blob: d32379d8aa496729fe936cab9d07839fa118d8bd [file] [log] [blame]
export default {
primaryColor: '#39A7DE', // primary color of ant design
navTheme: 'light', // theme for nav menu
layout: 'sidemenu', // nav menu position: sidemenu or topmenu
contentWidth: 'Fixed', // layout of content: Fluid or Fixed, only works when layout is topmenu
fixedHeader: true, // sticky header
fixSiderbar: true, // sticky siderbar
autoHideHeader: false, // auto hide header
colorWeak: false,
multiTab: false, // enable to have tab/route history stuff
// CloudStack options
apiBase: '/client/api',
helpUrl: '',
appTitle: 'CloudStack',
// vue-ls options
storageOptions: {
namespace: 'cs__', // key prefix
name: 'ls', // name variable Vue.[ls] or this.[$ls],
storage: 'local' // storage name session, local, memory