blob: b0839cb3a43c5a35e0073ba97773c13971923897 [file] [log] [blame]
package dhcp4
import (
func TestNewPacket(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
description string
opCode OpCode
description: "boot request",
opCode: BootRequest,
description: "boot reply",
opCode: BootReply,
description: "unknown opcode",
opCode: 3,
for i, tt := range tests {
if want, got := newPacket(tt.opCode), NewPacket(tt.opCode); !bytes.Equal(want, got) {
t.Fatalf("%02d: NewPacket(%d), test %q, unexpected result: %v != %v",
i, tt.opCode, tt.description, want, got)
func TestPacketAddOption(t *testing.T) {
for i, tt := range optionsTests {
// Set up new packet, apply options from slice
p := NewPacket(BootRequest)
for _, o := range tt.options {
p.AddOption(o.Code, o.Value)
// Empty options should result in no changes
if tt.options == nil || len(tt.options) == 0 {
if !bytes.Equal(p, NewPacket(BootRequest)) {
t.Fatalf("%02d: test %q, no options applied, but packet contained extra data",
i, tt.description)
// Check that each option was properly applied, in order
// Track length of previous option bytes
var offset int
for ii, o := range tt.options {
// Options start at byte 240 on an empty packet, adding
// offset as loops continue
start := offset + 240
end := start + 2 + len(o.Value)
// Options bytes: [option] [length] [value...]
check := append([]byte{byte(o.Code)}, byte(len(o.Value)))
check = append(check, o.Value...)
// Verify option correctly applied
if want, got := p[start:end], check; !bytes.Equal(want, got) {
t.Fatalf("%02d: test %q, unexpected option bytes: %v != %v",
ii, tt.description, want, got)
// Track offset for next loop
offset = offset + len(check)
// Ensure last byte is always End
if p[len(p)-1] != byte(End) {
t.Fatalf("%02d: test %q, missing End byte", i, tt.description)
func TestPacketParseOptions(t *testing.T) {
for i, tt := range optionsTests {
// Set up new packet, apply options from slice
p := NewPacket(BootRequest)
for _, o := range tt.options {
p.AddOption(o.Code, o.Value)
// Parse options, verify all options are present
options := p.ParseOptions()
for _, o := range tt.options {
var found bool
// Search for expected option in result map
for k, v := range options {
if o.Code == k && bytes.Equal(o.Value, v) {
found = true
// Pad option is not parsed, but check all others
if !found && o.Code != Pad {
t.Fatalf("%02d: test %q, did not find option: %v",
i, tt.description, o)
func TestPacketStripOptions(t *testing.T) {
for i, tt := range optionsTests {
// Set up new packet, apply options from slice
p := NewPacket(BootRequest)
for _, o := range tt.options {
p.AddOption(o.Code, o.Value)
// Strip all options, verify options are gone
if !bytes.Equal(p, NewPacket(BootRequest)) {
t.Fatalf("%02d: test %q, options stripped, but packet contained extra data",
i, tt.description)
func TestPacketPadToMinSize(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
before int
after int
before: 0,
after: 272,
before: 100,
after: 272,
before: 300,
after: 300,
before: 1024,
after: 1024,
for i, tt := range tests {
p := make(Packet, tt.before)
if want, got := tt.after, len(p); want != got {
t.Fatalf("%02d: before %d, unexpected padded length: %d != %d",
i, tt.before, want, got)
func TestRequestPacket(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
description string
mt MessageType
chAddr net.HardwareAddr
cIAddr net.IP
xId []byte
broadcast bool
options []Option
description: "discover request",
mt: Discover,
chAddr: net.HardwareAddr{1, 35, 69, 103, 117, 171}, // 01:23:45:67:89:ab
cIAddr: net.IP([]byte{192, 168, 1, 1}),
xId: []byte{0, 1, 2, 3},
broadcast: true,
options: nil,
description: "request request",
mt: Request,
chAddr: net.HardwareAddr{222, 173, 190, 239, 222, 173}, // de:ad:be:ef:de:ad
xId: []byte{4, 5, 6, 7},
broadcast: false,
options: oneOptionSlice,
description: "decline request",
mt: Decline,
chAddr: net.HardwareAddr{255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255}, // ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
xId: []byte{8, 9, 10, 11},
broadcast: true,
options: twoOptionsSlice,
for i, tt := range tests {
// Compare our basic test implementation's packet against the library's
// implementation
want := newRequestPacket(, tt.chAddr, tt.cIAddr, tt.xId, tt.broadcast, tt.options)
got := RequestPacket(, tt.chAddr, tt.cIAddr, tt.xId, tt.broadcast, tt.options)
if !bytes.Equal(want, got) {
t.Fatalf("%02d: RequestPacket(), test %q, unexpected result: %v != %v",
i, tt.description, want, got)
func TestReplyPacket(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
description string
mt MessageType
serverId net.IP
yIAddr net.IP
leaseDuration time.Duration
options []Option
description: "offer reply",
mt: Offer,
serverId: []byte{192, 168, 1, 1},
yIAddr: []byte{192, 168, 1, 1},
leaseDuration: 60 * time.Second,
options: nil,
description: "ACK reply",
mt: ACK,
serverId: []byte{10, 0, 0, 1},
yIAddr: []byte{192, 168, 1, 1},
leaseDuration: 10 * time.Second,
options: oneOptionSlice,
description: "NAK reply",
mt: NAK,
serverId: []byte{8, 8, 8, 8},
yIAddr: []byte{8, 8, 4, 4},
leaseDuration: 3600 * time.Second,
options: twoOptionsSlice,
for i, tt := range tests {
// Compare our basic test implementation's packet against the library's
// implementation
req := NewPacket(BootRequest)
want := newReplyPacket(req,, tt.serverId, tt.yIAddr, tt.leaseDuration, tt.options)
got := ReplyPacket(req,, tt.serverId, tt.yIAddr, tt.leaseDuration, tt.options)
if !bytes.Equal(want, got) {
t.Fatalf("%02d: ReplyPacket(), test %q, unexpected result: %v != %v",
i, tt.description, want, got)
// newPacket mimics the raw logic of NewPacket, and verifies that its
// behavior does not change.
