update event section for 2016 events
1140 files changed
tree: d174825a6d070b4a3d65eca1bdc6975b44657a28
  1. content/
  2. source/
  3. .gitignore
  4. build.sh
  5. config.rb
  6. Gemfile
  7. Gemfile.lock
  9. makewholist.py
  10. README.md

Source of Apache CloudStack Web site

This is built using middleman

$ gem install middleman
$ bundle install

All sources are in the /source directory

Build the site with:

$ middleman build

To serve it locally:

$ middleman server

IMPORTANT: To publish your changes, commit the build into the asf-site * branch *

GOTCHA, TODO, the build directory needs to be renamed content in the asf-site branch for the site to be served properly.

TODO check the build.sh script and make it better, simple build that stages all changes to /content

Use GitHub PR to make changes.

TODO Add gitHUB PR contribution instructions and better build instructions for committers