieldDataB2' },
{ fieldA: 'FieldDataA3', fieldB: 'FieldDataB3' }
var $listView = listView({
listView: {
fields: {
fieldA: { label: 'TestFieldA' },
fieldB: { label: 'TestFieldB' }
dataProvider: function(args) {
data: testData
equal($listView.find('table.body tbody tr').length, 3, 'Body table has correct # of table rows');
$(testData).map(function(index, data) {
var $tr = $listView.find('table.body tbody tr').filter(function() {
return $(this).index() === index;
equal($tr.find('td.fieldA > span').html(), 'FieldDataA' + (index + 1), 'FieldDataA' + (index + 1) + ' present');
equal($tr.find('td.fieldB > span').html(), 'FieldDataB' + (index + 1), 'FieldDataB' + (index + 1) + ' present');
test('Field pre-filter', function() {
var $listView = listView({
listView: {
fields: {
fieldA: { label: 'TestFieldA' },
fieldB: { label: 'TestFieldB' },
fieldHidden: { label: 'TestFieldHidden' }
preFilter: function(args) {
return ['fieldHidden'];
dataProvider: function(args) {
data: [
{ fieldA: 'FieldDataA', fieldB: 'FieldDataB', fieldHidden: 'FieldDataHidden' }
equal($listView.find('table tr th').length, 2, 'Correct number of header columns present');
equal($listView.find('table.body tbody tr td').length, 2, 'Correct number of data body columns present');
ok(!$listView.find('table.body tbody td.fieldHidden').length, 'Hidden field not present');
test('Filter dropdown', function() {
var $listView = listView({
listView: {
fields: {
state: { label: 'State' }
filters: {
on: { label: 'FilterOnLabel' },
off: { label: 'FilterOffLabel' }
dataProvider: function(args) {
var filterBy = args.filterBy.kind;
var data = filterBy === 'on' ? [{ state: 'on' }] : [{ state: 'off' }];
data: data
var $filters = $listView.find('.filters select');
var testFilterDropdownContent = function() {
equal($filters.find('option').length, 2, 'Correct # of filters present');
equal($filters.find('option:first').html(), 'FilterOnLabel', 'Filter on label present');
equal($filters.find('option:last').html(), 'FilterOffLabel', 'Filter off label present');
equal($filters.find('option').val(), 'on', 'Correct default filter active');
equal($listView.find('tbody td.state span').html(), 'on', '"on" data item visible');
ok($filters.val('off').trigger('change'), 'Change filter to "off"');
equal($listView.find('tbody td.state span').html(), 'off', '"off" data item visible');
equal($filters.val(), 'off', 'Correct filter active');