tree: c56ee6d202d3da70604e48787f7582e730e67911 [path history] [tgz]
  1. cmd/
  2. vendor/
  3. .gitignore
  4. cloudstack.go
  5. cloudstack_instances.go
  6. cloudstack_loadbalancer.go
  7. cloudstack_test.go
  8. deployment.yaml
  9. Dockerfile
  10. go.mod
  11. go.sum
  12. LICENSE-2.0
  13. Makefile
  14. metadata.go
  15. metadata_linux.go
  16. metadata_other.go
  18. service.yaml

Cloudstack Cloud Controller Manager

A Cloud Controller Manager to facilitate Kubernetes deployments on Cloudstack.

Based on the old Cloudstack provider in Kubernetes that will be removed soon.


There are several notable differences from the old cloud provider that need to be taken into account when migrating to the standalone provider.

Load Balancer

Load balancer rule names now include the protocol as well as the LB name and service port. This was added with full support for udp and tcp-proxy protocols to distinguish otherwise conflicting names.

If you have existing rules, they need to be removed manually after deploying new ones.


When kubelet still contained cloud provider code, node metadata was fetched from the DHCP server on the instance's Virtual Router.

This is no longer possible with the standalone cloud controller, so all metadata now comes from the Cloudstack API. Some metadata may be missing or wrong, please file bugs when this happens to you.


All dependencies are vendored. You need GNU make, git and Go 1.10 to build cloudstack-ccm.

go get
cd ${GOPATH}/src/

To build the cloudstack-cloud-controller-manager container, please use the provided Docker file:

docker build . -t swisstxt/cloudstack-cloud-controller-manager:latest


Prebuilt containers are posted on Docker Hub.


To deploy the ccm in the cluster see deployment.yaml and configure your cloudstack and api server connection. See the comments.


This CCM supports TCP, UDP and TCP-Proxy LoadBalancer deployments.

For UDP and Proxy Protocol support, CloudStack 4.6 or later is required.

Since kube-proxy does not support the Proxy Protocol or UDP, you should connect this directly to containers, for example by deploying a DaemonSet and setting hostNetwork: true.

See service.yaml for an example Service deployment and part of a suitable configuration for an ingress controller.


Make sure your apiserver is running locally and keep your cloudstack config ready:

./cloudstack-ccm --cloud-provider external-cloudstack --cloud-config cloud.config --master localhost


© 2018 SWISS TXT AG and the Kubernetes authors.

See LICENSE-2.0 for permitted usage.