blob: 4b1463869f59afc86838e8e3c66fea24d09d713c [file] [log] [blame]
package dhcp4
import (
// IPRange returns how many ips in the ip range from start to stop (inclusive)
func IPRange(start, stop net.IP) int {
//return int(Uint([]byte(stop))-Uint([]byte(start))) + 1
return int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(stop.To4())) - int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(start.To4())) + 1
// IPAdd returns a copy of start + add.
// IPAdd(net.IP{192,168,1,1},30) returns net.IP{}
func IPAdd(start net.IP, add int) net.IP { // IPv4 only
start = start.To4()
//v := Uvarint([]byte(start))
result := make(net.IP, 4)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(result, binary.BigEndian.Uint32(start)+uint32(add))
//PutUint([]byte(result), v+uint64(add))
return result
// IPLess returns where IP a is less than IP b.
func IPLess(a, b net.IP) bool {
b = b.To4()
for i, ai := range a.To4() {
if ai != b[i] {
return ai < b[i]
return false
// IPInRange returns true if ip is between (inclusive) start and stop.
func IPInRange(start, stop, ip net.IP) bool {
return !(IPLess(ip, start) || IPLess(stop, ip))
// OptionsLeaseTime - converts a time.Duration to a 4 byte slice, compatible
// with OptionIPAddressLeaseTime.
func OptionsLeaseTime(d time.Duration) []byte {
leaseBytes := make([]byte, 4)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(leaseBytes, uint32(d/time.Second))
//PutUvarint(leaseBytes, uint64(d/time.Second))
return leaseBytes
// JoinIPs returns a byte slice of IP addresses, one immediately after the other
// This may be useful for creating multiple IP options such as OptionRouter.
func JoinIPs(ips []net.IP) (b []byte) {
for _, v := range ips {
b = append(b, v.To4()...)