blob: efb22fbc8d6cab2889c6eb2b0466778efe21d307 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
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package storage
import (
type ResourceEncodingConfig interface {
// StorageEncoding returns the serialization format for the resource.
// TODO this should actually return a GroupVersionKind since you can logically have multiple "matching" Kinds
// For now, it returns just the GroupVersion for consistency with old behavior
StorageEncodingFor(schema.GroupResource) (schema.GroupVersion, error)
// InMemoryEncodingFor returns the groupVersion for the in memory representation the storage should convert to.
InMemoryEncodingFor(schema.GroupResource) (schema.GroupVersion, error)
type DefaultResourceEncodingConfig struct {
// resources records the overriding encoding configs for individual resources.
resources map[schema.GroupResource]*OverridingResourceEncoding
scheme *runtime.Scheme
type OverridingResourceEncoding struct {
ExternalResourceEncoding schema.GroupVersion
InternalResourceEncoding schema.GroupVersion
var _ ResourceEncodingConfig = &DefaultResourceEncodingConfig{}
func NewDefaultResourceEncodingConfig(scheme *runtime.Scheme) *DefaultResourceEncodingConfig {
return &DefaultResourceEncodingConfig{resources: map[schema.GroupResource]*OverridingResourceEncoding{}, scheme: scheme}
func (o *DefaultResourceEncodingConfig) SetResourceEncoding(resourceBeingStored schema.GroupResource, externalEncodingVersion, internalVersion schema.GroupVersion) {
o.resources[resourceBeingStored] = &OverridingResourceEncoding{
ExternalResourceEncoding: externalEncodingVersion,
InternalResourceEncoding: internalVersion,
func (o *DefaultResourceEncodingConfig) StorageEncodingFor(resource schema.GroupResource) (schema.GroupVersion, error) {
if !o.scheme.IsGroupRegistered(resource.Group) {
return schema.GroupVersion{}, fmt.Errorf("group %q is not registered in scheme", resource.Group)
resourceOverride, resourceExists := o.resources[resource]
if resourceExists {
return resourceOverride.ExternalResourceEncoding, nil
// return the most preferred external version for the group
return o.scheme.PrioritizedVersionsForGroup(resource.Group)[0], nil
func (o *DefaultResourceEncodingConfig) InMemoryEncodingFor(resource schema.GroupResource) (schema.GroupVersion, error) {
if !o.scheme.IsGroupRegistered(resource.Group) {
return schema.GroupVersion{}, fmt.Errorf("group %q is not registered in scheme", resource.Group)
resourceOverride, resourceExists := o.resources[resource]
if resourceExists {
return resourceOverride.InternalResourceEncoding, nil
return schema.GroupVersion{Group: resource.Group, Version: runtime.APIVersionInternal}, nil