blob: 3ddb23208d1e08c18987bc984e3f99a9b35fb143 [file] [log] [blame]
# VERSION: 0.1
# DESCRIPTION: Create gparted container with its dependencies
# AUTHOR: Jessica Frazelle <>
# This file describes how to build a gparted container with all
# dependencies installed. It uses native X11 unix socket.
# Tested on Debian Jessie
# # Download gparted Dockerfile
# wget
# # Build gparted image
# docker build -t gparted .
# docker run -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
# --device=/dev/sda:/dev/sda \
# -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY gparted
# Base docker image
FROM debian:jessie
MAINTAINER Jessica Frazelle <>
# Install Gparted and its dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
gparted \
libcanberra-gtk-module \
# Autorun gparted
CMD ["/usr/sbin/gparted"]