func newPacket(opCode OpCode) Packet {
const ethernetHType = 1
var cookie = []byte{99, 130, 83, 99}
p := make(Packet, 241)
p[0] = byte(opCode)
p[1] = ethernetHType
copy(p[236:240], cookie)
p[240] = byte(End)
return p
// newRequestPacket mimics the raw logic of RequestPacket, and verifies that
// its behavior does not change.
func newRequestPacket(mt MessageType, chAddr net.HardwareAddr, cIAddr net.IP, xId []byte, broadcast bool, options []Option) Packet {
// Craft packet using our test method
p := newPacket(BootRequest)
// SetCHAddr
copy(p[28:44], chAddr)
p[2] = byte(len(chAddr))
// SetXId
copy(p[4:8], xId)
// SetCIAddr
if cIAddr != nil {
copy(net.IP(p[12:16]), cIAddr.To4())
// SetBroadcast
if broadcast {
p[10:12][0] ^= 128
// AddOption already tested, so no need to duplicate the logic
p.AddOption(OptionDHCPMessageType, []byte{byte(mt)})
for _, o := range options {
p.AddOption(o.Code, o.Value)
// PadToMinSize already tested
return p
// newReplyPacket mimics the raw logic of ReplyPacket, and verifies that
// its behavior does not change.
func newReplyPacket(req Packet, mt MessageType, serverId, yIAddr net.IP, leaseDuration time.Duration, options []Option) Packet {
// Craft packet using our test method
p := newPacket(BootReply)
// SetXId
copy(p[4:8], req[4:8])
// SetFlags
copy(p[10:22], req[10:12])
// SetYIAddr
copy(p[16:20], yIAddr)
// SetGIAddr
copy(p[24:28], req[24:28])
// SetCHAddr
hLen := req[2]
if hLen > 16 {
hLen = 16
c := make([]byte, hLen)
copy(c, p[28:28+hLen])
copy(p[28:44], c)
p[2] = byte(len(c))
// SetSecs
copy(p[8:10], req[8:10])
// AddOption already tested, so no need to duplicate the logic
p.AddOption(OptionDHCPMessageType, []byte{byte(mt)})
p.AddOption(OptionServerIdentifier, []byte(serverId))
p.AddOption(OptionIPAddressLeaseTime, OptionsLeaseTime(leaseDuration))
for _, o := range options {
p.AddOption(o.Code, o.Value)
// PadToMinSize already tested
return p
// oneOptionSlice is a test helper of []Option with a single
// Option.
var oneOptionSlice = []Option{
Code: OptionSubnetMask,
Value: []byte{255, 255, 255, 0},
// twoOptionSlice is a test helper of []Option with two
// Option values.
var twoOptionsSlice = []Option{
Code: OptionSubnetMask,
Value: []byte{255, 255, 255, 0},
Code: OptionDomainNameServer,
Value: []byte{8, 8, 8, 8},
// optionsTests are tests used when applying and stripping Options
// from Packets.
var optionsTests = []struct {
description string
options []Option
description: "nil options",
options: nil,
description: "empty options",
options: []Option{},
description: "padding option",
options: []Option{
Code: Pad,
description: "one option",
options: oneOptionSlice,
description: "two options",
options: twoOptionsSlice,
description: "four options",
options: []Option{
Code: OptionSubnetMask,
Value: []byte{255, 255, 255, 0},
Code: OptionDomainNameServer,
Value: []byte{8, 8, 8, 8},
Code: OptionTimeServer,
Value: []byte{127, 0, 0, 1},
Code: OptionMessage,
Value: []byte{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd'},